Sets (AFR) Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Previews- Dripping with Flavor, and Excess Words!


I know this isn't making anyone else's list because it's multicolored, but the stats alone are worth running and the X on top of that is a sweet bonus for my color pie.
Lmao? They are throwing some doozies at us with this set. It's a combination of "very hard to cast" and "literally free to cast from either my hand or my graveyard" depending on the turns. A couple random cheap spells can make this pretty castable ({U}{U}). Not strongly considering it myself, but dang. Really strong on-attack trigger too. No mana restriction on the selection.
bob the skull.png

Remember how we were talking about Delver decks a couple of weeks back? I think I've found a better card for that deck. Also, we finally have a sweet payoff for playing mono-blue apart from Cryptic Command, and that makes me very happy. It's a little weird to me that Bob the Skull doesn't have flying, but I can cope. Unfortunately, this guy seems a little too fair as Escape--4 instants or sorceries is a very big cost, and will probably keep Bonehead strictly in constructed-land. I think I just talked myself out of trying it. Damn.
As soon as I see d20 or Venture, I move on.
I'm mostly with you here, unfortunately. But I decided to read this one, and I am intrigued at least.
Finally an interesting intersection point of spells and artifact decks? Daretti this out and then get to recasting all the random burn etc. that gets used? Or even just as a late game effect for control decks to stay loaded up on options. Note: A graveyard.

The randomness still irks me, but even at baseline, this is a very powerful effect, and at crit you cast every spell you've exiled for free, which is... yeah. My gears are churning.

EDIT: "Finally an interesting intersection point of spells and artifact decks?": More interesting than Torrential Gearhulk lol.
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I might actually be a fan of this one. It's not a flicker effect but it does save your team from a Wrath, and then it can just be a flash idiot other times.
Lmao? They are throwing some doozies at us with this set. It's a combination of "very hard to cast" and "literally free to cast from either my hand or my graveyard" depending on the turns. A couple random cheap spells can make this pretty castable ({U}{U}). Not strongly considering it myself, but dang. Really strong on-attack trigger too. No mana restriction on the selection.
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This is probably not a reasonable inclusion for me but I want it to be because it's recursive and lets you double-dip on your spells pretty easily...I don't think it costing U less for casting a spell helps much with a multi-color deck since blue is the most spell-heavy color.

The recursion is incredibly hard to do, and I got rid of my beloved Very Cryptic Command for having three blue pips.

All that said, I'd probably try it out if it had better art. Why is it never the mythics I want to get the full art treatment??

I legitimately think this card is one of the more interesting cards in the entire set. It's a nice clean design that provides some nice reach for red decks without being oppressive. I don't think it's good enough for most Cubes, but I could see including this in a Peasant Cube of some variety.

There appears to be a pretty cool "Dragon Tribal" archetype emerging in Peasant between these cards and the Mono Color Dragon cycles from Fate Reforged and Dragons of Tarkir. It would probably have to be a 180 card cube to be consistent, but I think it represents a really cool direction for people who wish to swing that way.
I don't think it costing U less for casting a spell helps much with a multi-color deck since blue is the most spell-heavy color.
There would be quite a few spell options to pull from R or B. I think most commonly it would cost something like (R) UUU or (1B) UUU. Not impossible, but still not easy by any means. A major reason I'm not planning on including it.
Lmao? They are throwing some doozies at us with this set. It's a combination of "very hard to cast" and "literally free to cast from either my hand or my graveyard"
My {B}{B}{B} card is so much worse than the {U}{U}{U}{U} card! :(
I'm mostly with you here, unfortunately. But I decided to read this one, and I am intrigued at least.
Struggle of sigh saying to read it vs "d20"


This is a weird one. Artifact synergy, +1/+1 synergy, elves if you care in BR, and can give a little ramp to a color combo with limited non-Signet/Talisman access to it. Can ramp you into a non-Boltable version of Orcus, posted above, or Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch for your counters deck. Not sure if it's good, but it certainly has some play to it.

Ok. I read the Spellbook and hate the 20 outcome.
I have to admit, the whole set looks worse to me the more I know about it.

The whole d20 mechanic is terrible. There's no risk management or any other interesting use of randomness, it's just luck. You might get an overcosted effect, an undercosted one or just steamroll your opponent. I don't think Magic was exactly lacking more random ways to win and lose games.

Dungeons just seem stapled to the game. Venture into the dungeon is just an ETB effect, it doesn't seem more interesting than, well, having cards with those effects in them.

The extra words are cute but stapling flavour text onto a card doesn't make it more thematically resonant, interesting or fun.

I admit, I'm going to miss when this hits around and I can't draft Strixhaven on Arena anymore :(
Yeah that's pretty good. Cheap equip cost definitely makes it quite a bit stronger. I would probably only animate it as a last resort? Really nice added flexibility in any case.
yeah, i’d say if my equipper dies and i have no creatures in hand and none on board, that’s usually when i’m gonna animate the sword
Dancing Sword just reminds me that I should really try to make room for Maul of the Skyclaves. Neat card though!


Kind of wild that we're getting a new card type after being 2/3 of the way through spoilers? It's Level Up meets Sagas, so it's reasonably interesting as a card type, potential memory issues aside. It's a little obvious, like so many other parts of this set, but I find it less clever or exciting than the other cheeky mechanics. Better than +2 Mace or Half-Elf Monk, but doesn't pass the threshold of "this is neat" like even dungeons do.

(On that note...looking pretty good on being able to skip Dungeons for consideration, dragoboi is the only one so far I'd consider)
This is a pretty solid combination of abilities. Not really synergistic with my RB section, but it's a powerful card nonetheless.
I like Classes. They are almost exactly like how we had them in an old adventure (not the keyword) cube. Wizards’ Classes are more clean than ours were. Thumbs up, Wizards!

I can see myself testing several of them.


Maybe not the last two. We’ll see when spoilers are done.