This cube looks amazing! I love this kind of thing. If I ever pass through Alabama I'm gunna find you.
If you're ever in the area feel free to pm me, I'd appreciate any input people would have into this.This cube looks amazing! I love this kind of thing. If I ever pass through Alabama I'm gunna find you.
The archetype has been present several times, it just has never won.Do you consider unburial rites as an orzhov card? It and obzedats aid really does look to push an archetype, I'm surprised junk rites took this long to surface
Did anyone reanimate a noncreature with aid?
been sick all last week so didn't happen much there. had a 6man finally.
"I picked too much manafixing so I don't have enough playables, this deck is awful" *3-0s draft*
As a game designer I've learned that when people complain about something, there is something wrong, but it is very often not what they are complaining about.
I'm not really sure what to do with my simic section. I threw in Fathom Mage just for there to be something more archetype defining than... Simic Charm. I guess Urban Evolution is very strong my environment, but it is just one card. I need to find something cool for this.
It might be a little slow, depending on your cube. My cube isn't the fastest. If he has the time to get online though, he is the nuts. Especially with the classic Fleshbag Marauder. In my game against the ramp deck I took his Vorapede with the undying trigger on the stack.I think I will try Chainer after reading this. I want some durdly graveyard recursion to be going on in my black decks. Cool card!
oh man, Progenitor Mimic would be right at home in this environment, this is basically giant value guys the cube. I think my friend has one, I'll see about that. I'd like an Edric too but I'm not sure how good he can be in the environment. I'd much rather have him than simic charm though.Edric? That's the only real Simic card that I find drives people into an archetype, that being UG tempo. There's also Progenitor Mimic, which seems hilarious; it's not something I've tried yet, but I think I'm going to test it out in place of boring ol' Simic Sky Swallower.
So you're saying to cut Obzedat's Aid? Hm, it's gotten picked and played but admittedly it isn't a very high pick. I might do this, so far it hasn't done anything that really really justifies it over another reanimation spell.Some time ago there was a gentleman on this forum who asked for help on improving his Orzhov section, to which he had recently added Obzedat's Aid. If I was trying to buff Azorius and was including a copy of Windreaper Falcon, wouldn't you guys tell me?
Prog Mimic and Edric are both quite strong, Edric esp., I'm kind of digging Edric effects now that Bident murdered a pro tour
there is an endless tension between "giving drafters what they want" and "improving the environment for them / knowing what they want better than they do," which NWO glibly tries to resolve in the manner of advertisements.
I love legacy too, but I just go play proxy rug delver for that instead of cube (which most days this semester has been what I've done on cube nights before/after cubing). I don't have the money to get into competitive magic, but I play plenty through that outlet because I have a scene of other people who would much rather play against a good deck than whatever budget garbage I would be able to scrape who knows. my tastes run towards "legacy-style" games but THS limited is nice too. i blame usman and friends for a) being "casual" players who value creativity, b) fetishizing power maximization to the point where we wonder even here if a "creeping renaissance"-style environment could be "objectively wrong," c) ergo being massive hypocrites.
"fun maximization" as i see it is supposed to be hard to define with a lot of subjective hand-waving, but one axiom that's served me well (that modern set design does not agree with) is "flat power curve." power curve is the issue with most "casual play" (I wrote an article about it here) and draft / cube fix that. as cube designers it is our duty to not include cards that "feel bad" to pass i.e. Batterskull in your Cube or "feel bad" when picked and played and just bad (like some of my more gratuitous utility-land choices of yore). creeping renaissance seems like it'd fit into the latter category i.e. it was rarely playable in ISD draft, which could make it a tough fit in even your cube in the sense of "runner's bane is bad."
however take everything with a grain of salt! i've never drafted your cube, and maybe renaissance is good due to the slow speed. for example, threshold seems like it would take vast amounts of time to turn on in this cube, but i must not have guessed at its leisurely, gentlemanly pace to so readily condemn stitch together. one doesn't need to be jacob wilson beating for 3 with a goose t4 for threshold to be cool! (the genesis wave for 8 post shoulda tipped me off.)
there is an endless tension between "giving drafters what they want" and "improving the environment for them / knowing what they want better than they do," which NWO glibly tries to resolve in the manner of advertisements. (ever wonder why the style of the mothership is what it is?)
last thing: mana leak #2: miscalculation
Yeah, the removal is probably a bit too much honestly.Hmmmm. If I had to guess, if your drafters like it, I'd assume it's preforming well for them, right?
Are they getting back 3+ creatures when casting it? Are they ever dying before they get to use those creatures?
Your removal seems to be at about 18% of the cube, which isn't horribly oppressive, so it's not like their creatures are just being offed before they can do anything, which would make a card like this really appealing. Maybe it's worth dialing down?
My cube is at a reasonably low 12% (3% sweepers), but it does feel a little low. The RB all doom blade/flames of the firebrand deck hasn't shown up in years.
Miscalc is one of my favorite counters. "Wrath of God? Hmmmm... Check your math."