This card seems pretty cool. While I wish it was a 2/2 instead of a 1/3, I think this card has potential legs! I love cool Prowess payoffs, and this one is in a color that needs it with cool flavor and an awesome full-art version by Zoltan Boros!
This thing being 1 counter per power is something a lot of people missed. Maybe you did too and it's better than you think.
At 2/2 you'd just get a drake every turn with basically no questions asked.
I'm not hugely in due to the bespoke token, but I imagine it plays really well and I could change my mind.
Also the borderless version in question:
Someone on the cube talk discord described this as "the cover of a fantasy novel you'd find in a used book shop with 4 sequels that got cancelled on a cliffhanger" and I've never seen art described this way or so well XD
RE: the whole flavor text thing, fully agree. The whole marvel thing is called Bathos; when they undercut the drama of a scene by throwing in a joke when the audience should be marinating in a dramatic moment.
Mostly I'm just frustrated they can't leave any stone unturned:

Like look at this card. For those of you who don't know, here's a funny lil guy from Ice Age:
The artist got the art description, but didn't know what a Lemure was, which is shades or spirits of the restless or malignant dead apparently, more of a spirit. He thought they meant Lemur, like up on Preposterous Proportions, and thought they were doing a little fantasy creature thing where they spell it funny, so he submitted this art.
The art team thought it was more funny than anything, so kept the art in. Full story more richly footnoted
here, and the pedants among us even got their own justice when Dominaria Remastered came out:
All this for some terrible card from ice age.
So we come to foundations, and hey why not make a Lemure/Lemur joke on the EDH sized
Why do you need to specify it's his last words?
Why is this fucker called URIAH THE SMUG? Do you think if there's some prick in town who's just condescending by nature all the time he gets it in official paperwork? Do other people in town call him that as a title, absent all the other ways he might be a dick? Like he's being smug at the beginning of the quote, you can tell, you don't need to explain that to us.
But no, someone might not get it. Better leave NOTHING to think about. Management has agreed some very stupid people might be reading this flavor text, and we had damn well better stop them from learning anything, better add in "-Uriah the Smug, last words"