Search results

  1. Erik Twice

    General Land Storm

    I've been trying Chatterstorm and Awaken the woods and there's little information about it, so perhaps I should talk a bit about my experiences. First, this is a fantastic piece for a plethora of decks. Naturally, it's great in combo decks by ramping you one turn before going off. But it's also...
  2. Erik Twice

    General Riptide's P1P1 Thread

    Haha, don't worry! I was joking, not referering specially about your post! It's not a bad card, but it does have two big limits: You divide the pile and it rounds down. In practice, it's removal that does nothing against one creature and Diabolic Edict against two and three. It's only when you...
  3. Erik Twice

    General Riptide's P1P1 Thread

    Look, Bone Shredder is good removal and it has a ton of synergies. If someone wants to take Order of Mid-night, they can.
  4. Erik Twice

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    Yeah, at that point, it doesn't matter what you have you want that it will be good. Of course, it's best with Nektrataal, Venser and friends, but anything works, really.
  5. Erik Twice

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Predator's Howl is much worse than it seems because you have to keep the mana open and, if you run it, chances are removal is too expensive for you to trigger Morbid yourself. I agree with Ravnic that Hunger is not a combat trick, but something closer to Oakenform.
  6. Erik Twice

    Card/Deck [FDN] Foundations & Jumpstart – Testing and Inclusions!

    This looks like a great set! I'm not finding much I'm interested on because my cube has a high power level, but the fact that I'm not finding outliners here is actually a good thing.
  7. Erik Twice

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    They keep reusing that joke over and over again: "I am not in danger ARRGH" - [Name], [profession], last words. or "I underestimate you" - [Name] "the ironic", last words. If you look up "last words" on Scryfall, you get 49 cards. Not all of them follow those two templates, but most do...
  8. Erik Twice

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    By the way, I have no idea of where I would play it or how you are supposed to, but I love this: Scrawling Crawler Other than Stasis, how do you play with Howling Mine variants in cube?
  9. Erik Twice

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    I hate how the fantastic art is ruined by yet another attempt at funny flavour text. It's hard not to notice that Magic's flavour text has been increasingly limited to two flavours: Cool "I'm better than you" lines and Marvel-like humour. I like this card as a design, sadly it's too weak for...
  10. Erik Twice

    General CBS

    I did, but it was extremely underwhelming. First, as blink, it's simply not good enough to wait 2 turns to get any value. You are already spending a card, you open yourself to removal and you need enough good creatures in your deck and in play to actually target. As removal. you usually play...
  11. Erik Twice

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    Dungeons & Dragons. To give just one example: Hit points, as they exist in every single game today, come from Dungeons and Dragons. Of course, I'm talking about designer games here, traditional games (Chess, Go, Tarot, etc.) would probably be on top, but their influence is hard to measure.
  12. Erik Twice

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    There's no dystopia bad enough for capitalists to stop injecting ads into everything. I really feel for you guys. For many of you this game is your passion and hobby. Seeing it destroyed like this is beyond words. Fucking Spongebob cards in tournaments. It's downright vandalism, Magic is the...
  13. Erik Twice

    General Fight Club

    Reassembling Skeleton is narrow and plays much worse than it looks. Like others say, you are better off running any of the plethora of recursive aggro creatures. You can also just run token-makers or other options instead. Note that, while token spam is annoying, Aristocrats tend to fare poorly...
  14. Erik Twice

    General Alchemy, Playtest, Funny and other strange cards

    We should really try to make decent-looking proxies of those cards, I don't know why Alchemy is so ugly, to be honest.
  15. Erik Twice

    General Fight Club

    Harmonic Prodigy is a ton of fun, particularly with unusual effects like Toby, Beastie Befriender, Venser, Shaper Savant or Ignoble Hierarch. It is, however, a narrow card and, if you are strict, it probably shouldn't make it in anyone's cube. That said, it's a fun pick and you can slot it in Izzet.
  16. Erik Twice

    General Alchemy, Playtest, Funny and other strange cards

    Also, this card seems interesting, though I'm not sure it's actually playable as anything except a {X}{B} Stroke of Genius: Welcome the Darkness
  17. Erik Twice

    General Alchemy, Playtest, Funny and other strange cards

    This is a surprisingly clever design, I did not expect that from an Alchemy set much less one with the word "perpetually" on it. Here's the thing: Lurrus is absolutely broken. While it's companion that pushes it over the line, the fact is that it enables all sorts of nasty play patterns: Bring...
  18. Erik Twice

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    It should scale according to power level. Regardless, it's easy to overrate because we tend to focus on the payoff and ignore the cost of Rielle itself. First, consider that her body is irrelevant. Even if you had a lot of spells to boost her power (unlikely), she isn't attacking too often...
  19. Erik Twice

    General Alchemy, Playtest, Funny and other strange cards

    One of my goals is to give these cards actual illustrations, probably do the same with a few branded cards as well. What do people use to make customs?
  20. Erik Twice

    Mordor's Cube (The Ship of Theseus)

    Yep. They keep twisting themselves to come up with wordier, weierder, worse variants of Kicker when they could just use Kicker.