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  1. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I JUST MADE THAT CHANGE IN MY LAST UPDATE OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!?! Seriously though, High Market is amazing and gets land drafted at least 50% of the time over here.
  2. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Its on the list for my next update.
  3. FlowerSunRain

    General Removing Green From Cube

    Theoretically, is that any worse then having you format defined by W/x aggro decks (like mine is)? I mean, if you play any given card pool often enough, SOMETHING is going to become the definitive deck. Is having that deck be green/x midrange intrinsically worse? (Note: I highly prefer to...
  4. FlowerSunRain

    General Revisiting "Squadroning"

    I posed that solution before, but ended up not using it. It just feels so out of place. Granted, only being able to use one duplicate is similar, but it seems like finicky then messing with the deck-size limits.
  5. FlowerSunRain

    General Revisiting "Squadroning"

    I use squadroning to increase my one drop density without needing to use more slots. Lots of these cards are functionally interchangeable, so rather then pretend that they're different, I just give you two of the one that's at the power level I like better. The change has been well received...
  6. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    That interestingly enough might make it broad enough for my purposes.
  7. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Kill it with fire (let's talk removal)

    Two things I dislike about steep power curves: 1) A new player at the table is more likely to pass the good cards, which gives the players immediately next to them (particularly the right) a disproportionate advantage. 2) With a flatter curve, each player has more of choice about what deck...
  8. FlowerSunRain

    Sets [C14] Commander 2014 Spoilers

    I was just looking for a new black sac outlet. She's awesome, but 5 mana with a tap symbol is probably not getting any work done unless I slow down my cube.
  9. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    Preliminary update done, some things that might need to be smoothed out: 1) Only one morph creature is awkward. Thinking exalted angel, would play Nantuko Vigilante, but reclamation sage sort of makes it look bad. Might work if it said ". . . enters the battlefield or. . .", but that's an ugly...
  10. FlowerSunRain

    General Making Aggro more inclusive

    Conjecture: When you slow down the resource accumulation, but retain a high power level of threats, aggro cards become more attractive to more decks which allow for the support of more interesting aggro strategies.
  11. FlowerSunRain

    General Fight Club

    Well, Armadillo Cloak kicks the most ass, Mirari's Wake does the dumbest stuff and Glare of Subdual makes the most people want to jump off a building, so it depends on what direction you're going with. I run Wake and Cloak. I've never played Sterling Grove, but my enchantments are generally...
  12. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I found both that and oakheart dryads to be slightly underpowered, so I made the dryads a 2/2 and changed her text to the oath's. Having a body is worth the added vulnerability for this effect. You need 2 additional enchantments to make it into a Elephant guide that doesn't leave a body, plus...
  13. FlowerSunRain

    General Designing around Dethrone

    I was seriously considering making Grenzo's cutthroat into {R} without first strike. Might be too strong though if you have "enablers".
  14. FlowerSunRain

    General Designing around Dethrone

    Painful manabases in general would help. Honest question though: Why would we want to? I guess there is some element of brinksmanship in it, but the actual card pool with this mechanic isn't very interesting. Like Dom said, a couple of the cards are cool, but as a whole they don't do much...
  15. FlowerSunRain

    General Fight Club

    Mana drain was stupidly powerful in early magic when there wasn't anything worth ramping into. In current Magic where 6 drops totally take over the game, its just awful. I have not played it in cube, but knowing how good it was when the worst you could do was play a clockwork beast leads me...
  16. FlowerSunRain

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Also Arcane Teachings
  17. FlowerSunRain

    General CBS

    As someone who plays with "Gamers who play Magic" rather then "Magic Players", they don't care about the difference between a real card and a custom card because much of the time they are new to them. This issue really exacerbates itself as you play with people who have built up specific...
  18. FlowerSunRain

    General Fight Club

    As long as we agree that arcane denial is awful in anything but an extremely high power level variance cube (where paying 2 mana to give the opponent a divination is actually worth it to counter certain spells) I think we can all be friends. Daze is a first pick card quality card in my cube...
  19. FlowerSunRain

    FlowerSunRain's Cube

    If I gave Rayne, Academy Chancellor hexproof, would you flip over a table? I'm pretty sure Geist of Saint Traft is way too much power for the aura decks, but the selection of hexproof creatures is pretty thin.
  20. FlowerSunRain

    General "Draw a card."

    The problem with Dragon Mantle is that it takes forever to do anything. Unless you cast it on something that can abuse it (which there aren't many), putting mana into while you still have live cads is probably the wrong choice. While it doesn't fit in the "draw a card thread", I think I'd almost...