Card/Deck Start your Engines: A Temur Card Advantage Deck

Oh I agree, I just think Ash Barrens with cycling would be as printable as Molten Vortex that also drew three cards. It's already one of the best 5c fixing lands, better than Terramorphic in most decks.
Recently added this grindy little combo-engine to help support this archetype more:

I'm well aware that Trenches can run just fine on it's own, and I'll def be keeping an eye on it for unfun-generation-potential. Crucible is an obvious inclusion for this theme, and it plays well into utilizing more 'sacrifice a land' as opposed to just 'discard a card/land'. Makes me really want to explore the third leg of the triad: return land to hand. That'd complete the loop of 'discard'->' replay'->' bounce' and so on. Basically a pipe dream, but cool to think about. I mean...
... :p

This feels at home here but it might just be a clunkier Firestorm, maybe too clunky, but there might be subtle differences between the two. Does anyone have experience with it? Both Firestorm and Conflagrate feel very powerful when you're getting extra cards with Life From the Loam and The Gitrog Monster among others.

I'd say you are basically spot on. It's an excellent role player, like Firestorm, but operating at a lower power level. I think the normal cost is just a little too steep for the great flashback half to make up for. Could still see a format that'd be able to properly utilize it.
RE: Conflagrate

This is the straightforward option. Don't know how powerful it is, but looks like it basically does the flashback half without the horrible front side and at an easier mana cost.
One of the major and unfortunate differences is that it doesn't say "or player". I still really like this card, seems pretty straightforward to take a turn or two of setup and get a 3 mana In Garruk's Wake out of it. Nice!

It's really a shame there aren't more "creative" flash back costs that could be worked with this way, like Conflagrate's can.
Necroing for recent interest in relevent cards.

I recently included Seismic assault, and it's been an overdue inclusion tbh. It's just such a straightforward and powerful piece of the lands engine deck. Because it's {R}{R}{R} I'm trying to think of some ways to handle that. The first that comes to mind is

The filter lands seem super good for this very mana heavy plays. Also good for Molten Vortex activations.

Here's a deck I recently drafted that has re-re-renewed my love for what this color combo can do

Vortex! from

Ripjaw Raptor is such a great inclusion to this archetype. Dissenter's Deliverance is also sweet here. It's straight up reduction in deck size, helping dig down to engine pieces most of the time, but having that niche flexibility if needed.

Another card I'm wondering if I should try for this archetype is

Digging five for an enchantment seems great for enchantment based engines, and it can fill up the yard with loam etc too.
Vortex is very much a card. It's one of the crucial pieces for the deck/land engine. I've found it to worthy even with just a Crucible of Worlds effect, which limits how often it can be activated compared to loam.

I realize the enchantment digging effect I might actually want
Molten Vortex is great in any deck with red mana, even with no other support. Turning all your excess lands into shocks is a powerful effect.
I was less excited about Molten Vortex after I tested it despite being pretty high on it initially. The reality of this card didn't play out to expectations for me. But it never found a home to be fair.

Vortex is cheap but outside land matters decks, it proved hard to abuse (or even get reasonable value off of honestly). It's card disadvantage technically since you need a second card to get any effect. This matters less with multiple activations - 4 cards for 6 damage spread out is a better rate when you consider you can turn lands into this effect. Still, it's an early game tempo hit and you won't always have time to realize the value later in a lot of matches. That's basically the problem I ran into with it.

I also found the R cost and land restriction on discard made it a lot less flexible than Stormbind. You'd think random discard would be much worse, but in most cases that's not true. Vortex really only went in heavy red decks and even then I often just wanted the 2-3 mana burn spell since I didn't feel like I could afford the tempo hit or to play a long game with the decks I was building.

There is a place for this card in some lists. No question in my mind. But it's not an auto-include in every list IMO.