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  1. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    3) Draw into a creature, loot it away because you need to answer the angel. Fail to hit a threat in your subsequent draws. They top deck better than you and win. 4) Draw into a creature, don't loot it away, and discard the answer. They top deck better than you, and you lose to the angel...
  2. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    That seems like a gross oversimplification: broadly speaking, most magic cards could be discribed as such. Lab man, for instance, is a card that is very binary by this metric, yet has tremendous actual play to it.
  3. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    We also have to take into account the way player names and acronyms effect statistical probability. When your name is said to stand for Luck, Skill, Victory, your probability of hitting a land off of your loot, followed by a land off of an upkeep loot, into drawing your control magic, is...
  4. Grillo_Parlante

    To loot or not ?

    The simple explanation is that you aren't actually drawing to anything but a threat, as you already have the answer in hand. At this point in the game all you want is a threat to put pressure on the opponent asap, to win the top deck war, which you are already favored in because you have a...
  5. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    If your goal is to play competitively and win games of magic, I don't really like startled awake. You have to connect a couple times with it, and chaining removal or bounce on it is a giant beating. Worse, it wins on a completely different axis than much of the rest of your deck. As a card...
  6. Grillo_Parlante

    General Fight Club

    The net increase you get in fun from karmic guide outweighs the occasional negative experience with protection, I find.
  7. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I feel like this isn't quite being framed right; in a vacuum dismember is the more powerful card: its much more flexible in the ways you can practically cast it, has less conditionality, and is easily splashable. If you're looking for a similar but lower powered effect, snuff out seems good...
  8. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Pretty much. Its just one of those cards that certain players hate the experience of losing too, which can give it a bad rep in certain playgroups.
  9. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Thanks guys, probably is a fun unearth target as well. Any other opinions on actual wof?
  10. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    Wonder actually looks really good. I think most of these can't really exist in a vacuum, which is 100% fine. Presumably, after toning down a bit on certain ETBs, that should open up drafting space. In the Penny cube, one of the surprise decks were the UG decks that exploit green...
  11. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Opinions on this family of cards? reforge the soul wheel of fortune magus of the wheel wheel of fate
  12. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    Ug flash has just never really felt like a deck tbh. Green only really has a few mediocre flash threats outside of mystic snake. Depending on a few enablers is risky buisness, and without them higher cc green faties conflict with the keep mana open for instants gameplan. Generally thats a...
  13. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    I'm not really sure how much of it is a step down in power as it is balancing out densities. Phyrexian scuta, for example, is just operating at a lower raw power level, and even it would run into trouble in a low power framework if the removal and ETB threats out paced it. I think it would...
  14. Grillo_Parlante

    [Design/Discussion] The Spiral

    Update, we have a list thats not a complete disaster. Though I am kind of stuck fleshing out the last 5 archetype pairs. List is here. Its bouceland fueled again, as I wanted to have a format wide way to feed land strategies. I think the second two rows will have to be either fetches or...
  15. Grillo_Parlante

    The Penny Pincher Cube (360)

    I actually never knew that card existed. It looks a little awkward to me for the penny cube, just because of the CC to stats. The rest of the cube's infrastructure is high enough power where it can really go about exploiting something like that. It also doesn't really seem like it would...
  16. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Thats a good find, and works well with a bunch of other powers matter creatures in green. Champion of Lambholt seems like a good companion piece for it. Grave peril looks like a really bad edict effect.
  17. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I've never actually found the stax archetype to be very good in practice, so I'm still not a big smallpox fan.
  18. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Balance: Reasonably Efficient Non-Etb Creatures?

    Maybe I've been unfairly dismissive of mark. It just feels like a card I want to have a bunch of those ravinca era ETB auras around to really enjoy.
  19. Grillo_Parlante

    General Great Cards to go deep on

    One of the good things about time warp specifically, is thats its just a generally good card, making it very easy to accommodate. Something like haakron requires a lot more support to be generally reasonable. One card I really wish was runnable is bridge from below But I know its just a...
  20. Grillo_Parlante

    General Great Cards to go deep on

    Any sort of recursion with time warp is really fun. Regrowth effects, mnemonic wall: just finding ways to use Spell recursive tools to maximize the number of turns you take is a blast.