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  1. ahadabans

    General Fight Club

    Call of the Herd is a powerful card. Was in PowerMax lists for a long time. It's CA and great in goodstuff decks or things like the Rock. If you need support for those decks, run it. Anything powerful enough to run with flashback is generally going to increase the fun and depth of your cube...
  2. ahadabans

    General Modern Horizons

    Cool. I'll have to peruse your list. I'm always interested in different ways to employ storm outside the tradtitional PowerMax approach.
  3. ahadabans

    General Modern Horizons

    I'm not sure I'm following. Elvish Visionary costing G is much different than playing it T1 (with a mox or starting the game with one land in play). As costed, I don't see Elvish Visionary being a bomb in any environment. Even best case scenario (Wirewood Symbiote and a mana elf? I guess?)...
  4. ahadabans

    General Good cards you don't run because they are ugly

    I tend to run slightly higher power cubes than most Riptide lists, but IMO Hippie is not OP in today's version of Magic even for lower powered lists. You could Penny cube it easily (though it has no real synergy with either list so wouldn't fit thematically). With my regular group gone, I...
  5. ahadabans

    General Good cards you don't run because they are ugly

    I used to hate white border cards, but as I've gotten a bit older I now really appreciate some of them. Revised cards in particular. They are sort of washed out a bit and it makes them look older than they are. And with certain spells - particularly stuff that is clearly OP - it just adds...
  6. ahadabans

    General CBS

    Good post. I've always looked at what designers are doing here as advanced cubing though. The downside is that you have to pour a lot of your own time and resources into making it work. By contrast, the more traditional power cubing paradigm saves a lot of development time up front. I...
  7. ahadabans

    General CBS

    Years ago I used the term "powermax" over on MTGS and it was taken well. I think the feeling is its sort of a slight against the format philosophy. FWIW, we should probably just leave the naming the way it is ("powered" and "unpowered cubes" - are rare lists that focus on card quality - the...
  8. ahadabans

    General CBS

    Speaking of broken magic... I have to post another LSV video. The last match of this draft is one of the craziest cube games I've ever seen. For the secret power max lovers lurking here (with more on the way from MTGS?? Yeah? Yeah?)... this type of stuff is really only possible in that...
  9. ahadabans

    General Good cards you don't run because they are ugly

    Concur completely with this. Now that I no longer have a regular cubing group, it's generally just a thing that happens randomly. And that means I'm playing with people that are just not plugged in the game anymore (or at all). Some of these newer cards are mechanically sound and interesting...
  10. ahadabans

    General CBS

    Wow. I didn't realize they were shutting down. That's crazy. Well, I hope the cube community migrates over here. This forum has always been a great place for thoughtful discussion. I know Jason was semi-joking (I think?) when he suggested a powermax sub forum, but it might not be a bad...
  11. ahadabans

    General CBS

    Hello all. Long time no talk. Hope everyone is doing well. Haven't played much magic recently, but this new set is exciting to me as it feels like a throwback for the old folks (very Timespiral-like?). And for anyone that wants to watch a Laboratory Maniac draft deck piloted to...
  12. ahadabans

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    Cruel Ultimatum is a great effect but that casting cost is a bit much.
  13. ahadabans

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    Is anyone's list low power enough to run this instead? Nicol Bolas
  14. ahadabans

    General Sunk Cost Fallacy and the impact on the evolution of cube design

    I do think cube is a complex format and that it appeals in particular to established (or at least experienced) players. It is pretty niche. But that might be underselling the format a bit. I left the game and cube brought me back. That might sound cliche but it's not an overblown or...
  15. ahadabans

    General Sunk Cost Fallacy and the impact on the evolution of cube design

    I agree with this. When I first started working on my midrange/balanced cube, I was obsessed with removing bombs. To the point where drafting got harder (in a sort of annoying way) simply because there weren't any obvious first picks anymore. So I actually think a really flat power level is...
  16. ahadabans

    General Do finishers have to be so boring?

    I'm inclined to agree with Sigh on the primary point. I typically dislike cards that both stabilize the board and provide a win condition simultaneously. I think they should do one or the other or cost a lot if they do both. I do feel like a high cost card should give you value though even if it...
  17. ahadabans

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    High risk/high reward type of card. Depends on if you like how those play. If they kill it right away, you probably lose. If they don't, you probably win the game. If your cube has a lot of removal, this card will die too often to justify paying that cost. It will go undrafted. If it has...
  18. ahadabans

    General Sunk Cost Fallacy and the impact on the evolution of cube design

    Haven't posted in awhile, but this is a topic near and dear to my heart. I'll play devil's advocate though just to try and balance the discussion somewhat. Power max design has led to a wealth of information that one person - or even a small group of people - would be simply unable to...
  19. ahadabans

    Modular Cube - 5 Colors

    It was too much work. That's the short of it. Design was significantly harder because you had to factor in how drafting would work with various combinations - so it was like designing 10 cubes that all went together. I also disliked being forced into a color, which was very obvious when...
  20. ahadabans

    Kaidan - Kamigawa Meets Innistrad

    I took an extended break from Magic but recently got the urge to tinker with this list again. I originally planned to make some tweaks to it but ended up sort of starting over and then going back to retrofit the changes from my new list. Turns out I didn't deviate as far as I expected I would...