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  1. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    The semi-guaranteed value is exactly what makes them unique and interesting. Even though the green one is probably not very good compared to its analogs, its still a sort-of Call of the Herd where the front side is a 6/6 Reach Manasink instead of a vanilla 3 drop. Being able to chuck it a...
  2. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    It very well could be. Coastal Piracy always cost 1 too many. Dude -> Dude -> Military Intelligence with a mana open for spell pierce seems like a pretty legit line of play.
  3. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    At first I thought, "Oh man, Garruk will be sweet with Karoos and wild growth", but Garruk is a card that is good at face value and doesn't need the help.
  4. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    Soul of Shandlar seems dead on for this cube and the discard value in red. Diabolic Servitude helps tie this into black and I've thought about Necromancy in here too. I avoid the "dedicated reanimator" creatures, so the worst things you can bring back are Grave Titan and Hornet Queen, which...
  5. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    The Blue/Black Dude could work if the activation was {B}. I recently dropped Whip of Erebus (possibly temporary, possibly forever, its inconsistent, but gives a stupid amount of lifegain), but handing out lifelink is desirable for black. Giving to a fat 4 toughness blocker might be a good...
  6. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    Stupid Pestilencing you say? I really like the White dude.
  7. FlowerSunRain

    First cube, 360, unpowered, Guild themed

    The biggest problem we had when planning out the "all gold" cube was avoiding strong two color archetypes, which is vital for it to work. Part of the reason for this problem is that each two color combination isn't equally deep. Thankfully, since we were looking at doing this, we have been...
  8. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    I took out Annex. It seemed like the only humane thing to do. Now you only need to worry about getting your tempo Brutally Crushed, when you play Karoos and enchant lands, instead of handing over free coalition relics to your opponent while being set multiple turns behind.
  9. FlowerSunRain

    First cube, 360, unpowered, Guild themed

    I don't know if I'd call the removal suite "generally weak". Besides Path and Swords, Bolt is there, 2 of the 2-mana bolts, as well as 4 2-mana instant black kill spells and Dismember. There are some decent combat tricks in here, but with all the cheap, instant speed removal the blow out...
  10. FlowerSunRain

    First cube, 360, unpowered, Guild themed

    I'm going to not answer any of your questions and instead make a completely different suggestion you are free to ignore. The reason I make this suggestion is because your questions seem sort of vague, so I get the impression you aren't 100% where you want to go from here. If you want to go...
  11. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    So aggressive mining lets you draw lots of cards, but you can't play lands. If only there was a card thatDid something about that. Probably too narrow for my cube. I guess Warden of the Beyond is a fixed Brimaz, King of Oreskos? Sort of? White 3 drops need to hit for 4 and be unboltable? Is...
  12. FlowerSunRain

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    I don't know what it is with equipment, the middle mark is just impossible to find. Even in my cube where Livewire Lash is about a pushed as you can get it, its not that great unless you have Flickering Ward/Shimmering Wings/Mark of Fury, in which case it gets silly. Basilisk Collar is sort of...
  13. FlowerSunRain

    [Design/Construction] Rebuilding my 360...

    I also find forbid to be awful. I think Complicate is the best 3 cc counter.
  14. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    I dropped test of faith for now for stated reasons. Its pretty awkward. I'll probably cut another one soon. Gotta find a spot for seal of doom.
  15. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    There are too many white instants in here. No deck wants more then 2 and I highly doubt three decks at the table will want them at the same time, so 5 is too many, but which one needs to go? Weathered Wayfairer does some stuff, but do we like any of it? 1) It finds utility lands (Is...
  16. FlowerSunRain

    Android: Netrunner Full Review

    The thing I had found most interesting about the game was that the key to it was the interaction with the opponent and things seemed to be turning (Begining of Spin Cycle) to where decks were primarily worrying about maximizing their own efficiency/synergies/combos and not really caring about...
  17. FlowerSunRain

    General Battle Box

    It's reasonably common in economic games, some of which have very long play times for an early mistake to come about and be insurmountable, deciding the game in the first 20 minutes. I mean, you can try your best to scrape back in, making lots of decisions to gain marginal value, but all that...
  18. FlowerSunRain

    Android: Netrunner Full Review

    C-Bob!!!! Have you tried the Netrunner limited format? As someone who likes the mechanics, but doesn't like the direction of the constructed metagame, it seems like it could definitely be something that I would like!
  19. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Brainstorm as a lynchpin

    I seriously considered notion thief, the card is pretty brutal. The problem I had with it is that while the combos are mean and countering a Sphinx's Revelation is hilarious, turning Preordain and Shelter into "dead cards" seemed like a feelbad thing to do. I'm considering taking out Spirit...