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  1. FlowerSunRain

    General Ugliest Magic Card

    A friend of mine hates the Foglios artwork. By far the greatest offender in his mind? cooperation He also hates Waterfront Bouncer Personally, I dislike art that just conveys nothing. Arena of the Ancients Or just looks toolish Rapid Fire
  2. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck [Primer] Wildfire

    I deserve that.
  3. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck [Primer] Wildfire

    Year old Necro! I'm considering putting Mystical Tutor into my cube. As a general rule, I don't like tutors that much. Too much consistency feels weird in a card game. However, sweet cards like Living Death and Replenish are pretty rough to run without a little consistency and Mystical Tutor...
  4. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    Ophiomancer is just plain good. I don't know if its oppressive, but it blocks well, it feeds engines well and it can kind of attack sometimes too. It didn't bother me so much that I'd never play it again, but its one of those "already good on its own, but works really well with synergies" cards...
  5. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    In all fairness, how long is the game actually going to last when you have 13 power on the table and all there dudes are probably dead? Unlike moat, Hornet's Nest actually ends the game.
  6. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    Swarmyard gelectrode I thought about Pestilence too, but that actually doesn't work very well.
  7. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    I fucking love this card.
  8. FlowerSunRain

    General It could happen in any number of formats

    According to the rules clarification, they do. Not sure how I feel about that. In the game in question there was an enclave cryptologist on the table, so it really didn't matter. Although, why is this ruling 9 years old? Enchantment creatures haven't been around long. Is this Opalescence's...
  9. FlowerSunRain

    General It could happen in any number of formats

    Turn 3: Attunement Turn 4: Return Attunement, Discard Attunement, Thoughtrender Lamia, Seal of Doom and Angelic Destiny. Cast Replenish. Discard 4 cards, kill a dude and get a 9/7 threat? This is about as close to a combo deck as my cube gets.
  10. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    Gix-Probe might have a place
  11. FlowerSunRain

    MCMcEmcee's Cube~ [450]

    Can you elaborate the reason why aggro is being ignored? I think that many people who come to cube often have one of two views that can distort things. First, they view cube as a limited format and in most limited formats cube-speed aggro doesn't exist and drafting "bombs" is really important...
  12. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    I'm considering Vampire/Zombie transparency so that some of the tribal cards can be sweet and I can eliminate "honorary vampires". This is a pretty big buff to gravecrawler, but hopefully will help get cards like Necromancer's stockpile and Kalastria Highborn up to par.
  13. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

  14. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    {2}{B}{B} Gets you 2 2/2s, a card and a creature from the graveyard. Not bad at all. Do cubes run enough zombies to make this work?
  15. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    Future cuts: Launch the Fleet (the decks that want the card aren't playing it) Spirit of the Labrynth (Feelbad anti-Preordain tech?) Blurred Mongoose w/ hexproof (aura decks win without the support) Hunger of the Howlpack (awkward)
  16. FlowerSunRain

    General Decks that have 3-0'd your cube

    I went 1-2. This deck did not. Ones 2 Champion of the Parish 1 Flame Slash 1 Student of Warfare 1 Isamaru, Hound of Konda 1 Basilisk Collar Twos 1 Arc Trail 1 Lightning Helix 1 Temporal Isolation 1 Spirit of the Labyrinth 1 Hero of Iroas 1 Porcelain Legionnaire 1 Gather the Townsfolk 1...
  17. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck White Cards with Graveyard Value

    I'm sure you can, the tools are numerous, but I'm more curious about how they contribute to a graveyard strategy. Right now all I've got is dump cards -> cast replenish.
  18. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck White Cards with Graveyard Value

    White is the toughest color to get involved with graveyard stuff, so in this thread we list them all. Threshold: None of them seem very useful. Divine Sacrament? Flashback: Lingering Souls, Prismatic Strands, Embolden, Rally the Peasants, Battle Screech, Ray of Revelation, Unburial Rites...
  19. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    Jace seems reasonablish. You probably need graveyard synergy for him to really do hard work, but a wise man once said (about another card, but it applies):
  20. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [M15] Magic 2015 Spoilers

    I mean, many people are willing to play a sorcery speed shock in exchange for the privilege of paying 5 mana to get a second sorcery speed shock. The red soul gives you the privilege of something way better in exchange for being willing to play a subpar version of Inferno Titan. It not Blast...