Sets (AFR) Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Previews- Dripping with Flavor, and Excess Words!

Esper commander :pogchimp:
"Venture into --" :mad:


This is perfect for those times when you already have 7 mana and you're able to deal them a bunch of damage but you still need help winning.
Alright, this is a solid, solid artifact enabler right here.
I see this (ingenious smith) much more as a payoff than an enabler. it requires me to have lots of artifacts in my deck, and it does not produce any artifacts on its own. additionally i think it requires quite a density as top 4 cards is easy to whiff
I see this (ingenious smith) much more as a payoff than an enabler. it requires me to have lots of artifacts in my deck, and it does not produce any artifacts on its own. additionally i think it requires quite a density as top 4 cards is easy to whiff
The enabler in it is made much more solid by the payoff part also being there :)

Chris Taylor

Classes solidify my interpretation that between these and Ornithopter of Paradise I feel like there's a job listing on WotC's website right now for "Card Namer" and they're just desperately struggling until they find someone

Interesting though. They've spoiled allied, enemy and monocolor classes as of right now:
And yes this is baseless speculation that will likely be moot by end of day, but I like this kind of theorycrafting

W: Cleric
U: Wizard
B: Warlock
R: Barbarian
G: Ranger
UW: Artificer?
UB: Rogue
RB: Blood Hunter?
RG: Bard
GW: Paladin?
WB: Paladin?!?!
UG: Druid(?)
UR: Sorcerer
WR: Fighter

After some quick googling, there's 14 classes in 5e if you count the Artificer and Blood Hunter (Both not in the player's handbook)
Paladin and Monk are also missing.

I wonder if this is how they announce a new class? Or maybe just borrow something from like 3.5

Ojutai at home. Hexproof becomes Ward {4} and Anticipate becomes a flat Draw with a Pokémon TCG-esque draw up effect. It is a bit odd that the Blue dragon is the one that lives in the Desert, but I think that has something to do with D&D lore that I am not aware of at this time.

I might end up playing this card as an extra copy of Dragonlord Ojutai for my Esper Dragons archetype. Ward {4} is significantly worse than Hexproof, but my cube is fast enough to where that shouldn't be an issue outside of extremely long games. Either way, it should be a pretty cool finisher.
Ornithopter of Paradise
I liked that one :(
But you're right. A lot of cards this set are "Adjective Noun" or "You Verb the Noun." Most of the more interesting names are drawn directly from D&D, I suspect.

Fifty Feet of Rope
[Color] Dragon
Dragon Turtle (Creature -- Dragon Turtle)
Zombie Ogre (Creature -- Zombie Ogre)
+2 Mace

There's got to be some basic cards in a set and my understanding is that D&D does lend itself to this kind of thing, but they really, really leaned into it. A child could have named about 2/3 of the cards this set after seeing the art.
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Ojutai at home. Hexproof becomes Ward {4} and Anticipate becomes a flat Draw with a Pokémon TCG-esque draw up effect. It is a bit odd that the Blue dragon is the one that lives in the Desert, but I think that has something to do with D&D lore that I am not aware of at this time.

I might end up playing this card as an extra copy of Dragonlord Ojutai for my Esper Dragons archetype. Ward {4} is significantly worse than Hexproof, but my cube is fast enough to where that shouldn't be an issue outside of extremely long games. Either way, it should be a pretty cool finisher.
The ward ability is much fairer than Ojutai, which I like. The draw ability feels a lot stronger. Potentially a lot stronger. Like Impulse versus Ancestral Recall stronger.

And it's like 3x more red-proof :confused:
Ojutai at home. Hexproof becomes Ward {4} and Anticipate becomes a flat Draw with a Pokémon TCG-esque draw up effect. It is a bit odd that the Blue dragon is the one that lives in the Desert, but I think that has something to do with D&D lore that I am not aware of at this time.

I might end up playing this card as an extra copy of Dragonlord Ojutai for my Esper Dragons archetype. Ward {4} is significantly worse than Hexproof, but my cube is fast enough to where that shouldn't be an issue outside of extremely long games. Either way, it should be a pretty cool finisher.
Ward 4 is a lot worse, but it remains very strong while giving more opportunity for interaction. That's potentially more interesting, anyways. Being monocolored is also a big buff. Definitely a strong way to spend 5 mana.


Solid artifact for my low power boiz
This looks like a worse Mirror Entity.

Classes are further proof than Sagas are a better design template than Planeswalkers. In fact, they are even closer to the original idea for the card than Sagas. They seem an inevitable addition to the game and I welcome them.

They seem a bit below my power level (that's good for the game) but I like Paladin and Ranger. Still, they seem more designed for limited than constructed

Alright, this is a solid, solid artifact enabler right here. Good with Equipment in Wx, but good in Jeskai or similar "true artifact decks". Triggers off of things like thopters and/or servos too.
View attachment 4671
This looks good for moving artifacts into white. It looks similar to Elvish Visionary, though the draw may fizzle and the body is actually meaningful.
It is a bit odd that the Blue dragon is the one that lives in the Desert, but I think that has something to do with D&D lore that I am not aware of at this time.

Blue dragons live in deserts and breath lightning, green dragons live in forests and breath forests, black dragons live in swamps and breath acid, red dragons live in volcanoes and breath fire, and white dragons live in the frozen tundras and suck.

No, seriously, white dragons are the weakest true dragons.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Blue dragons live in deserts and breath lightning, green dragons live in forests and breath forests, black dragons live in swamps and breath acid, red dragons live in volcanoes and breath fire, and white dragons live in the frozen tundras and suck.

No, seriously, white dragons are the weakest true dragons.
I don't really know anything about this, I just like it when other people have opinions.
To those of you who run life gain in white

View attachment 4680

I think you should include Snow-Covered Plains in your cube in order to run this combo.

Don’t tell your drafters about the combo. Just include it and let them find it themselves.
Just realized you can also just use Mutavault…. I feel foolish. I’ve been brainwashed by Standard. No need for Snow-Covered.
I'm not sold on needing 1WWW (including a colorless land) in order to try this "combo." It seems very janky except for the 1% of the time it actually works, in which case it's just annoying. This exceeds Chain of Smog levels of gimmicky.