General Fight Club

I knew that... the real question is why they removed it?


Something I noticed today:

I love what this card's flavor implies about Innistrad. Necromancy is so easy on the plane that you can pick it up as a fallback career.
Also implies that Innistrad zoning regulations ensure that post-mortem workforce creation industries are located away from population centres. Very sensible.

I love what this card's flavor implies about Innistrad. Necromancy is so easy on the plane that you can pick it up as a fallback career.
That's so funny! It's probably even easier than on Amonkhet, where, despite the curse of wandering turning everything that dies into a Zombie, you need to embalm a dead thing in order to make it comply.
Because recent printings of the card omit the reminder text, I assume.

The thing is that there are other examples of cards that omit the reminder text in newer printings but still have it as part of their full oracle text.

My guess is that it's a screw-up on WotC's end, since Scryfall pretty much just scrapes that kind of information from Gatherer. It's just irritating because it makes some cards with reminder text impossible to find.

The best solution I can think of is for someone to make a "reminder-text-lifelink" tag and manually add it to each printing that has it. Except then you'd have to do that for each other keyword, and that rapidly hits "job that someone should be paid to do".


Anyway, I vote Markov Patrician because I like the art. On the one hand, the vampire lady looks pretty cute and refined... but on the other hand, the fact that the picture is looking up at her and she's wiping blood from her lips subtly implies that the image is from the perspective of her latest victim.