I think japahn was the one posting that the card doesn't always make the cut in his group, even if it fits the deck. I tried it in Standard/Limited and was impressed, in fact, it encourages me to implement Werewolves (see Instigator Gang) because they make the game so much heavier on decisions! That being said, I think I have to admit that it looks like one of the, if not the strongest of the listed cards, unfortunately. Compared to Pack Guardian, for example, which is a one-time shot, but brings the 2/2 directly to the table, while you'll have to play exactly nothing on your own turn for the Ambusher to give you value. I think the Ambusher needs a much more dedicated deck, which is something I'm fine with, and I don't believe that it actually proves to be too strong.
What I said (or meant to say) was that Nightpack Ambusher was not an auto include in any green deck, like I feared it would be. I tried it in a deck that didn't have much flash/instants and it was bad, so I boarded it out. In the flash decks it is amazing!
I'd say Yawgmoth (at its peak) >> Rankle ~= Nightpack Ambusher >>>>>>> the rest. My Cube is fairly high-power compared to some here and Yawgmoth is borderline too strong because it's just SO good in the right deck
Was it oppressive in a dedicated deck, or did it just as well as you expect it from a card that needs you to commit?
I think there is one topic a lot of Riptiders tried to make work in their cube but no one got satisfied with: Heroic.
Do you need removal to be mostly at sorcery speed?
Aren't there enough payoffs that make your drafters want to build a deck around them?
Are the enablers poisonous (maybe because there is too much removal at instant speed, so they get too bad because of the risk of 2:1ing you)?
Isn't there enough overlap with other archetypes in your list(s)?
Horobi + Willbreaker looks pretty cool!
I guess you're right, removal needs to be toned down, and with that, threats need to be, too, but that's something I'm willing to try. I want a nicely balanced environment, with lots of decisions during draft, deckbuilding and while playing the actual game. Colours and archetypes should all be balanced as much as possible, there shouldn't be cards that are strictly superior to others, and I don't want to have too many narrow or poisonous cards in my list. The last point is something I have to keep in mind when thinking about adding Heroic.
So, besides Hero and Charioteers, you wouldn't play any of the other Heroic cards? I wrote down a list of cards I find very interesting:
Akroan Crusader
Labyrinth Champion
Feather, the Redeemed
Favored Hoplite
Tethmos High Priest
Fabled Hero
Dawnbringer Charioteers
Battlewise Hoplite
Battlefield Thaumaturge
Triton Fortune Hunter
Wavecrash Triton
Those are the cards I'd see as 'strong enough', but there are others like Hero of the Pride and Hero of Iroas I could also see in the right list.
If your removal suite is mostly at sorcery speed, lots of auras suddenly become very interesting. Looking for auras with EtB or LtB or Totem Armor or just strong effects becomes an option, and with that, enchantments matter, even auras matter.
But that's just theorycrafting in a way that might end up taking a lot of space for little use and an awkward effect on the whole environment. That's why I asked here in the first place.