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  1. Taamas

    Sets (ONE) Phyrexia: All Will Be One Previews

    More like "The Foul Gauntlet That Has Spikes", but I like your translation :p I saw this and thought it wouldn't make a cut, but I like that you like it. I was comparing it to Bonesplitter (as one does with equipment), and although the equipment part gives 1 power less it could be well...
  2. Taamas

    Sets (ONE) Phyrexia: All Will Be One Previews

    Yeah, the card type "Tribal" is written as that both in English and Spanish. The "batalla" appearing on the Spanish version of the new Atraxa just means "battle", it can't mean anything else. So either it is a new card type and they stopped putting tribal in the reminder text for all card types...
  3. Taamas

    General Why Slash Panther is no longer a Vintage Staple

    Did you do this "cougar slash panther" thing on purpose? :o
  4. Taamas

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Goblin Welder, Feldon of the Third Path and Unburial Rites care. The first gets enabled, the other two disabled. Also, you can't target again a card you already targeted with Reezug's ability.
  5. Taamas

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Since you now care for the creature only for its text box, toolbox decks or the creatures that would be good in blink decks (ETBs and such) are what first come to mind. There's the incidental artifact synergy too. I guess a deck centered around this card would like to have a lot of self-mill and...
  6. Taamas


    Ooh, it must be that, although it feels weird to want to refer Lorwyn forests but not wanting to use the actual art but redraws in a different style. I checked after your suggestion and from the Forests of Origins two seem to be redraws of Lorwyn forests and the other two are the original art...
  7. Taamas

    xyz's PokeMTG Cube

    They are linked at the end of the first post. Thank you xyz for writing so thoroughly about mapping an existing world into an MTG cube! It's a very interesting experiment on constrained design.
  8. Taamas


    Noticed this while sorting Forests. Two different artists, eight years appart. Is this homage? Inspiration? Some policy of making new art for core sets? I'm very intrigued. On scryfall: Steve Prescott's Lorwyn Forest: Jonas De Ro's Origins Forest...
  9. Taamas

    General Forum Upgrades

    Looking good on Firefox for Android!
  10. Taamas

    General [M19] Magic 2019

    A multicolor uncommon about enchantments? And in a core set? These slots are used to signal draft archetypes, right? Does this mean enchantments as a theme and therefore enchantment strategies support? Now I'm interested. Also, artifacts aggro as azorius theme? Weird and cool! I think some...
  11. Taamas

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Qasali Slingers? How relevant is the cat clause? I have some cats already on my list and have tinkered with the idea of a cat subtheme.
  12. Taamas

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I'm saying Gush is an interesting cards that blends with things like discard, lands, and being powerful. I'm not seeing myself removing it from my list.
  13. Taamas

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Some people from my playgroup would get very sad if they could not play Gush with Psychatog.
  14. Taamas

    General Battlebond 2018

    And that sounds fine to me, although it would really not make much difference from picking them as a squadron pick.
  15. Taamas

    General Battlebond 2018

    I'm interested in some of these pairs, but how would we implement it? Squadroning? Doesn't sound that good. Looking at Cogwork Librarian, I'm now thinking of putting pairs in same booster and making the player put a card from their pool into the pack to pick the pair. Although this would...
  16. Taamas

    Taamas' Cube: a contraptionless contraption of cards

    Finally, we had a cube evening yesterday! There were a lot of constructive opinion over multiple aspects of the list, both positive and negative. It was a 6 people draft. Let's take a look at some lists! Winner of the day:[/url]"] Zeroes 1 Gush Ones 1 Aether...
  17. Taamas

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Where does Dusk // Dawn do its best / where are you seeing it played? In regular white weenies decks?
  18. Taamas

    Taamas' Cube: a contraptionless contraption of cards

    I think the power of Advantageous Proclamation scales with that of the environment, and will be better the more combos there are. In my environment, I expect it to be a tool to get some consistency and maybe something else in decks built around it, but this probably doesn't apply to all the formats.
  19. Taamas

    Taamas' Cube: a contraptionless contraption of cards

    To start the thread, let's take a look at the most recent changes to the list, in an attempt to show my goals and line of thinking. White: Launch the Fleet -> Kor Skyfisher Launch the Fleet was the only card with Strive, which I feel is too complex to have just one instance of. Skyfisher...
  20. Taamas

    Taamas' Cube: a contraptionless contraption of cards

    Next week, it will be a year since I became a member of this forum. When I discovered it, I was amazed by the quantity and diversity of ideas, and it has been my main source of inspiration since then. I have learned a lot from all of you in this year, and I think time has come to shrug off...