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  1. japahn

    General Two-player draft formats

    2020 hit, and suddenly regular booster draft became out of the question. What 2-player cube draft formats did you play this year with your roommate or SO? With lockdowns starting again and winter break, I think it's a good time to talk about this topic. I've been developing the Pyramid Draft...
  2. japahn

    General Bake into a Pie and Removal Power Band

    Bake Into a Pie Removal is one of the most influential factors for the feel of a limited format. Strong removal like Swords to Plowshares and Doom Blade represent a tempo swing and card advantage match against threats that don’t have built-in mechanisms to mitigate removal, such as Grave...
  3. japahn

    Article One Card a Day

    Inspired by the wishes a random redditor, I decided to give them exactly what they wished for: I'll write about my card selections in depth. Every single one of them. I'm going through my (core) cube, alphabetically, and will write about why I included each card, and why I'll probably remove it...
  4. japahn

    The Elegant Cube v5

    Preamble (will be updated when the cube changes) Current cube version: 5.2.16 Cube Cobra link -
  5. japahn

    General Embrace the Chaos / Cube Occasionals

    In part 1 of this opinionated article, I will, in a disheartening tone, present two correlated cube design problems: overdesign and lack of variety. I’m confident these problems exist. In part 2, I will, in a more optimistic tone, theorycraft a cube structure to mitigate these problems...
  6. japahn

    General +1/+1 counters in 2020

    Counters is a theme that was super popular years back around these parts, but I haven't heard much about lately. Do you support counters? In what colors and archetype shape? Is it focused around aggro, midrange, combo... control? In my cube I have it currently as a triangle archetype in...
  7. japahn

    General Cube draft with bots

    Cube Cobra's draft bots are a bit too consistent, basically following a pick order based on their Elo ranking. That means I almost never see some cards, and always see others. For some reason Siege-Gang Commander has a lowish rank, and I pick it in every red deck, for example. Cube Tutors bots...
  8. japahn

    General Counterspells

    A core part of blue, hated by some, loved by others. Even though my cube is low power and synergy-based, I think counterspells scale tightly with cube power level, so my suite is: Counterspell Mana Leak Negate Exclude Sage's Dousing Sinister Sabotage Cryptic Command Spite // Malice Frilled...
  9. japahn

    General Name of archetype shape contained in a single color

    The shape of archetypes that are contained in a single color (such as {R} Burn or {G} Elves) have a somewhat controversial name.
  10. japahn

    General Archetype Shapes

    Archetype Shapes Introduction This post talks about archetype shapes, representing designs of which colors the archetype spans. When designing a cube with synergies, is it common to have an archetype layout of 10 pair archetypes. Another popular archetype layout is 5 triangle archetypes...
  11. japahn

    The Elegant Cube

    Current info Current cube version: 5.0.4 Original Post Cube version: 4.6 Cube Tutor link - This is an evolution from my cube. The changes in philosophy and execution have been fairly drastic and I decided to...
  12. japahn

    General Deserts

    Playing Hour of Devastation draft, I've come to appreciate what Deserts do for the environment, and I'm at a low enough power and speed that many are playable by themselves. HOU Deserts are effectively a brand of mana sinks that elegantly synergies between themselves and pivot into other...
  13. japahn

    General Pancake Draft Just tried this for the first time and it was the best 2-player draft I've had. The only modification I made was using 8 rather than 9 boosters per player. 1. Make 8 or 9 11-card boosters per player. 2. For...
  14. japahn

    General Life Begins at 20 - YT Channel Came across this channel today, it has some pretty good content about cube. In fact it resonates quite a bit with the discussions we've had here, so it might even be one of you. Plus, it's a great channel name.
  15. japahn

    General Adapting Morph to cubes

    Morphs are a cool mechanic and many people would like to run them in their cubes. Myself included, I find the bluffing mechanics fun and skill intensive. The problem with morphs is how bad Gray Ogres are compared to other creatures in cube. Just pretend you played a vanilla 2/2 on turns 3 and...
  16. japahn

    General Mana Sinks

    One thing I found to happen when an environment becomes slower is that players start passing their turn without using mana for the simple reason that they don't have anything to do. These cards from Aether Revolt have reminded me of a good way to fix this: Aegis Automaton Watchful Automaton...
  17. japahn

    General Let's talk broad power band

    Lots of cube designers have the goal of maintaining a narrow power band. I’m not sure this is the right thing to do. Grillo has raised the point in this thread but the discussion went towards other directions (and when doesn’t it)...
  18. japahn

    General Why I'm going low power

    This is best told as a story, which I’ll start trying to keep brief, but will spiral out of control. Skip down to the TL;DR, if you are in a hurry. The anectode starts like that: I hadn’t played Magic in years, for a lack of money and friends who were into it. In 2010 I started working at a...
  19. japahn

    Card/Deck Artifact Creatures

    This is consistently the weakest section of my cube, and I really having a good number around to fill spot in decks that are short of creatures. That said, the pool of decent artifact creatures is really shallow. I currently run, and many of these are questionable: Brass Man Hangarback Walker...
  20. japahn

    General Elegance in cube card selection

    Watchwolf Disperse Glimpse the Unthinkable Welkin Tern vs Fleecemane Lion Echoing Truth Breaking // Entering Rattlechains This is IMO a very important consideration for cubes, with a lot of space for different opinions, which depend a lot on the playing group's familiarity with the deep...