General CBS

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
This is a thread for assorted Cube Bullshit. (Moved from GBS)

So on Saturday I played in a PTQ (went 5-4. My deck was better than that, but "slightly better than average" just about describes me as a magic player). After 9 rounds I finally managed to get 6 people together for a cube draft! I was excited, because I only ever get 1 person to cube with, and I have never been able to post in the 3-0 thread. So we started drafting, and all these guys (4 people I met that day, one other guy who is the one person I know will cube any time) were picking up packs and saying "Ooh this pack is spicy" "The spice is strong with this one" "This is a spice importer. It imports spice." As usual, I felt a little pressured for my cube to be good, and I was worried that these randomers would find it terrible. When we had 5 picks left a judge told us we had to leave, they were closing the venue. We zipped through our last picks in about 30 seconds, while the judges started turning the lights off. I ended up with 5 people who had a great time and loved my cube, but not a single deck was built and I still can't post in that damn 3-0 thread.

As for the Selesnya discussion, I don't run Armadillo Cloak. I really want to, as it seems really fun, but my Selesnya section is entirely token themed:

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
No, but I wanted to make Trostani be good, so I slowly chucked out all the GW cards and added token cards. They are all from RTR block because they made some really powerful cards for this strategy. If there's some older stuff anybody knows, let me know. I used to have the usual mix of aggressive GW cards and Mirari's Wake, but nobody ever drafted GW aggro (it sucked, that's why) and I just don't like Mirari's Wake. I took all the aggro cards out of green, so I'm ok trying to give GW something completely different than usual.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Do you run stuff like Beast Within and Pongify other incidental token creators?

I like populate but you have to be careful not to overload with army-in-a-can things as to avoid boardstall.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I run Beast Within. I realised that green is already full of good token makers like the Garuks and Call of the Herd. Hmm, maybe I should add Overrun. That's a good way for these decks to break through a board stall with they haven't already won with loads of 3/3s. Ooooh maybe I should add Titanic Ultimatum!

Edit: I think I may be starting to fall off with this whole cube thing. "Oooooh! Planar Guide! Deadbridge Chant! Titanic Ultimatum! Aha! Eldrazi Conscription! Haha! Genesis Wave! Bwahaha!"

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I will host my first cube draft in a season on Monday, December 2nd. I guess it'll be the OG cube and not the Eldrazi one.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Well if you need an 8th I'm always looking for another episode of Notes from the Road to write. Then again you can probably get an 8th and I can probably get a job.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Well if you need an 8th I'm always looking for another episode of Notes from the Road to write. Then again you can probably get an 8th and I can probably get a job.

If you want to come then I will hold a spot open for you. I don't have an extra room for you to stay in, but you could sleep on the far side of my King-sized without too much awkwardness.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
So what is this forum for James?

I made this into a new thread. The idea is to have the "General Discussion" subforum to be fairly Magic free, and any Magic related stuff should be over here. Not going to moderate or anything, but, in theory there could be non-Magic people who come along to our little village and want to talk about non-Magic things with us.

Dom Harvey

A play that just happened in a test game:

A: Mogg War Marshal, Murderous Redcap, Phyrexian Metamorph copying Redcap, Purphoros
B: Vengevine, Gravecrawler, Lotleth Troll, Abhorrent Overlord + 4 tokens

A casts Devastating Dreams for 3. B's whole board dies... except for the Overlord. A gets a token from War Marshal and triggers Purphoros, Redcap persists and deals 1 + 2 from Purphoros, the Metamorph persists and copies Overlord getting 4 tokens, dealing 10 from Purphoros, killing B from a seemingly safe 14 life.


stevenson you idiot GW is the funnest guild and you have no excuse for not spicing it up with some KotR and Lilly surprise color lord and persist lifegain fuckface and relic-loathing exalted kitty-cat. AT THE VERY LEAST. "i wanted to make trostani good"??? WHAT KIND OF DESIGN FALLACY IS THIS?!?! there's like 20 selesnya cards i wanna run and you've chosen a Limited bomb, a vanilla 5/5, an impossible-to-cast aggro kryptonite, a colorless land that's barely playable, and a constructed modal card?? I AM OUTRAGED!!! (but voice is cool)

within this context my recent pickups for my cube will seem less outrageous


yeah i'm an idiot and i like m11, deal with it

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
persist lifegain fuckface is in there (I don't count it as GW), I've never played with KotR and it's expensive, Lilly surprise color lord looks sweet, and I had relic-loathing exalted kitty-cat for a long time. It's good, but not so important any more without swords and whatnot. So excuse me for trying to create an archetype I hadn't seen anyone else trying in their cubes. Has it worked? No, no one has drafted Trostani, but as usual I've probably had like 3 proper drafts since I added her. If it goes on much longer I'll cut the whole thing and try to figure out what to do with GW. The cards used to be kinda aggroy, but GW aggro sucked, so I changed it up.
What do your GW decks look like morris-lent?
Why don't you admit what this is really about: I'm only on like page 50 of your novella. I get it, I get it, I'll hurry up.


Trostani is was in limited play really, really strong at doing what it did. I didn't even specifically support her, just gaining life off random stuff and copying the usual suspects while blocking all day long was great. If your aggro isn't top notch, she's actually downright disgusting.

I doubt she'll make it into my next version, but that's only because I am relentlessly massacring the mana curve and Mirari's Wake is my White/Green durdle card of choice.


YOU ARE EXCUSED STEVENSON. i actually like the Trostani idea but I don't think the bad girl needs explicit support.

i am hard at work on the novella, so hard at work that i'm blowing off tutoring emails and responding to a call for a job at wizards (that i have no intention of doing for more than a week) to photoshop our beloved American Football coach smoking weed



James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I see your point. I think it's kitty time again, what with birthing pods running around. The problem I have with the GW decks you're showing is they look like limited decks. It's just a bunch of dudes... Undercosted dudes. I dunno guys, I just don't see anything that interesting about this sort of thing.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Do what you love, Chris. That's what I've been told by books and films and songs, and they can't all be wrong, right?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I used to have a GW lands deck that was semi-broken but really fun. Someone remind me to post about it tomorrow.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Never been to Ljubljana! Let's do it. Actually I'm hoping to come bum around America for a while next year. I'm hoping you'll still be in Seattle when I get there.

That deck is bananas.