If you have some top end like fallen angel or reveillark to get back, it's probably pretty sweet even in an aristocrat deck. Recursion is pretty strong in singleton decks!
Believe me, I'm definitely not underestimating it. I just don't know if it's too fragile for a 5drop, and if aristocrats/tokens wants that kind of finisher. Marionette Master and Rage Thrower look better for this kind of deck, and In might run Nantuko Husk along them.
Ok here's a thing I really want to know. Do you ever go through your cards knowing that you should have that draft chaff common lying somewhere in one of your color sorted piles but it just isn't there and you end up wondering if you maybe gave it away or traded it in or maybe never even owned the card in the first place?
Do people know how to search for hybrid cards on gatherer/scryfall?
is:hybrid (works on Scryfall at least)
o:"your sentence here"
c>0 c<=WB
I think you were the one who first showed me Scryfall. I'm honestly really impressed by that search engine. The speed at which it's possible to find cards that use a certain wording or have related mechanics to some card I'm curious about is just phenomenal.
-ci>=r ((o:counter -o:"counter target" -o:"counter up to") or t:planeswalker) frame:new order:color legal:commander -is:digital
I'm taking a minor approach to it as well, with only:
I think going in too heavy with heroic is a mistake, though I could maybe be convinced to run some more.
Supported with:
https://www.deviantart.com/artdeepmind/art/Rogue-assassin-676351028Hey guys, I'm looking for an artwork for some human rogue. It's a 1/1, but still mean, like he or she will cut you purse and maybe your throat. And it should look old school, like it could be on a magic card of the early days. Anyone?