Alex Blanton's Cube

Hey guys. This is my first cube, and my only experience with this format is these forums and a few cube design articles. Most of the cards are based off my own collection and stuff I picked up from my LGS. I don't know anyone who manages a cube around here, so I'd like to hear your opinions.

I borrowed heavily from Jason's main cube as a starting place. The people who play this will have varying skill levels. Part of my playgroup plays Standard, some play Legacy, many play Commander, and pretty much everyone drafts. A couple of them almost exclusively play one or two archetypes, like white aggro or U/B control.

Archetypes I'd like to see pop up:
multicolor aggro/tempo, control, ramp, midrange
Pod decks
black-based loners
UR spells matter (Kiln Fiend/dragonauts)
an Aristocrats style deck

Notes and concerns:
  1. I've included three Pods since they seem fun to build around, but I avoided multiples of anything else for lack of knowledge. I have doubled up on Zendikar fetches and shocklands because I don't have the older lands (except Windswept Heath). I'll add them if I get my hands on them.
  2. Some black cards might need to be exchanged for white ones.
  3. Am I trying to support too many things? I'm willing to cut archetypes that may turn into traps.
  4. I noticed my green section produces a LOT of mana. Is that acceptable if I still want it to occasionally play beatdown? Should I add more ramp targets?
  5. Titans and Baneslayer. Too powerful? Should I preemptively cut them for weaker, more synergistic cards?
Also, thanks for doing this, guys. I probably wouldn't have gotten this far if I hadn't seen so many interesting ideas on this site. Keep it up!

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Welcome to the forums, Alex! I really like your restraint in the four-drop sections across all the colours, and heck, on expensive cards in general. Providing more cheap and interesting early plays than interchangeable midrangy cards makes for more interactive games overall.

The Titans are probably a smidge on the powerful side in your cube, but there's no harm in trying them out and seeing whether they imbalance the games. You might want a tad more universal removal if you don't want your environment to warp around them, though - Path to Exile and Doom Blade might not be bad additions.

It's hard to tell at a glance what archetypes your cube naturally supports without giving it a few test runs. I wouldn't worry too much about fine-tuning the more advanced archetypes until you draft your cube a few times and are happy with the general aggro / midrange / control balance. For example, I can tell right off the bat that an Izzet spells-matter deck is very much a long shot at best, but that doesn't mean that some kind of UR tempo deck can't exist.

Ramp in green is a tricky beast to support. On the one hand, it's a ton of fun to plop down some mana elves and cast some seven drops well ahead of the natural curve. On the other, it can be sometimes be non-interactive for opponents to fight against. That said, I think the number of mana-producing cards you have in green is plenty reasonable as it is, and isn't really overboard at the moment. You could go for some more high-end ramp targets - a Craterhoof Behemoth and a Tooth and Nail would really hit the spot.

Having said all that, your list looks more than reasonable at this point already, and it's certainly in a better place than my first iteration (or first dozen tries, even!). Hope you have fun drafting it, and report back to us with some results and updates!

Chris Taylor

Archetypes I'd like to see pop up:
  • multicolor aggro/tempo, control, ramp, midrange
  • Pod decks
  • black-based loners
  • UR spells matter (Kiln Fiend/dragonauts)
  • an Aristocrats style deck
Notes and concerns:
  1. I've included three Pods since they seem fun to build around, but I avoided multiples of anything else for lack of knowledge. I have doubled up on Zendikar fetches and shocklands because I don't have the older lands (except Windswept Heath). I'll add them if I get my hands on them.
  2. Some black cards might need to be exchanged for white ones.
  3. Am I trying to support too many things? I'm willing to cut archetypes that may turn into traps.
  4. I noticed my green section produces a LOT of mana. Is that acceptable if I still want it to occasionally play beatdown? Should I add more ramp targets?
  5. Titans and Baneslayer. Too powerful? Should I preemptively cut them for weaker, more synergistic cards?

Always happy to see a new cube pop up :D

Here's my thoughts, per archetype/point:
Aggro: Some of those 1 drops aren't that great. Jackel Famaliar and Gul Draz Vampire play less well than they appear, and could probably be cut for better ones. For overlap with the Aristocrats deck, you'll probably want mroe gravecrawler-esque cards, like reassembling skeleton or nether traitor, or simply more gravecrawlers. Interacting before the opponent is off their feet is key, and one drops make that much easier.
Control: This is a harder nut to crack, but I've noticed a few key gaps. In red, there's no sweeper other than blasphemous act. Given all the advantages blue/white/black have as control colors, giving red at least one cheap wrath like slagstorm or the new anger of the gods (if you want a card to interact with the aristocrats deck) does wonders. Also if you can manage it, rolling earthquake is the best of these. Earthquake not hitting fliers is always a bigger deal than it looks like.
Pod: My personal favorite pod card is Mikaeus the Unhallowed, with a close second being murderous redcap. I'm personally unfamaliar with the archetype myself (too complicated for me, I is bad drafter :p), but sources tell me those help if you wanna give help.
Spells Matter: Personally I prefer the young pyromancer style of this deck to the kiln fiend style. The origional counter-burn decks were rather grindy, and I think it suits them better than pretending to be infect. My recommendations: Runechanter's Pike (OH MY GOD THIS CARD IS SO SWEET), more cantrips (Brainstorm, Ponder, Preordain etc), and more oneshot token cards (Eg: Lingering Souls, Raise the Alarm) since the UW version is sweet too. I haven't tried delver of secrets myself, but it could be cool.
Aristocrats: Goblin MFing Bombardment (Also Blasting Station). This is the card that holds this deck together :D Can't recommend it enough. While these are my favorite, really any noncreature (read: hard to remove) no mana required sac outlet will do, just typically 1 damage matters more than some mana (phyrexian altar, Ashnod's Altar), bears (spawning pit) or some milled cards (Altar of Dementia).
Also: I notice you don't run skullclamp, but if that changes, it interacts in scary ways with this archetype. I've cut clamp for this very reason :p

Doubling Up: We all play this one by ear, but I've also doubled up on things where the alternative is too weak (eg: Man-o'-War and AEther adept, Damnnation and Black Sun's Zenith, etc) or too powerful (strip mine --> wasteland)
A lot of people here add multiple gravecrawers simply because no recursive creature really exists that comes close to it's power (other than bloodghast, which usually also gets multiplied :p)

Color Section Sizes: Don't feel the need for these to be exactly the same, but a whole 10 card different might be worth considering.

Spread too thin: Almost certainly not. If you get worried, look to cards which help multiple archetypes, like fatestitcher. It's a zombie, it untaps pod, and it's also a tapper. Thats control, Pod and aristocrats right there.

Green Mana: Keep a close eye on the number of accelerators in your cube, since the more there are the faster aggro decks need to be to keep up. Draft ramp in your next draft, and see if the accelleration comes too easily.
With regards to the ammount of mana green produces, assuming you want to keep the accellerators the way they are (personally be wary of anything that makes more than one mana: Rofellos, Coalition Relic, Sol Ring etc), the rest is just adjusting your ramp targets. I think you could probably use a few more, but the green ramp deck planning to cast Hornet Queen looks quite different than the deck planning to cast Ulamog or Worldspine Wurm, for example.

Titans: Depends on the Titan. They're all fine cards, and the only one I think is really opressive is Grave Titan, but honestly black control needs the help in my opinion. Inferno Titan could be bad, but everyone else is fine. Primeval Titan might actually be bad, honestly :p
Baneslayer is just a big dumb idiot with lifelink. She's a perfectly reasonable, just don't include 7 other creatures like her. Baneslayer on her own is fine, Batterskull is fine, but enough of them together makes aggro drafters cry.
@ Eric Chan: Good to know it looks halfway decent. With the high drops, I just emulated the curves and advice I saw on other cubes. HOOF and Tooth and Nail are great ideas.

Doom Blade has always seemed a little bland to me, but I am running it's other variants. Sounds good. On another note, would the black Searing Blaze be viable? Does sorcery speed affect its viability? I kinda want to find out how those extra lines of text affect how it's drafted. Would an aggro deck take it over an actual Doom Blade?

@ Chris Taylor: Yeah, Clamp is ridiculous. If I'm worried about Titans being too strong, then Clamp is definitely too good. I'll keep an eye on the life-gainers and mana-rocks.

For Anger of the Gods or Slagstorm, should I add it for redundancy or cut the Incendiary Command? It's flexible, but slow.

Necrotic Ooze seems a little unsupported. Should I go the Bennie Smith route and work in a Grimgrin and a Bloodline Keeper? Other notable abilities: Hateflayer, Undercity Informer, Polukranos and Nemesis of Mortals, Grave-Troll...

I've made a list of cards to acquire later this week or online. Stromkirk Noble is coming in since he lost his job in RG aggro. Now on the list are Pike, Craterhoof, Path, Bombardment, and a Slagstorm effect.

I've been doing CubeTutor drafts with bots. Other than wheeling the occasional Titan, it looks pretty good. A little worried about Venser/Wave, but I doubt my playgroup knows that it's a combo. I'll try to get some 2-mans in; more people will take time to coordinate. Thanks for the feedback.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Soul Reap seems pretty interesting, if only because there are way too many "destroy target nonblack creature" spells in Magic's twenty year history already. Sorcery speed is a pretty punishing drawback, though, and I'm not sure the life loss rider is anywhere close to good enough to compensate. I agree that Doom Blade is a little boring, though. Maybe Eyeblight's Ending or Slaughter Pact? I've run the former for a long time, and our players are always happy with it.

Chris made some excellent suggestions above. I especially agree on Batterskull over Baneslayer as a card to keep your eye on. Baneslayer is relatively harmless, being just a 'dude', but Batterskull's colorless nature and its potential for recursion make it easier to abuse and very hard to justify passing. Again, this isn't a recommendation to cut it outright, but just to keep a careful watch over.

Chris Taylor

Oooo, and if you run slaughter pact you can play the game!

Everyone who loses during their upkeep by forgetting to slaughter pact has to sign it and increment a counter.
My cube had its first draft last night! We had seven players, and one dropped out after she drafted. We started rather late, so we only played 1 1/2 rounds. With enough time, this list would probably have won:

G/W Aggro

This was my brother's deck. He first-picked Smiter and forced G/W Aggro. It worked out really well for him.

I drafted a (greedy) Esper control splashing Mizzium Mortars, Lightning Helix, and Cruel Ultimatum. The one game I won against the aforementioned G/W was a Jace ultimate, so that was fun. By the way, Fetch + Shock hurts so much! Batterskull was necessary to try to gain back half the life I lost just trying to kill things. I'll be sure to go lighter on my splashes from now on.

The other decks included a pretty good R/U counterburn deck, a Bant deck with weenies and Edric, R/B aggro, R/B midrange, and green ramp splashing for both Sarkhans and Hellkite Overlord. Except for the misrepresentation in red and black, I think the archetypes were well represented.

I had everyone write down their final picks. The playgroup had a few newer players, so this didn't exactly work out the way I planned. (Frosty and Bob 15th... Yeah.) It seems like everyone had fun, so I'm gonna write this off as a success.

Edit: I'm willing to chalk the overrepresentation of red and black to insufficient shuffling, but I DO need to balance the colors out a little.

Edit 2: I also noticed that the newer players were somewhat overwhelmed by the amount of cards they didn't know. For example, I was using a textless Nameless Inversion and Searing Blaze and had to explain what they did a few times. I'm going to switch those out for regular ones, but I might need to make the cube a bit simpler so they still know what's going on. I want to make an exciting environment for skilled players, but I don't want to scare away the less experienced. I might need a Frazzled Editor.

I'm hoping to work in the utility land draft, but I'm afraid it'll just add unnecessary complexity. Until we get more drafts in, I'll put that on the backburner.


black is kind of enigmatic in a higher-power-level cube but in yours i'd just add some more removal and draw and take out some creatures and pump da fist. as for red, your curve is low enough that you can double up on 1's (or add the guide), with the density of fixing being tastefully saturated red ought to be pretty good (though there's no way of telling unless you get good drafters to come over, multicolor aggro being impossible to draft for the inexperienced as they never take enough goddamn lands).

i think necrotic ooze is just too clunky for cube. unless you wanna pay 7 to draw 7 REALLY BADLY

i'm drooling over soul reap and adding it immediately to my cube. great find! (seize the soul is a similar and fun one we run)

spells matter -- either 2-4x up on the good cantrips or (perhaps more reasonably) cut the theme. double delver is nice too. we found spellheart is really bad though

move some of the lands to a utility draft, if that doesn't go over well owing to playgroup, stuff like alchemist's refuge can go entirely.

do some testing with proxies. i like proxies. proxy proxy proxy proxy proxy proxy proxy proxy proxy proxy


edit: there's a bunch of cards that don't cut the mustard powerlevelwise when compared with the rest of the cube, too many to type out but i'll just say that i don't like teeg-ish cards at all in cube, and playing the likes of Butcher of Malakir, Angelic Arbiter at 7+ next to the titans at 6 looks pretty silly
Glad I could help with the Soul Reap.

Ooze (among others) does seem like unnecessary baggage right now. He may come back if I ever do get that Griselbrand. Yay pet cards! I wanted to see how some of them played out before I cut them for good. As is, many of those cards were awkward in any board state they would be cast.

I saw how many cantrips you were running and was very surprised. I mean, 4 Ponders!? The counterburn deck seemed to do absurdly well with just Faithless Looting discarding Deep Analysis and Reckless Charge. I could use a couple more cantrips and stuff, though. I expect more blue decks to pop up next time we draft.

I had to scribble proxies for a couple fetches right before the draft. I'm thinking I'll do the same for the rest of the fetches, and maybe some things I want to trade for. Nothing says "I want this card" more than a lonely slip of paper with the words "Voice of Resurgence" at the top.

I noticed the 7-drops looked silly. They're pretty much there to remind me to replace them with something better. I'll get to improving the bad cards as soon as I find the cards/proxy them. I have Guides somewhere, I just couldn't find one. It feels bad to proxy things I own, but it is necessary until I find them.


cantrips are nice. give players an opportunity to blow it and they'll learn and enjoy the game. as a design point counterburn needs some extra help when the other decks are making loam lions up the yin yang, control appreciates the extra consistency, and so on. (strictly better gatherer) has a nice proxy-printing apparatus. tcgplayer too. go forth and proxy! it's easier to design well when you have ALL THE CARDS.

7's: angel of serenity is all kinds of fun. sheoldred and king Azaz too. beyond that you can do whatever (norn is the most powerful, and something like myr battlesphere seems on the lowish slope of your cube's power level)

Chris Taylor

I make it a point of running no textless or forein cards in my cube, after people kept asking what tidings did. (Lesser case: Cryptic command. "What does it do?" "It does... blue.")

As for proxies, magic cards are 8.8cm tall.
Get an image from anywhere, paste a billion of them into Microsoft Word, set one of them to be 8.8cm tall, and press Ctrl+Y (ie: Redo) after clicking on another one. Repeat, and print out.
Narrow margins should let you print out 6 per sheet.

CML has had success doubling up on each of his cantrips (Brainstorm, Ponder, Preordain), which makes for 6/400.
...oh your cubes are the same size. That makes things easy doesn't it? :p
It sounds like a good number to me, I've got the basic 3, but doubled up on thought scour, though I don't have any data on how that's working yet.

Also, consider doubling up on young pyromancer, and Runechanter's Pike is the best UR spells card out there.
I had a draft over the weekend for my birthday. It was somewhat last-minute, so I only had 5 people. We had fun, but everything seemed open. How do you guys draft with 4-6 people? Do you mess with the pack size or the deck size? Or do you just play?

I made a few changes before the draft. Nothing in green, though. Everything there is either untested or seems acceptable until everything else stabilizes.

Out: Hallowed Healer, Moment of Heroism, Angelic Arbiter, Kor Duelist
In: Spear of Heliod, Knight of Glory, Angel of Serenity, Elite Vanguard
Spear was actually used as a continuous avenging arrow by the control deck. I drafted the angel early to ramp into, but couldn't play it due to color intensity.
Out: Logic Knot, Evasive Action, Sage's Dousing, See Beyond, Distortion Strike
In: Essence Scatter, Negate, Remand, Thought Scour, Stifle, Omenspeaker
Blue had too many counters that went bad late. Wasn't sure where to add the cantrips, but they are coming in.
Out: Haunted Fengraf, Ghost Quarter
In: The other Onslaught fetches, another Tec Edge

One of the guys drafted the same R/B removal deck he did last time. No mass removal, just a few smaller utility creatures and as much removal as he could fit. This matchup was also the second time a control deck drew itself out. From what I saw, Jace just needs to +2 more, but I wasn't watching the whole thing. I may need to add more/better finishers, but he only had Colonnade, Chandra, Jace Beleren, and Baneslayer.

More suggestions would be appreciated. It's hard to get the better drafters together, so simplicity and newer cards are priorities.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Jace, the Mind Sculptor is the single most misused card in my cube, by far. Which has led to people here concluding that, well, it's not all that good. So your playgroup's not alone there!

If RB mono-removal is annoyingly potent, you might want to look at the density of your point removal in black and your burn in red, and see if it needs toning down. From glancing at your CubeTutor list, it seems like you have a whole mess of burn spells, and more than half of your instants in black kill creatures, to say nothing of guys like Bone Shredder and Shriekmaw. Now, I love burn as much as the next guy, but keep in mind that spells like Flame Slash, Mizzium Mortars, and even Staggershock are used more or less exclusively to nuke creatures. In any case, it feels like you have a lot in both categories, and not a whole lot of bodies in those colours.

With five or six people, I usually draft four packs of 11 cards each. It minimizes the amount of chaff that tables over and over again. With four people, it's a little awkward, but you can draft five packs of 9 cards apiece. Or you can try Jason's favourite format for four, team sealed with nine packs per team.

Chris Taylor

I also remember a 4 person draft format which involved each person drafting 6 packs of 15, but picking one card and then randomly removing a card.
This basically ups the size of the card pool so that the decks look like they were drafted with 8 people. I often have the problem where the cards I need for my deck just aren't in the draft pool, and this fixes it.

Personally I'm not a huge fan of anything with protection (Unless it's hilarious, like foothill guide), so I'm not a fan of the stormbreath dragon/knight of glory/knight of infamy inclusions, but to each their own. The rest seems good.

Definitely take a good look at your removal density, totally changed how my cube plays it when I started to pay attention to that. The RB mono-doom blade deck was a frequent thing for me, and sometimes we even got the mirror match (Guess how exciting that is -_-)

My cube is about 15% point removal, 3.5% sweepers. When you count, make sure you're really liberal with what you consider removal, as doom blade and wall of blossoms both hose creatures in basically the same way, and so does Gideon Jura


Jace, the Mind Sculptor is the single most misused card in my cube, by far. Which has led to people here concluding that, well, it's not all that good. So your playgroup's not alone there!

If RB mono-removal is annoyingly potent, you might want to look at the density of your point removal in black and your burn in red, and see if it needs toning down. From glancing at your CubeTutor list, it seems like you have a whole mess of burn spells, and more than half of your instants in black kill creatures, to say nothing of guys like Bone Shredder and Shriekmaw. Now, I love burn as much as the next guy, but keep in mind that spells like Flame Slash, Mizzium Mortars, and even Staggershock are used more or less exclusively to nuke creatures. In any case, it feels like you have a lot in both categories, and not a whole lot of bodies in those colours.

With five or six people, I usually draft four packs of 11 cards each. It minimizes the amount of chaff that tables over and over again. With four people, it's a little awkward, but you can draft five packs of 9 cards apiece. Or you can try Jason's favourite format for four, team sealed with nine packs per team.

it takes talent to play jace optimally. it takes genius to play him badly
Counting liberally, I counted 105 pieces of creature/mass removal, without considering finishers. Including those and the defensive creatures brings it to around 115. Consider it nerfed.

Stormbreath was in cuz I didn't have time to proxy a Thundermaw before the draft, but I do want to try it out. If the uninteractivity of protection outweighs the value of Exalted/monstrous, I will replace them. My white and black decks so far have all been multicolor in their removal, so they should be able to deal with them easily enough.

What else do black non-creatures do except discard and kill things? Maybe I need some reanimation.


yeah, i suggest trying the recursion theme of jason's, as past a certain power point black's inability to do anything but kill stuff and reanimate will, past a certain power level for the rest of your cube, inhibit the design of other colors.

i do have great love of reanimator, though. something about throwing a vague shadow of the Legacy control > combo > fair dynamic into cube, along with some graveyard hate, has been a source of much joy up here
I have three already. =.= I can add the last Gravecrawler and Pod, since they kinda need the last one. No one except me has given the sac outlets a second look though...

I'm going to lower the removal count before I cut out possibilities. I think a Dread Return would be a safe addition, along with the Whip and some self-mill. Reanimator, Pod, and Recursion are too subtle for my playgroup to notice in draft, so it needs to be pushed if I'm going to run it.

Black could hold some support for storm. I have Dark Rit, just add Cabal Rit, a Seething Song, Empty, the doubled cantrips, Priest of Gix/Heartbeat or something. I mean the Modern Masters value Storm, not the combo, but I'm also open to that. Good idea? Bad idea? Wait on it?

The best part about that last cube draft was that a blue control player tried out aggro. I'm really glad someone jumped out of their comfort zone.

Chris Taylor

I have three already. =.= I can add the last Gravecrawler and Pod, since they kinda need the last one. No one except me has given the sac outlets a second look though...

I'm going to lower the removal count before I cut out possibilities. I think a Dread Return would be a safe addition, along with the Whip and some self-mill. Reanimator, Pod, and Recursion are too subtle for my playgroup to notice in draft, so it needs to be pushed if I'm going to run it.

Black could hold some support for storm. I have Dark Rit, just add Cabal Rit, a Seething Song, Empty, the doubled cantrips, Priest of Gix/Heartbeat or something. I mean the Modern Masters value Storm, not the combo, but I'm also open to that. Good idea? Bad idea? Wait on it?

The best part about that last cube draft was that a blue control player tried out aggro. I'm really glad someone jumped out of their comfort zone.

The best way to make people consider cards is to crush them with those cards :p If people keep disregarding the sac outlets, that just means the gravecrawler deck is open every draft. Hop in!
Also yes. Suppose your cube did not run storm cards, and suppose it were more interactive. But I repeat myself.
Sorry for the late reply, guys. I recently picked up a Varolz, Sylvan Library, Dryad Arbor, and Nylea, among other things. I'm looking for spots for the green things, Pod #4, and a Gargadon. I'm still looking to reduce/slow down the removal, but I'm kinda stumped on what to cut without playing more.

Dungeon Geists -> Sower of Temptation
Apostle's Blessing -> Loyal Cathar
Viscera Seer -> Gravecrawler 4
Snuff Out -> Grisly Salvage
Basilisk Collar -> Jinxed Idol
Dark Ritual -> Varolz
Spell Pierce -> Delver #2
Loxodon Smiter -> KotR

For now, I'm pushing the Graveyard/Pod/Crawler stuff and trying to make things a little more proactive. Any thoughts on Viridian Emissary, Familiar's Ruse, Inkwell Leviathan, and Sphinx of Lost Truths?

Edit: I've fully updated the CubeTutor list now.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
If you're looking to replace your black removal spells with cards that do other things, you could substitute them for more targeted discard (Thoughtseize, Cabal Therapy), symmetrical sacrifice effects (Smallpox), or card draw (Night's Whisper, Phyrexian Arena). There's also Bitterblossom, which I've found is actually something of a trap in cube - it kills its owner way more than it ever kills the opponent, when you don't have stuff like Mistbind Clique and Spellstutter Sprite to bail you out.

Emissary is really nice with Birthing Pod chains, and isn't a horrible card in its own right as a small beater that eventually ramps. I love Lost Truths, but that's because I run a bad / slow value reanimator theme, and he fits perfectly into that archetype. Inkwell doesn't seem too exciting as your big generic finisher, since you're not running Tinker or anything else to cheat it out. If you want a large, castable blue fatty, Sphinx of Uthuun might give you more interesting gameplay. Or you might opt for one of several sweet blue multicolor finishers.