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  1. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    Gelectrode is a sweet card. I'd rate it very highly if it weren't a gold card. That's what I think keeps it out of a lot of lists honestly. Pingers for 3 are fine if unexciting, and this one is breakable. Not as busted as Goblin Sharpshooter, but certainly capable of shenanigans. Again...
  2. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    Guttersnipe is the more "combo" or archetype specific. Firebrand Archer is a value card IMO (with some late game reach). It's a goblin piker, in a color that can often burn blockers out of the way. So body is totally reasonable. And the damage trigger is going to trigger a lot and in many types...
  3. ahadabans

    Card/Deck The Azorius Senate (WU)

    Old school card this is good in slower lower powered environments is Grand Arbiter Augustin IV It slows down your opponent and speeds up what you are doing. Flavorful and cool. I'm running mostly control support/power cards. I suppose it's boring but this is what UW does well and I feel...
  4. ahadabans

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I think Dakra Mystic is pretty neat. I don't have extensive play time with it but the effect was very good in certain situations. The cost for the ability hurts this card and I found you usually wanted to draw versus toss something in the yard (outside a dedicated shell). And if your deck is...
  5. ahadabans

    General Rivals of Ixalan (RIX) Spoilers

    I loved dinosaurs as a kid. Was obsessed actually. But for some reason I cannot get into them in Magic. I don't know why.
  6. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    I've always liked Black Sun's Zenith, so those looking for something slower than Toxic Deluge should try it. It's quite good actually. The fact that you shuffle and can redraw it (so it's more than one sweeper in practice), the -1/-1's are permanent so it doesn't have to kill things just maim...
  7. ahadabans

    Card/Deck Start your Engines: A Temur Card Advantage Deck

    I was less excited about Molten Vortex after I tested it despite being pretty high on it initially. The reality of this card didn't play out to expectations for me. But it never found a home to be fair. Vortex is cheap but outside land matters decks, it proved hard to abuse (or even get...
  8. ahadabans

    Kaidan - Kamigawa Meets Innistrad

    UPDATE: Spent some time drafting the list and have made nearly 100 card swaps. Talk about an evolution. It's pretty fun exploring this sort of list though as it's so different than a high powered cube. One mechanic I just completely missed the importance of initially is "spirit craft". A bit...
  9. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    I tried it for a short time in my old heavy midrange list. It's pretty broken. Glare of Subdual is in a color combination that has absolutely no trouble assembling dudes. That's the token combination in many cubes and even without tokens it's child's play really. So in my experience running...
  10. ahadabans

    Card/Deck The Gruul Clans (RG)

    BTE is as much a gold card as Elves of Deep Shadow. I can see people classifying it there for convenience or an OCD impulse, but it's much more flexible than that in actual play. What if the ETB trigger was "add 1R" instead? That's what it does in a mono red deck and it's every bit as powerful...
  11. ahadabans

    Card/Deck The Gruul Clans (RG)

    I run ape and Bobo for reasons Inscho stated. I think zoo is a cool archetype and it is hard to draft because of the land demands. I dig that aspect of zoo. It's not easy mode drafting like many aggro decks can be in some cubes.
  12. ahadabans

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Why not just run Ghost Quarter? You can't really mana screw anyone with it but you can deal with any utility/creature land that needs answering. It is also super janky tech you can use on yourself if you REALLY REALLY need a forest or whatever.
  13. ahadabans

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    You really only need to run one knight technically. What makes Haakon good are discard outlets. You really don't need anything else. Being able to replay this from your yard at will is a very powerful ability that is much better in actual games of Magic than it might seem. You essentially always...
  14. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    Borderland Explorer does look like it has potential. Pretty sweet with Rootwalla FWIW. ;) I'm willing to concede most of the argument against green aggro. There are definitely more options now and at the right power level you can make it work. Where I won't budge though is Wild Dogs. It's a...
  15. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    I like adding aggression to green in small doses and having green ramp into it. T1 elf into T2 3 drop is a fine deck concept. Green IMO should be trying to make bigger creatures. Not necessarily racing damage. But that to me is the very definition of midrange. The options for T2 3 drop...
  16. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    Straight green aggro seems like a fish out of water to me in most cubes. White/Red/Black all have better more aggressive early creatures (and more of them to choose from) and those three colors all have better removal/reach for aggro decks in general. Green is a midrange centric color. I...
  17. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    The madness 0 on Rootwalla makes the ceiling on the card very high. It's less about the body and more about what you can do with it. T2 Wild Mongrel/Noose Constrictor, discard Vengevine, discard Basking Rootwalla (play it for free) gets you a 4/3 haste creature on T2 or 8 power attacking on T3...
  18. ahadabans

    Card/Deck The Rakdos Cult (BR)

    Gold cards are super narrow because they require 2 (or more) colors. Even at low power, I think you can argue that your gold cards should be well above curve. There is a very large cost to drafting gold cards early as they can waste quality picks or effectively lock you into an overdrafted...
  19. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    Basking Rootwalla is a card I recently rediscovered. I would agree with the consensus that without discard outlets it's a bit loose, but most lists run discard outlets in green right? Or at least in other colors that pair nicely with green. Much like Emeria Angel, I feel like rootwalla has a...
  20. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    I'm a fan of Emeria Angel. It's in my combo list actually. The ceiling on this is very high, especially for anyone doubling up on fetch lands or playing super ramp strategies (fastbond, et all). I enjoy running cards like this since you are rewarded for building around them, yet still have...