Necroing for recent interest in relevent cards.
I recently included Seismic assault, and it's been an overdue inclusion tbh. It's just such a straightforward and powerful piece of the lands engine deck. Because it's

I'm trying to think of some ways to handle that. The first that comes to mind is

The filter lands seem super good for this very mana heavy plays. Also good for Molten Vortex activations.
Here's a deck I recently drafted that has re-re-renewed my love for what this color combo can do
Ripjaw Raptor is such a great inclusion to this archetype. Dissenter's Deliverance is also sweet here. It's straight up reduction in deck size, helping dig down to engine pieces most of the time, but having that niche flexibility if needed.
Another card I'm wondering if I should try for this archetype is

Digging five for an enchantment seems great for enchantment based engines, and it can fill up the yard with loam etc too.