General Fight Club

You're absolutely right, I also want my cards to be playable in more than just 1 archetype. The thing is that I actually think the conscript might be a bit pushed for my cubes environment. Maybe that's not the case, we'll see I guess.
I run both, Reassembling Skeleton and the Conscript, and I don't feel like they can't hang along. Cult Conscript has the advantage of being playable in aggro decks not caring about sacrifice at all though, whereas the two mana version really only goes into these decks. For me this is okay, because sacrifice is black's main theme, so it isn't like a virtual rakdos card or something. And in those decks specifically, it is often better, because it's always online.

Sooo, why not both? You definitely can't support these decks with only one card as fodder anyway, right? :p

I'd like my players to pay for repeatable sac fodder that is no chump blocker every turn. I don't know if the conscript too often is just a 1 drop aggressive creature that gets replayed from time to time instead of being used for sacrifice shenanigans. On the other hand I don't see many other decks wanting ReSkel. Opinions?
Reassembling Skeleton is narrow and plays much worse than it looks. Like others say, you are better off running any of the plethora of recursive aggro creatures. You can also just run token-makers or other options instead.

Note that, while token spam is annoying, Aristocrats tend to fare poorly against aggro.