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  1. VincePendrell

    Vince's Playable Collection of Shiny Cards

    Hell yeah! After so long, I finally got a quick cube draft out today. We were only four players, and played only two rounds, but it was a lot of fun. Two of the players are somewhat new to Magic, and they did pretty well for their first draft. The results were: 2-0 Vince ({B}{R}{G} Jund with...
  2. VincePendrell

    General GRBS colorless pack 1 pick 1 cards

    I think what the emotional design thread and what Grillo says are in line with a budding knowledge of game and systems design. As we get the tools for dealing with our lists in a more systemic way, that's what we push to do, and we abstract a ton of concepts, create analytical models and discuss...
  3. VincePendrell

    General GRBS colorless pack 1 pick 1 cards

    You might be right, but if you already have a well-thought, well-balanced environment based on different goals, chances are you already have a finished "product" that you are happy with. In that situation, I don't think there is much to go from there. Nirvana has been reached, and there isn't...
  4. VincePendrell

    General GRBS colorless pack 1 pick 1 cards

    And I get this argument, but I think that the lack of interactivity, and possible boredom and simplicity don't really need to be there. I think there are two ways of designing around this: 1. Aligning our cubes with the Serial-Position effect. This is less of a reason to play with a...
  5. VincePendrell

    General GRBS colorless pack 1 pick 1 cards

    Maybe I'll be too reductionist but: So you are saying that you have no interest in building a bridge because you are too busy swimming through the river? Because what I'm suggesting is exactly for us to build up knowledge to make analyses easier. If you are not interested in being a part of the...
  6. VincePendrell

    General GRBS colorless pack 1 pick 1 cards

    Yeah, that's pretty much what I read as well, and I acknowledged this in my post. Still, even your sentence with a simpler wording has a ton of strings attached that need to be properly understood. What makes a creature be a removal-check threat, for instance? Given a better understanding of...
  7. VincePendrell

    General GRBS colorless pack 1 pick 1 cards

    The hard thing to balance about Sol Ring is that most decks are best of by playing it, but some things that help out is having an abundance of colored costs, keep curves lean, and have the large threats. Even so, it will pop up every once in a while in the early turns and someone will win...
  8. VincePendrell

    General GRBS colorless pack 1 pick 1 cards

    I run 5 out of 6, and have run the lotus at some point in the past as well. 4 are really good, but not backbreaking, and Sol Ring is definitely good, but beatable. I think the power level of these cards tend to be severely overstated, and it has become somewhat of a circlejerk to complain about...
  9. VincePendrell

    General Rivals of Ixalan (RIX) Spoilers

    This kicks serious ass! It's Tempt with Vengeance on a stick! And a human! ...just needs evasion or Goblin Bombardment to clear the blockers.
  10. VincePendrell

    General Seat your Players with ℯ

    I told you should use cards for sorting the seats the second time I played with you. If I recall correctly, it was probably mid 2016, when we were playing in the Norrebro apartment, and I was still living in Dyssegaard. I don't know if you had discussed it with someone else previously, or if the...
  11. VincePendrell

    General Seat your Players with ℯ

    It's that weekend you and your friends have been waiting for the whole month! You can finally play some sweet sweet cube draft! After <insert prep time> hours, the cards are shuffled and the boosters are ready to be drafted, with three in each seat around the table (plus that extra one for Lore...
  12. VincePendrell

    Card/Deck Artifact Creatures

    I came here to recommend against this guy: Perilous Myr This is about as disruptive for opposing aggro decks as Baleful Strix, and we all know strix is the best (and prettiest and coolest) creature in both blue, black, blue-black, and probably multicolor as well. If you are supporting any sort...
  13. VincePendrell

    General Basic Lands

    My bad! I didn't count links with external images. You get a Riptide Point* for my oversight! *Riptide Points are worthless and not endorsed by the Riptide Lab staff. Consult your doctor to see if Riptide Points are a good fit for your lifestyle. I took the challenge of taking pictures of...
  14. VincePendrell

    General Basic Lands

    I'm increasingly disappointed that we took two pages taking about our basic lands in an era where most internet folks have smartphone and cameras, and nobody posted pictures yet. Gimme 5 minutes and I'll fix this!
  15. VincePendrell

    General Modifying/combining cards to try to enable non-poisonous storm

    On a first look, all I can say is "Sure, possibly all of these could work", but I think there are two things that need to be addressed if you want Storm to exist as an non-parasitic archetype: You need high-powered cards that signal Storm as a possibility. They need to seems as powerful as most...
  16. VincePendrell

    General Archetype Discussion - Boros Artifact Aggro

    Point taken with the Inventor's Goggles. Yes, sure, that's pretty much my question, but I've tried short-cutting it with the size to give a general idea. My concern is that, with <75% cube visibility per normal draft (~540 cards), not enough of the key cards would show up, and synergies...
  17. VincePendrell

    General Archetype Discussion - Boros Artifact Aggro

    Has any of you tried this? Inventor's Goggles Seems like a free equip with almost half of the creatures mentioned here. And what's the general opinion of supporting this in a cube over 360 cards? I think I'd have a hard time supporting this at 645 along with a Humans theme (though I'm already...
  18. VincePendrell

    General The Izzet League (UR)

    It sure is. In the proper build, the baseline is a 3-for-1 right of the gates. I think it could go really well with your Niv+looting theme, bringing back Tormenting Voice plus a random counterspell. (Hopefully Censor or Miscalculation for that additional draw+ping or just finding Niv.)
  19. VincePendrell

    General The Izzet League (UR)

    For spells-matter, I think these are pretty good: Stormchaser MageBloodwater EntityEnigma Drake I only run the first one for now, but I've considered all of them at some point in time. I'm running Izzet Charm and Electrolyze instead. I wouldn't cut the Charm for any, but I could see myself...
  20. VincePendrell

    Vince's Playable Collection of Shiny Cards

    Adding two more bundled pick cards to the list: One of my Myr Servitors got lost in the mail, so I'll have a placeholder for now. Also, I wanted an easier way to find the cards that need to be removed from the pool when starting a new draft, so I tried some options and I'm now using the silver...