Search results

  1. Grillo_Parlante

    General Measuring your cubes power level

    Its less an issue of interaction, or rate that you can kill someone, as it is an issue of the individual cards being unable to carry games in the same way that higher power cards do. You just can't expect a lower power card to turn the game around for you, so the consequences of falling behind...
  2. Grillo_Parlante

    General Measuring your cubes power level

    Yes and no. The actual individual power level of cards tend to be weaker, but thats across the board. Because individual cards are less impactful, its much more difficult to crawl yourself out of a hole with any individual piece if you start to fall behind. Thats really the big difference...
  3. Grillo_Parlante

    General [Grid League] Penny Cube Grid League

    Ok, I have the leaderboards, contender time zones, and pairings up in the second post I want to keep the buy in as a MODO booster, just because it makes things simplier: no concerns over valuation, mixing and matching prizes etc. Unless everyone wants tickets, than I would be ok with a 5...
  4. Grillo_Parlante

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    The important thing is that he actually looks like a Grilloparlante now for avatar purposes. Its like a cross between the Disney version of jiminy cricket and the original Mazzanti illustrations--Walt would be horrified.
  5. Grillo_Parlante

    5c safra's cube grid draft

    So those were some interesting games. Only got to play 1 match, but I enjoyed both games. Here is the beast, in all of her glory Is this a good deck within the context of the format? No idea, but I enjoyed the games. I felt poorly positioned against safra mostly because of the...
  6. Grillo_Parlante

    General Data: The Gathering and visualization - How can we do it?

    There are a few signposts for fun that I tend to look for as regards magic in actual gameplay: 1. The ability to play towards, or build, a strategy 2. The sensation of doing something fun 3. The careful balancing of risk and reward The fun question is hard, but important, since after you...
  7. Grillo_Parlante

    5c safra's cube grid draft

    Sounds good to me
  8. Grillo_Parlante

    5c safra's cube grid draft

    I would love to do this tonight. Anytime from 6:30 CST and up would be fine
  9. Grillo_Parlante

    General [Grid League] Penny Cube Grid League

    Ok, sweet, have a spot for you. I added you to friends (which anyone can do btw) Thoughts on tickets as a valid entry option? 4 tickets as an alternative to buying a booster? My time zone is CST.
  10. Grillo_Parlante

    General CFB Design Contest Final Vote

    Yeah, more specific criteria would be good. I went with shadow servant because its a great lower power card from my perspective. Its a modal card that fits a spot on blacks curve that very badly needs filling, can block, and is one of a small subset of sac outlets that are actually good...
  11. Grillo_Parlante

    Sets Shadows over Innistrad Spoilers Thread

    Who is the artist, that is a very nice piece. Can't wait to see what they did with the flipped version.
  12. Grillo_Parlante

    General The Constructed thread

    So, I was running my goblins deck through a league, minding my own business. Match starts...opponent starts running out islands with preordains and brainstorms...hmmm...this must be a strange build of delver... Than turn 4 gigadrowse my board... ummm, what? His turn 5 Gush...into...
  13. Grillo_Parlante

    Non-White Penny Pincher Grid Draft: Grillo v 123Pwned

    As promised, I set up a thread, just coordinate with my via PM times: much easier than using MTGO. Check out the grid draft sticky at the top if you have any questions still. I generate the grid draft via rstudio, so you don't want to look at the packs prior to the draft, as I haven't seen...
  14. Grillo_Parlante

    General [Grid League] Penny Cube Grid League

    Penny Pincher Grid League {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} Leaderboard 1. Aston 20 points 2. Kirblinx 19 points 3. MeltyMan 16 Points 4. Grillo_Parlante 13 points Contenders Grillo_Parlante (MTGO: Grillo_Parlante): GMT -6 Kirblinx (MTGO: Kirblinx): GMT +10 Aston (MTGO Ghostly Aston): GMT +0 Meltyman...
  15. Grillo_Parlante

    General [Grid League] Penny Cube Grid League

    So Kirblinx and I have been brainstorming the setup for a grid draft league, and we're at the point where can start taking signups if anyone is interested. League Details Cube: The Penny Pincher cube, which can be found here. Its a low power, bounceland based budget format. I strongly...
  16. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Defensive cards

    The issue with emissary is that if you actually want to ramp with it on curve consistently, its a poor card, since some decks can just ignore the body. Sakura-tribe elder is very similar but fits in a much wider variety of decks and is less clunky. This is the same reason why ravenous rats is...
  17. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Defensive cards

    The problem with loam larva is that it doesn't actually net you a card like sylvan ranger does. Its just a 1/3 for 2 as far as the games card advantage math is concerned. Augur of bolas can have similar problems, especially in cube where creature density tends to be much higher. This can make...
  18. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Defensive cards

    The issue is that a lot of control decks want to run sweepers as part of their many for one strategies, and you don't ideally want to be running out 2/1, 1/3, 0/4, or 0/5 bodies that don't net a card turns 2-3 when you are hoping to wipe the board in some capacity turns 4-6. Thats a fine...
  19. Grillo_Parlante

    Card/Deck Defensive cards

    Sea gate oracle is what you want: 3 toughness is surmountable, cantrips so you don't feel bad nuking it, and sifts for removal. 3cc means it suppliments a removal plan rather than replace it. Running nyx fleece ram just seems miserable.