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  1. Grillo_Parlante

    General Great Cards to go deep on

    No, its ok. The semantics are certainly up for debate. Build Arounds I tend to think of build arounds as cards that you literally have to warp your draft around, so they have to be taken fairly early. Birthing pod jeskai ascendancy They often tend to be cards with very unique...
  2. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    Thats really clever: has incidental tribal synergy too. Returning briefly to the bounce discussion: withdraw Seems nicely balanced between the potential second bounce, and the {U}{U}
  3. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    If you want a super spicy FTK replacement: volcano hellion How much do you want the body + the threat? Maybe you just want to use it as removal, maybe you want it to hit the yard so you can recur it?
  4. Grillo_Parlante

    General Great Cards to go deep on

    time warp undead alchemist haakon, stromgald scourge laboratory maniac abyssal persecutor living death Not necessarily build around, but what cards most excite your inner muse?
  5. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    Well, they are kind of different threads. One is a cataloging, this one is balancing.
  6. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    Bounce is kind of unique. Other removal can be made conditional, but bounce is always unconditional; and the ability to answer anything for a turn is very powerful. The caveat is that you kind of need bounce + pressure for it to be really good. In formats with lots of early pressure, it makes...
  7. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    I think I would rearrange those categories or maybe not use categories at all. Frostburn weird, sentinel of the eternal watch, and rage thrower, for example, don't really provide immediate value, since immediate value must come in the form of immediate, manaless triggers. Otherwise, the creature...
  8. Grillo_Parlante

    Peregrine Drake combo in pauper.

    This is the harpy list I know of. Its not very good: the combo pieces are not very good at winning the game individually, and its not very good at sifting to find the combo. I played against some more traditional familiar lists that were running harpy, and they were ok: harpy does a good job...
  9. Grillo_Parlante

    Peregrine Drake combo in pauper.

    Are you thinking or running it alongside warden of evos isle and mulldrifter? I could see making a more midrangy flyers list, but not sure that type of deck should be running high tide; or maybe we're just looking for a high tide combo list? Drake seems potentially much better with that card...
  10. Grillo_Parlante

    Peregrine Drake combo in pauper.

    Don't you just take the old familar deck and run x4 drakes instead of COF?
  11. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    Basically, you answered your own question: its better to cash in on your value immediatly, rather than waiting and getting punished for your mana investment by interaction.
  12. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    Here is the king of "cards that should be perfectly fine but somehow are not because they lack an ETB" kokusho, the evening star
  13. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Thats really nice. The engine pieces I've been looking at for that weird nightmare deck are oversold cemetery tortured existence Have undertaker, but not too excited about a fragile lynch pin like that. This seems like the kind of role enchantments should be playing. I don't really...
  14. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    extractor demon Surely, this translates into some type of combo engine? Besides running it alongside this other combo engine of course.... Worldgorger dragon
  15. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    More or less. Probably looking at rare or mythic rarity. something that seems reasonably powerful enough to justify a mana investment with no immediate return. This is a really good question though, and I doubt there is an easy answer. This is an example of a card that managed to make it...
  16. Grillo_Parlante

    [Design/Discussion] The Spiral

    Opinions? Refinement? B/R WorldGorger worldgorger dragon There is a very old breed of decks that are sort of proto aristocratic/pro grave crawler decks from ancient legacy. They revolved around exploiting nightmare triggers with sac outlets and value reanimation. Its really peaked my...
  17. Grillo_Parlante

    General [Grid League] Penny Cube Grid League

    The issue with going from 5 to 4 colors for me was that the cube really wants all five colors to operate as intended. I think you deliberately imbalance it not so much to create real imbalance, but to create some sort of conflict within the environment that drafters have to strategically...
  18. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    One such creature I've been really thinking of lately is this guy Forgotten Creation Surely, this is a good/interesting card whose playability is hurt by not doing enough immediately?