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  1. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Scapeshift in Cube

    I'm adding Scapeshift in my update. Between landfall, ULD and lands in the graveyard mattering, it is definitely a strong piece in a lot of decks and pretty hilarious on top of that. We'll see if it seems too "comborific" for tastes
  2. FlowerSunRain

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    Yeah, but Blood artist is my man!
  3. FlowerSunRain

    Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

    Clutch of Currents is pretty good. I'm not sure if its silent departure good, but I wouldn't feel bad running it.
  4. FlowerSunRain

    Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

    It hits for 3 a turn (1 triggered, 2 flying) and gains 1 life a turn (also triggered). That puts it at the same level of offense as the typical cube flying three drops (serendib efreet, clique, gettergeist). I think if you wanted to buff you would raise the toughness up or keyword...
  5. FlowerSunRain

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    I think Trading Post Wheeling is a decent possibility. This list is loaded with strong equipment, so I don't think stoneforge is coming back and mentor is mentor so that's not likely. Bitterblossom, Taiga, Arid Mesa, Stoneforge, Mentor, Godless Shrine and Mystical Tutor will likely go before...
  6. FlowerSunRain

    Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

    I'm completely avoiding allies, colorless matters, superramp and the exile zone, but the landfall and vampire cards are doing it for me. I'm going to sharpie some random vampire into a 1 drop pridemate.
  7. FlowerSunRain

    Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

    Zulaport is cool, he doesn't cause the same level of combat hell as his vampire brother, but I being able to kill something in combat once in a while is relevant. Its a good middle ground if you want a slightly less powerful version of the effect (or play lots of 1 toughness dudes I guess)...
  8. FlowerSunRain

    Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

    I wasn't feeling this set. Until today. A lot of cool tools in the bulk upload. I like more life trigger options, but they seem a little low power.
  9. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck she wants the d(iscard suite)

    Blackmail is definitely better then I thought it would be. If you are looking to get rid of a specific card that will completely dumps on your deck, you would rather thoughtseize, but hitting land and not costing life are both relevant upsides.
  10. FlowerSunRain

    One Pack One Pick (p1p1 thread)

    Plateau is a great land, but Legionnaire is a great creature. I usually prefer to take lands early, so yeah, Plateau.
  11. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Flesh Carver scares me. Then again I run auras so that token can get big fast.
  12. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Restrictive Reanimation (or, tell me about awesome 2-drops)

    Intuition is amazingly awesome. Just play it, please. Gifts Ungiven has the unintutive (lololol) fail to find thing going on and costs 4, but if you can live with that its pretty cool. Realms Uncharted guarantees two land drops and stuffs your graveyard with lands, but probably has no place...
  13. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Restrictive Reanimation (or, tell me about awesome 2-drops)

    Scalable creatures are awesome with these types of cards. Returning Soldier of the Pantheon is iffy, but returning Figure of Destiny, Warden of the First Tree or Student of Warfare is likely a beating because you have mana available. Serra Avenger is another strong target based on raw stats...
  14. FlowerSunRain

    Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

    Yeah, Nighthawk fills a very important niche for me. Designs like this can be seen as boring, but I find it to be an elegant solution to an interesting problem. Allowing reactive black decks to have a defensive card that double as a threat is genius. The fact that its just a keyword salad...
  15. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    The problem with finks "combos" is that putting finks into your deck has almost zero opportunity cost. I suppose that could be considered a good thing, but it seems completely unnecessary.
  16. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    A 100% flat power curve isn't going to happen without making indefensible sacrifices somewhere in your design. Its mainly a question of where you want to put your power. I'm starting to wonder if Curse of Predation is the right place. Someone yesturday was questioning Dictate of Heliod for...
  17. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Curse is #2 after Opposition. Its not super agnostic value like Finks or slam dunk in every deck that goes to 6 black like Titan, but it is a wrecking ball in decks that make dudes, particularly if you support +1/+1 counters. Its not "Jitte supporting Pridemates" bad, but I'm starting to wonder...
  18. FlowerSunRain

    Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

    Drana is definitely good, I'm with Chris on Curse of Predation probably being too good for my environment, she is a more muted version of the effect. I also like the contrast with Vampire Nighthawk. They are both 2/3 flying for {1}{B}{B}, but nighthawk has great defensive abilities and is fine...
  19. FlowerSunRain

    Sets Battle for Zendikar Spoilers

    Scapeshift is going to be a legit card if it already wasn't. Triggering landfall 4+ times, plus grabbing a couple of lands like this is pretty powerful stuff.
  20. FlowerSunRain

    General Matters of Estate

    Yeah, that's a problem card. People actually pay good mana for this effect. If it said "plains, island, swamp, mountain or forest" it could work.