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  1. ellogeyen

    the 180 Jeskai Cube

    the Jeskai Cube 180 cards / 2-4 players Background I built several cubes these past few years, but rarely play them with more than 3 players. This is problemetic for color competition during the draft, where one of us generally has a whole color to themselves. The common ways to mitigate this...
  2. ellogeyen

    General 180-card "Twobert"

    I myself have a 3-color cube for 1-4 players. Currently it contains 250 cards but I'll downsize it to 180 some time this month. As Alfonzo said, it's easier to create a deep environment with fewer colors. It also helps compitition for colors, as two players could both get a color pair with no...
  3. ellogeyen

    General Actual contest: Design a 360 card cube with 100 unique cards

    Long time lurker, first time poster here! Hopefully you'll forgive me for immediately enrolling in a contest, but it was the final push that made me register an account here. (I promise I'm not a second account of someone to get a second entry :D). Here's the 360/100 cube: How to Change a...