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  1. Erik Twice

    Highball: Legacy of the Rails

    I've realized that my cube, while not as complex as Inscho's, is too complex for the people I want to play it with. We all may see some cards and immediately know they come together to build a deck, but even things like Aristocrats can be a challenge. What I've noticed is that...
  2. Erik Twice

    Sets [IKO] Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths

    Just wanted to say, this format is busted but I'm having a lot of fun with Yorion Fires. The thing is, I don't think the companion itself is that strong. Too easy to get? Sure. But the idea is not that strong, despite being a sixth card. The problem is that most companies draw you even more...
  3. Erik Twice

    General Classic Cube

    The thing is, you are not assured to draw Memory Jar. In fact, you didn't. Hoping to draw the jar is the best-case scenario and in any other case, you would have been better off not taping the Cradle and settling for a "mere" 11-12 mana. And if you do draw the jar, you can then decide whether to...
  4. Erik Twice

    General The Draft Exchange

    Sorry Ravnic! I was busy and didn't come back. Thanks for the draft! The deck seems fine to me. Personally, I would run Sin Collector over the Recruiter. I'm not actually very fond of the latter, though it finds a lot of good stuff here! Which 4s to choose seems extremely difficult, I'm not...
  5. Erik Twice

    General Classic Cube

    But if you had more lands, why did you tap Cradle and risk serious mana burn instead of using another land? I mean, if you had 3 other lands plus Cradle, that's 11 mana right there. Why get more? I just don't see many situations where mana burn matters. You are free to reintroduce it to the...
  6. Erik Twice

    General Classic Cube

    I mean, you had both Deranged Hermit anda couple random creatures with just three lands. I don't know how the opponent managed to get a processor on the board and 4 creatures at the same time. It's a very unlikely scenario that just won't happen enough to justify the rule. After all, if you...
  7. Erik Twice

    General Classic Cube

    I think the only rule that has an impact on the cube is damage on the stack. Several old cards relied on that mechanic to work, like Ravenous Baloth. But it doesn't matter too much and you can just replace them with modern equivalents or accept a slight reduction in power. I'm just sad for Mogg...
  8. Erik Twice

    Sets [IKO] Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths

    I just don't understand why R&D keeps doing things they know to be broken. Rosewater is very good designer and he has been leading Magic for decades. He either designed or was around for Lotus Petal, Time Spiral, Yawghmoth's Will, Grim Monolith, Gush and the whole cycle of free spells from...
  9. Erik Twice

    Sets [IKO] Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths

    Calling people "simple minds" and implying they are mentally inferior to you is insulting. And it's a much serious insult than calling someone a dick or a twat or a jerk, which are all very soft terms to describe your behaviour. Them not being able to hear you is not a defense, either. If...
  10. Erik Twice

    Sets [IKO] Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths

    Just stop being a dick to people, it's not that hard. If you wouldn't say it to their face, don't say it behind their backs.
  11. Erik Twice

    General Enchantments not ruining your day

    I run a fairly high power level, but Survival hasn't been a "must deal with". Even when paired with Squee, it places enough constraints on deckbuilding and early mana to not be oppresive. After all, it requires three mana and two cards just to be a tutor. It's a strong card, don't get me wrong...
  12. Erik Twice

    General Cubing on MtgA

    Hello and welcome! I've been playing with the MTG Arena cube for a while. It's not great. Like most cubes by Wizards, it's more focused on playing all the "cool bombs" than it is on synergy. The average mana curve is high, with plenty of planeswalkers, and 4 and 5 mana creatures that can take...
  13. Erik Twice

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    I didn't! So, thank you :)
  14. Erik Twice

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    I cut Talrand but have been very impressed with Emeria Angel. There are a bunch of advantages that I did not consider at first, but which make the card very reasonable: 1) A 3/3 Flying body is very reasonable. I was surprised to find it doesn't have too many rivals on the sky. Most cards are...
  15. Erik Twice

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    The true Riptide way.
  16. Erik Twice

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    If you can't cast Cruel Ultimatum. what's even the point of playing Magic? This is a fantastic sugestion. I already run her on my cube and she has been a huge success.
  17. Erik Twice

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    Thanks Onderzeeboot! Sadly, I was mostly looking for white cards. Sorry for the confusion. Selenesya is actually my most stacked guild. I could run just so many cards in it.
  18. Erik Twice

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    Thanks Onderzeeboot! Here's a question for you guys: What do you guys recommend to support Wx midrange?
  19. Erik Twice

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I'm not kidding when I say that I'm very dissapointed by Battle of Wits not being playable in cube. Battle of Wits
  20. Erik Twice

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    I run every single card in there except Genesis Chamber (which seems a bit too easy to gum up the game with) and Scrap Trawler (Which I couldn't get to work). I did settle on Sram's Expertise. I played several of the options and Sram's was just the most interesting one to me. It has now become...