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  1. ahadabans

    General Unstable Spoiler Unthread

    It's the blue combo version of spider spawning. Card seems amazing to me. Not sure what I cut, but has to be a slam dunk in my storm supported combo list.
  2. ahadabans

    General Unstable Spoiler Unthread

    OMG Storm Crow finally given the justice it deserves. I'm a fan.
  3. ahadabans

    Card/Deck The Boros Legion (RW)

    Firemane Avenger is a nice lower power option. It supports a go-wide strategy and trying to get helix's off it is fun. Floor of a 3/3 flyer for 4 isn't the worst. When you do get it online, you feel good and it does a lot of work without being unbeatable. Cool card.
  4. ahadabans

    The Penny Pincher Cube 2.0--Inventors' Fair

    Sweet deck. I think Penny Pincher 2 has exceeded PP1 at this point, and you did it in a third of time? Really nice cube. I'm definitely stealing things from it.
  5. ahadabans

    Card/Deck The Golgari Swarm (BG)

    Pernicious Dead I think is an important card because it's Golgari's only real 2+ for 1 control card. Abrupt Decay, pulse, etc are all strong removal cards but they never net you advantage. Dead was an important component of old school rock decks and I think it's a really valuable include if...
  6. ahadabans

    Card/Deck The Golgari Swarm (BG)

    I concur. I wish Meren was just simply an EOT gravedigger with upgraded stats. It didn't need to be more than that. And she would have been the card perfect. Simple text box, yet still powerful and rewarding to build around. As is, there's too much text and the card is legitimately broken...
  7. ahadabans

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    It depends on what your removal suite looks like. Disfigure looks really bad next to lightning bolt and swords to plowshares. And still looks subpar against less broken options (burst lightning/firebolt/path to exile). White removal is just more powerful and offers higher tempo potential...
  8. ahadabans

    General Rivals of Ixalan (RIX) Spoilers

    The Trey videos are good. It's not really groundbreaking discussion though. Even 30 years ago every book I read on Dinosaurs explicitly stated there was little to go on as far as what skin coverings looked liked. Assumptions were made (and called out as such) based on reptiles obviously and...
  9. ahadabans

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Darkblast is like molten vortex. Some cubes it will be great - a sweet techie glue piece that just fits. Other cubes it will be clunky side board chaff and you'll wonder why you're running it. This card is a neat design and it's easy to see a lot value and synergy. But because it's often...
  10. ahadabans

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    50 targets out of 150(ish) creatures. So 33% roughly. That's pretty bad for a removal spell which is where I was going with the post I made. It can in a pinch hit 2 toughness and if you have some draw/looter mechanics, you can get it to do a three mana last gasp impression but that's not going...
  11. ahadabans

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    What everyone said on Darkblast, but I would caution you it doesn't work in every cube. If your format is defined by 2+ toughness creatures, this will be a very clunky removal spell. The cast during upkeep - dredge - cast main is really inefficient if you have to do that multiple times...
  12. ahadabans

    General Rivals of Ixalan (RIX) Spoilers

    It's funny. As we get older we tend to get more resistant to ideas that break from what you think you know. Had I seen this as a kid I'd have been fine with turkey-Rex. Thanks for posting those links.
  13. ahadabans

    General Rivals of Ixalan (RIX) Spoilers

    Turkey-Rex is definitely raping my childhood pretty hard. Some of this I imagine is extremely difficult to prove one way or the other without a time machine. Years back I remember science suggesting t-Rex didn't hunt at all and was a slow moving 10 ton vulture. Then she got hunter status back...
  14. ahadabans

    Raveborn Tinkerings: a bounceland format

    I like that. I've never done burn drafting but I didn't like how effortless it looked to hate strategies. Random makes more sense. I'd think you still run into signal issues right? Because you don't know what got burned vs intentionally selected. Maybe when the pack owner gets it back they...
  15. ahadabans

    Raveborn Tinkerings: a bounceland format

    Sad to see some of those cuts but switching things up keeps it fresh and what you're bringing in looks good. On fixing, you might be ok at 12% even if ideal math says it's higher. Presumably this is a little slower and more forgiving being bounceland focused. Another benefit with that as a...
  16. ahadabans

    Card/Deck The Orzhov Syndicate (WB)

    It's sort of a sliding scale though and honestly you'll have a hard time finding a perfect balance. Too much archetypal support and you get railway drafts as you point out. Not enough though, and it's all just good stuff and drafting is a bit shallow (just grab stuff that fits your curve and...
  17. ahadabans

    Card/Deck The Orzhov Syndicate (WB)

    Debtor's Knell is a control finisher. Ramp, kill your opponent's dudes, get to 7 mana, play it and start reanimating their stuff. You can go more combo with Academy Rector and what not, but it's not necessary.
  18. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    I feel like flexible cards are generally better in cube. And there's probably a lot of reasons for it. Power level is high, so having an answer now versus later is just so important (even if that answer is slightly inefficient or weaker). Archetypes are also looser. Singleton is a big reason...
  19. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    I think it's ideal actually. Sometimes your opponent casts something and you don't care to counter it. Or maybe they have nothing to play and you don't want to waste mana. Holding a counter and not playing it is a big tempo hit, so having something to use that mana you held is IMO very...
  20. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    I also think cycle for U is excellent value on Censor (or any card for that matter). I have not played with Censor but my personal feeling is that force spike is better in tigher/faster cubes. Basically, if typical turns are often really efficient where mana isn't wasted, then the force spike...