General CBS

Aristocrats decks aren't the only deck that can benefit from sacrifice effects. Just from your black section, there are

All of these cards lend to a grindier strategy that the Thug shines in. I'm not sure if these cards are trying to support the aristocrats deck, but they don't fit into what I'd traditionally call aristocrats (sacrifice aggro). These are more like resource denial control.

Recurring that Reaper to land the late game close out is clutch.
An aristocrats deck with Reveillark, Marionette Master and Angel of Invention to bring back - wet dreams.
Fallen Angel is a card I often considered, but I find it a bit expensive for a sac outlet, even if it's free and brings evasion. I don't know, Nantuko Husk looks like it's way less a commitment, and I don't even run that (but am considering it).

Maybe we should revisit aristocrats.dec again?
I'm testing out some stuff at a "medium" power level, but I don't think you should under estimate how hard angel hits if you have some tokens lying around. If the board is stalled and you are the only one in the air, you can turn that board stall into a fireball!
Believe me, I'm definitely not underestimating it. I just don't know if it's too fragile for a 5drop, and if aristocrats/tokens wants that kind of finisher. Marionette Master and Rage Thrower look better for this kind of deck, and In might run Nantuko Husk along them.

I'm speaking from experience specifically from play testing an aristocrats deck! Your mileage might vary, but I've found it a sweet aristocrat card.
t5 Fallen Angel into t6 Rage Thrower also looks sweet. (I desperately need an :ugly: smiley on these forums)

Let me ask you: which Sac Outlets do you prefer? I'll throw in which ones I like or find interesting to test out:

Carrion Feeder
Indulgent Aristocrat
Bloodthrone Vampire
Vampire Aristocrat
Nantuko Husk
Blood Bairn
Ravenous Harpy
Bogardan Dragonheart
Fallen Angel
Plaguemaw Beast
Demonmail Hauberk

Pitiless Pontiff
Cartel Aristocrat
Yahenni, Undying Partisan

Hand stuff:
Woe Strider
Dark-Dweller Oracle
Thallid Soothsayer
Nezumi Bone-Reader
Sadistic Hypnotist

Plagued Rusalka
Lampad of Death's Vigil
Blood Aspirant
Pia Nalaar
Pia and Kiran Nalaar
Skirsdag Cultist
Chittering Witch
Blazing Hellhound

Heart-Piercer Manticore
Rakshasa Gravecaller
Silumgar Scavenger
Reckless Abandon
Bone Splinters
Vicious Offering
Start // Finish
Costly Plunder

Yahenni looks pretty strong, the one-shots are mostly quite weak, but I really like Scavenger, Abandon, Splinters and Offering.
Some of them are pretty good fights for the FC-thread (and I believe we had Bloodthrone Vampire vs Nantuko Husk not too long ago?), for example I'm not sure if I want a vampire package like Indulgent Aristocrat, Bloodthrone Vampire/Vampire Aristocrat and Blood Bairn instead of, for example, Carrion Feeder, Nantuko Husk, Ravenous Harpy and Fallen Angel. Discard stuff looks interesting and gives disruption to the archetype, but the archetype is pretty aggressive and drawing Bone-Reader/Hypnotist doesn't make me want to try them.

Post got longer than intended, as it's often the case when I'm thinking something over again, seeing some card and think 'oh, didn't test too well, but it looks like it could work under certain circumstances!' or 'never tested this, what does riptide.lab think of this card?', and usually that's a lot of cards, as you can see. (again, :ugly: smiley is missing)
Ok here's a thing I really want to know. Do you ever go through your cards knowing that you should have that draft chaff common lying somewhere in one of your color sorted piles but it just isn't there and you end up wondering if you maybe gave it away or traded it in or maybe never even owned the card in the first place?


Ecstatic Orb
Ok here's a thing I really want to know. Do you ever go through your cards knowing that you should have that draft chaff common lying somewhere in one of your color sorted piles but it just isn't there and you end up wondering if you maybe gave it away or traded it in or maybe never even owned the card in the first place?

Commons? What do you mean? I do this all the time with uncommons and rares :')
is:hybrid (works on Scryfall at least)

I think you were the one who first showed me Scryfall. I'm honestly really impressed by that search engine. The speed at which it's possible to find cards that use a certain wording or have related mechanics to some card I'm curious about is just phenomenal.

For people who are new to scryfall,
o:"your sentence here"
will search the card text for a word or sentence,
searches for any cards that have the type equal to the string, and
c>0 c<=WB
will search for any colored cards that belong to the orzhov pair. You can combine any of these and a lot more kinds of queries. Super sweet website!


Ecstatic Orb
I think you were the one who first showed me Scryfall. I'm honestly really impressed by that search engine. The speed at which it's possible to find cards that use a certain wording or have related mechanics to some card I'm curious about is just phenomenal.

Scryfall is insane. The amount of different queries you can construct is insane. I frequently use it to find oddly specific subsets of cards for my Commander decks and cubes.

For example, poring through possible adds in the new border (anything 8e and onwards) for my Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker / Reyhan, Last of the Abzan Commander deck:

-ci>=r ((o:counter -o:"counter target" -o:"counter up to") or t:planeswalker) frame:new order:color legal:commander -is:digital
I'm taking a minor approach to it as well, with only:

I think going in too heavy with heroic is a mistake, though I could maybe be convinced to run some more.

Supported with:

Just thinking about this a bit more, what do we think about (me potentially including):

Zada is a bit do nothing by themself, but perhaps a bit more fair?
Mirrorwing dragon can also be a control-ish finisher and isn't as helpless by itself. Is it a bit too punishing though?

The other problem is I might not have enough suitable instants/sorceries though.
If your Spells Matter/Heroic deck also is a token deck, then those two get pretty good (Akroan Crusader, Young Pyromancer etc.). Otherwise, they aren't very impressive and need a lot of targeting instants/sorceries to work with, though Mirrorwing Dragon might be okay as a control finisher vs creature decks (as you already mentioned).

Personally, I'm not very impressed by Zada, Mirrorwing looks way better as a 4/5 flyer with upside.
Hey guys, I'm looking for an artwork for some human rogue. It's a 1/1, but still mean, like he or she will cut you purse and maybe your throat. And it should look old school, like it could be on a magic card of the early days. Anyone?