General Fight Club

Forced WB lifegain on my cube on cubetutor and ended up with this:

WB Lifegain from

I think I'd have fun playing this deck!

One recent switch I made that I like for lifegain decks was bringing in Recumbent Bliss for Faith's Fetters. It's generally better in the lifegain deck that looks for "whenever you gain life" triggers like Ajani's Pridemate, while being less generically good, meaning it's still useful to any white player but less likely to be snapped up early by someone who's not drafting lifegain.
These days I'm not sure that either/any of this kind of effect is required. What deck is it going in that it really adds to, you know? Gearhulk has stayed in mine due to Artifact synergies, but could see replacing it with a variety of other things. Like that new Ajani, for instance.
These days I'm not sure that either/any of this kind of effect is required. What deck is it going in that it really adds to, you know? Gearhulk has stayed in mine due to Artifact synergies, but could see replacing it with a variety of other things. Like that new Ajani, for instance.

I agree....I've run and cut both of those cards for being largely irrelevant. That new Ajani is super intriguing.
Avacyn is busted. Especially next to your requested control of Angel of Glory's Rise
But she's so shiny and cool! It's not fair that they pushed her beyond all reason. Can't a man enjoy goth angels in good conscience? *pouts*

Eternal Dragon is probably the way to go with all the graveyard interactions and the spirit theme. On the other hand, I have Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Approach of the Second Sun in there and maybe that's all the control finishers. I need.
Elspeth, Sun's Champ is probably more than enough. That card is also busted.

But yes, I'd tend to agree with you. I think you could look into doing something else with that particular slot. Eternal Dragon is a sweet option.
I play Veil and Last Hope and they've both been really good. On power level at least they're the best two. I don't have any experience with Death's Majesty but I don't think I'd try it in my cube.