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  1. Grillo_Parlante

    Sets WOTC - Shadows over Innistrad Cube All-Stars

    If you're not willing to break singleton and have 360+ I could see wanting gorger, but that seems kind of bad. Its baseline is just a savannah lion, the floor implies a theme thats not really there, and the ceiling is a theme that most cubes can't really support effectively. I don't think I...
  2. Grillo_Parlante

    General Mana Base Brainstorm Thread

    I like them, but imo their big benefit is providing a way for control decks to build mana. If your control decks are under a lot of pressure though, they might not really have time to really use them as they are fairly slow.
  3. Grillo_Parlante

    Dom's Stream of Consciousness

    I've been wondering the same thing lately. A format actually designed around signets seems like it could be appealing, as they are at least superficially similar to the role bouncelands play in my list. They could provide a way for control decks to achieve mana superiority, and more varied...
  4. Grillo_Parlante

    General Fight Club

    I also tentatively like Arlin, though agree its probably better to compare her with huntmaster than the other three. In a vacuum, I actually like huntmaster better than all of them, since incidental sources of lifegain can be scarce in cube.
  5. Grillo_Parlante

    General Fight Club

    The big issue with the double strike enhancers is that you don't want to promote a feeling where you can't not block random midrange threats without risking random death. I'm sure their is some leeway with specific affects, but I like there to be a combo feel, and the sense of building to a...
  6. Grillo_Parlante

    Dom's Stream of Consciousness

    Really happy to see these sorts of archetype break down posts gaining traction, as they are often times much more helpful than opinions on individual cards. Some thoughts: Aggro berserk I think you can take aggro decks and divide their game play style into two phases: the tempo phase...
  7. Grillo_Parlante

    Sets WOTC - Shadows over Innistrad Cube All-Stars

    I don't know about just running it in a power max list, but I love the idea of running it in that howling mine control list safra has occastionally written about.
  8. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I think its great, there are lots of interesting interactions not just with landfall, but with cards in hand matter, and discard for value.
  9. Grillo_Parlante

    General Fight Club

    I ran three copies of ashnod's altar at one point, to encourage token sacrifice interactions: never did anything, due to all of the sequencing requirements.
  10. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    Is a ~1.5% reduction in top decks you need to win a game an acceptable risk for a 4% greater chance at drawing a card you shouldn't need to win the game, but would probably close it out if you find it now. That seems to me a decent framing of the question.
  11. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    Sure, but you have to set a strategy, and its where the argument that it would be greedy comes from: the odds of hitting cm are very low, you probably don't need it to win, and you're risking milling a spell. I can at least respect that argument though, as it provides something tangible to...
  12. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    Thats not actually true here though, because you need multiple cards to win, not one. At a micro level I could see looting, on the basis that you're unlikely to mill one of the few cards you want to hit, but on a macro level its more complicated. The whole idea of being behind on draws only...
  13. Grillo_Parlante

    Sets [EMA] Eternal Masters Spoilers Thread

    This set seems like everything great about magic: exciting pulls, creativity, and fun games. Reading these draft reports I feel like i'm in 7th grade again listening to friends.
  14. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    We kind of have to except that neither choice is likely to be material. Is milling a turn likely to impact the game? Most likely not, but it seems like a distraction, and could potential get in the way of a sifting plan than generally seems stronger to me. Self milling in this instance seems...
  15. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    The only cards I actively don't want to draw are lands. The only remaining "bomb" left to draw is CM (maybe air elemental). There is probably going to be a fair amount of magic left to play, the rest of the game will probably be attritiony, and I'm going to win by assembling a critical mass of...
  16. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    Sure, but realistically you know that you're not losing by not milling at EOT. You've developed this board state to win by out top decking an opponent, and are positioned to do so due to the looter. Its not so much that you need specific draws at this point (air elemental, CM, goblin piker) you...
  17. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    It tends to warp the game around itself because its a game ending threat you can't ignore. And for that reason I've never seen its presence not have a lasting impact on the way a game is played. You can also discard it for value, generating card advantage, or by absorbing multiple pieces of...
  18. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    That exert though didn't actually address the issue though: what justifies the gamble? Especially in an instance where the mana on his turn will probably be spent killing the angel anyways.
  19. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    I agree, thats why the loot seems greedy. If you loot into the threat and have to discard it, its now possible to lose. If you don't loot here, you eliminate that risk, a risk that you aren't really under any pressure to take.
  20. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    Isn't it greedy though to EOT loot? There are looting sequences there that can cause you to lose the game, while even your best looting sequence seems win-more. With the answer already in hand, you can afford to play around those losing looting sequences by avoiding the EOT loot. What are...