General CBS


Ecstatic Orb
Do you have old decks drafted from the cube with the cards in it? Unfortunately don't fully know how cubetutor works in that regard, but maybe some of the images are still in those decks?

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

The Jeleva and Dismiss in this deck are actually customs. Neither of them are in my cube anymore, but if you move a custom card (i.e. a card with a custom card scan) to your sideboard, you can still see the image. It seems like those custom card scans are completely gone.
:/ That's no good.

These aren't designs you've shared here anywhere? Or e-mailed to yourself? Or stored on an HD? How did they make it from you to cube tutor? You may have already explored all these options, but I always find it helpful to retrace my steps aloud.


Ecstatic Orb
Oh, I bet they're all still in one of my (many) MSE projects. I tend to archive customs I don't use anymore, as well as random neat ideas I don't plan on using immediately (to appointed archive projects, of which I had to create a few because they were getting too unwieldy). I also usually use base cards that play somewhat alike and share colors with my customs, plus I adjust the card type and CMC in CubeTutor to reflect the actual stats on the custom card. So, I believe I will be able to fix all or most of the customs by hand, but it's going to take some detective work and time. Then again, it's my own stupid fault for not updating my Patreon account, so there's that :)

It's a little bit annoying that my Champion account didn't get (re)activated within 24 hours as advertised, but I'm sure that eventually it'll work out.
There have been some issues with cubetutor, it's a main reason I haven't supported the site. Not that I dislike the service, but I don't want to potentially feel how some other users do who did/do support the service. It's a shame, but at worse it's a great free resource so that's OK.


Ecstatic Orb
YES! Ben has restored my champion account including the custom images! Also including apologies for the slight delay in answering my mail :)

There have been some issues with cubetutor, it's a main reason I haven't supported the site. Not that I dislike the service, but I don't want to potentially feel how some other users do who did/do support the service. It's a shame, but at worse it's a great free resource so that's OK.
I have greatly enjoyed my champion account, the ability to upload custom card scans especially is a boon for those running custom cards like me. Also, CubeTutor in general is a very solid tool for cube owners. For me it's money well spent :)
Cubetutor draft data comes with a grain of salt, though. Not irrelevant, but you're probably missing less than you think by ignoring it, as the most important data comes from who is actually playing the cube i.e. your playgroup.


Ecstatic Orb
Cubetutor draft data comes with a grain of salt, though. Not irrelevant, but you're probably missing less than you think by ignoring it, as the most important data comes from who is actually playing the cube i.e. your playgroup.

Oh yeah, for sure. I hardly look at the draft data most of the time. I always ask my playgroup for input though. Stuff like, was there a lot of back and forth action, were there any card that felt overwhelming, were my customs in line with the power level of the real cards (ideally they're a bit lower in power level than the best cards), and most importantly, did they have fun?

What I do love CubeTutor for is the ability to draft, scroll through a visual spoiler, sort by converted casting cost, shift cards around to other sections (it's dead easy to group Kird Ape with the real Gruul cards, for example), upload scans for my custom cards, and just generally manage the contents of your cube with ease.

Chris Taylor

Doubly so given that it's mostly the one guy drafting it, but the time I save just shooting people that link rather than trying to summarize everything that makes my cube nonstandard is easily worth my 5$ a month.

I still use my excel spreadsheet for majority edits though, because anything browser based isn't gonna have enough keyboard shortcuts for me :p
Doubly so given that it's mostly the one guy drafting it, but the time I save just shooting people that link rather than trying to summarize everything that makes my cube nonstandard is easily worth my 5$ a month.

I still use my excel spreadsheet for majority edits though, because anything browser based isn't gonna have enough keyboard shortcuts for me :p

Excel is great. I've been experimenting with integrating Office applications together for projects at work to save customers time with exporting client data into customized reports and auto-filled labels for their work, and it is amazing what is possible through the software.
It's terribly designed. There is crappy filler all across the cube alongside actually good and powerful cards. If there was a consistent power band throughout or actual thought put into certain card choices that was plain to someone looking over the list I wouldn't be as critical, but I really REALLY dislike this cube. Even more so that most WoTC offerings honestly. Maybe it's because someone took their time designing this with the Modern restriction and then decided to create a pile to reach a quota. It just doesn't feel balanced, tested or thought out at all. I've posted this elsewhere so I'm just gonna copy/paste my thoughts:

We should shut up and go infinite playing something we hate.
The designer of the cube was on reddit like a week ago answering questions in a sort of impromptu AMA, still disagree entirely with their thought and design process. I don't really see very many improvements here at all, watched the one draft that Caleb Durward did on CFB and it was still the same bullshit as before. There are so many inclusions from recent sets that are just so low in power level compared to the rest of the offerings without the right support (Wander in Death, Hepatra, Drake Haven, etc.) that I don't know what to say. What is even the point of these low-payoff archetypes when I can just jam 3 color midrange goodstuff with no consequences and outgrind people? Literally just pick up versatile removal, midrange value threats, and a few walkers and you can sling whatever you want in any matchup without real consequences. You'll punish just about anyone trying to draft with synergy or trying to follow a theme because the generically powerful cards are just that much better. There's just not a big enough window for other strategies to really shine when midrangey decks come online super quickly and can establish themselves so easily.

TLDR; I fucking hate this cube.
Found a link on cubetutor to the MTGO modern cube.

Assuming that's accurate, I can see why people hate it. Average CMC is 3.4. 42 walkers (almost 8% of the cube) - basically every pack you open will have one. Zero restraint on top end creatures. Anemic aggro support. All power cards so just prioritize curve and fixing and you should be good I'm guessing. Goodstuff.dec FTW.

No thanks. At least the MTGO vintage cube is archetypal despite it's flaws.

42 walkers.... scaled by different cube size that's almost 4 times the density of mine :confused:. Hold up, that doesn't even count flip walkers, so 47, actually (if you count those). So over 4x

I think a good measure of time well spent crafting a worthy lower-powered (lower than legacy cube, lets say) environment, is: "Do my focused decks generally end up playing out better than unfocused, mixed-signal decks?" The number of colors or exact archetypes aren't as important, IMO, as whether or not someone can be rewarded for following a specific, focused gameplan.

Edit: this little blurb stood out to me particularly starkly. People actually want the balance, and recognize the specific archetypes and unique angles to take to achieve that, and then see a lot of them taken away, and the designer's answer was "I thought red was OP". Seems backwards...
Red was insanely nerfed with this update. MTGO has a history of nerfing the red decks in cube, but this has to be the biggest nerf a MTGO cube has seen. I find this odd too, because it felt like there weren't enough burn spells to consistently get a good red deck in the last run of this cube and instead that deck focused on counter synergy and often was RG instead of mono-red. Without good aggressive decks, there is no check on the control decks. Volt Charge specifically is a big cut because that's the type of card that wouldn't fit into any other cube but was an all-star in this cube.
I'm not against the general idea of nerfing RDW. In many MTGO cubes, that or some flavor of aggro deck is probably the easiest deck to draft and win with because the support is (IMO anyway) a bit over the top in many cases. There are pages and pages of discussion all over the place about the validity and importance of the Roshambo paradigm (control > midrange > aggro > control). While I think it's much murkier in cube than others feel, I do think there's merit and that it has to be factored into your meta at least to some extent. And if you are going to take away the low end you also have to do it to the top end. That's really where this cube is getting a failing grade.

For me, it really boils down to that CMC of 3.4. There just isn't any reason not to be making dragon decks especially when you can play the very best creatures ever printed (since all of them are Modern cards and all of them got put in this cube). Why do anything else? Jam your deck full of good stuff cards and run a bunch of haymakers.
The version of the cube that ahadabans linked isn't the newest version. This is. Now there are "only" 38 walkers, but you can see what people mean by them gutting red aggro.


It looks like he came to the exact same conclusions about turn 1 aggro that I did, and tried to shift things more towards aggressive midrange, with what seems to be a preference for modular aggro creatures rather than linear ones.

I would want to see some deck lists before I judged too quickly, but it looks like a very clumsy execution, which doubles down on the midrange reality of most draft formats, rather than trying to smooth out the card pool away from the 4-6cc goodstuff walker/ETB creature midrange decks that overly dominate these formats. Perhaps also a reaction to the propensity of jackle pup and company being prone to firing off miserable misdrafts with casual or inexperiences drafters, or too many drafters going deep on what has always been a shallow archetype. It's too bad I'm probably a nobody to this guy, as I could probably help him get to where he's trying to reach faster than he'll figure out on his own.

That seems like a very low ratio of one drops given the large size of the format, even lower than my formats (which is pretty shocking).

Format seems like it suffers from a lack of mechanical density or focus across wedges/shards, as well as a broad power band, so there is no real palpable archetype identity.
YES! Ben has restored my champion account including the custom images! Also including apologies for the slight delay in answering my mail :)

I have greatly enjoyed my champion account, the ability to upload custom card scans especially is a boon for those running custom cards like me. Also, CubeTutor in general is a very solid tool for cube owners. For me it's money well spent :)

Funny. I experienced exactly the same a few months back. I came here to help you but I guess I was two days too slow and you recovered your cards before then :)


What is everyone doing with black two drops these days? Aggro dudes, stat monsters, disruption dudes, utility dudes? There are a lot of B/X two drops I love, but not so much 1B outside of rotting rats and blood artist, and Bloodghast and gifted Aetherborn at BB. My brain is telling me fuck it and run the slot slim, that's why you have other colors. Like, no one hamfists blue one drops, right? Any creatures at 1B or BB you're really digging?
I'm assuming you are already running Dark Confidant and/or his weaker buddies? Here's stuff I like.

Oona's Prowler or Heir of Falkenrath - I actually like heir better, but I cut it when I cut Delver. I dislike DFC mechanically when playing with real cards. Discard outlet and beater in one makes it flexible and useful in lots of archetypes. It also works great with recursive dudes in black, so high synergy here.
Nightscape Familiar - he's not great in a straight midrange focused list. But I like him much more in a more combo oriented one. Not irreplaceable, but certainly different.
Mesmeric Fiend - also good in a combo focused list. Both to disrupt said combo decks but also for those decks to buy time, glean information, etc. With something like goblin bombardment, you can actually exile permanently (old O-ring trick). I like the options this card brings personally.
My current favorites are

Mesmeric Fiend has been a dark horse for me, and fits perfectly in the curve of what a lot of my black decks want to be doing.

Visitor and Scrounger are my flavorful alternatives to Dark Confidant and Bloodghast

Necromancer is maybe a pet card, because I want to run every Sneak Attack effect available.