Search results

  1. Peter LaCara

    General Fight Club

    Liliana of the Veil Liliana, the Last Hope Liliana, Death's Majesty I like planeswalkers in my cube to fill different niches from one another. With that in mind, pick two.
  2. Peter LaCara

    General The Draft Exchange

    I like inscho's cube. Lots of cool stuff in here. Started with Eldrazi Monument, followed up with Bloodghast, and then got offered a pack with no creatures other than Purphoros. I still think I came out with a pretty okay RB aggro deck, though.[/url]"] Ones...
  3. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Orzhov Pontiff Is this guy worth the headache involved with trying to understand Haunt?
  4. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    That's almost worth running just for the troll factor alone.
  5. Peter LaCara

    General Fight Club

    But she's so shiny and cool! It's not fair that they pushed her beyond all reason. Can't a man enjoy goth angels in good conscience? *pouts* Eternal Dragon is probably the way to go with all the graveyard interactions and the spirit theme. On the other hand, I have Elspeth, Sun's Champion and...
  6. Peter LaCara

    General Fight Club

    Archangel Avacyn is still off the table, right? She's still too busted? I've got this FTV foil burning a hole in my binder.
  7. Peter LaCara

    General Fight Club

    Alright then. If you're looking for a good top end for white control decks, what would you like in their place? Something along the power level of Angel of Glory's Rise.
  8. Peter LaCara

    General The Draft Exchange

    And what the heck. I figured I'd take a crack at safra's as long as I'm here.[/url]"] Zeroes 1 Force of Will Ones 1 Burst Lightning 1 Deathrite Shaman 1 Enclave Cryptologist 1 Faithless Looting Twos 1 Chart a Course 1 Cyclonic Rift 1 Den Protector 1 Into...
  9. Peter LaCara

    General The Draft Exchange

    Your sig is not currently updated, ravnic. P1P1 Oblivion Ring P1P2 Fat Mohti for the nostalgia P1P3 Serra Angel for the double nostalgia P2P1 Sacred Mesa P3P1 Mana Leak[/url]"] Ones 1 Goldmeadow Harrier Twos 1 Aether Swooper 1 Azorius Guildmage 1 Fog Bank...
  10. Peter LaCara

    General Fight Club

    Cataclysmic Gearhulk vs Sunblast Angel I'm leaning toward angel here. Dissuade me.
  11. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    "When I was younger..." What? Theros block was only *googles* FIVE YEARS AGO?! Excuse me. I'm going to sit and let the weight of years press upon me for a while now.
  12. Peter LaCara

    General The Draft Exchange

    Sick. That's what I want an aggro deck to look like. I was a little worried Oathsworn Vampire was going to be too narrow, but there's a ton of ways to trigger him in here without even trying.
  13. Peter LaCara

    General [M19] Magic 2019

    I had it in my deck. It did a lot of Rabid Biteing, knocking dragons out of the sky without worrying about removal spells. I only put Talons of Wildwood on it the one time, I swear.
  14. Peter LaCara

    General The Draft Exchange

    Rise from your grave. Arise! Took inscho's graveyard combo cube for a spin. P1P1 Smugglers Copter because I wanted to stay open. P1P2Borborygmos Enraged because I wanted to see what I could do with him. P2P1 Life from the Loam duh. P3P1 Tarmogoyf needed some beef and goyf always provides...
  15. Peter LaCara

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Argothian Enchantress I picked up a sweet foil version of one of these today, along with a World Championship Replenish. Does she work in a cube environment?
  16. Peter LaCara

    General Fight Club

    Mogg War Marshal vs Goblin Instigator vs Dragon Fodder Aristocrats, spells matter, and flickering are all in play.
  17. Peter LaCara

    General [M19] Magic 2019

    I had that in for a bit but it didn't see any play. Should I try it again, or is it too slow even with the repeatable Act of Treason?
  18. Peter LaCara

    General [M19] Magic 2019

    ...huh. 1/4 for 2 is a hell of a statline. That is an ass for sure. It's a hate-...turtle? Hate Frostburn Weird? Anyway. Shuts down energy hard, which I'm not super interested in. Keeps Meren in line. Cleanly deals with Hangarback Walker. That's a self mill graveyard enabler if I ever saw...
  19. Peter LaCara

    General [M19] Magic 2019

    Huh. I've been moving away from heavy tribal stuff, preferring cards that have tribal stuff more as gravy on cards that work well on their own. But there's a lot of cool stuff you can do with this.
  20. Peter LaCara

    General [M19] Magic 2019

    I forgot how much I missed core sets. There's so many neat one off designs in here that are super flavorful. Here's a cute little 3 for 1. Not sure it's worth a multicolor slot, but I like it: The Mare cycle is deeply weird, but I kinda like it. Time to revisit lifegain triggers...