General CBS

I'll add that lifelink is an ability I'm hesitant to use, due to its ability to easily win an aggro matchup on its own.
Many Planeswalkers suffer from this problem. If you can't protect it, you feel bad that you get no value. If you can, you often win.

Is there a way to search scryfall for, like, "has X pips"? Like, "pips=3" would get me all the cards with WWW, UUU, ... RGG, BRG, (R/W)(R/W)(R/W) etc. I know about m:www for all the triple white pips, but I'm wondering if there's something less specific.


Ecstatic Orb
Is there a way to search scryfall for, like, "has X pips"? Like, "pips=3" would get me all the cards with WWW, UUU, ... RGG, BRG, (R/W)(R/W)(R/W) etc. I know about m:www for all the triple white pips, but I'm wondering if there's something less specific.
There isn't. The best you are going to be able to do is a series of searches:
cmc=3 c>0 mana>0 -mana>1 -mana>2
cmc=4 c>0 mana>1 -mana>2 -mana>3
cmc=5 c>0 mana>2 -mana>3 -mana>4
cmc=6 c>0 mana>3 -mana>4 -mana>5
And so forth. (Technically the "mana>0" bit isn't needed for the cmc=3 search pattern, I included it to better show the pattern.) Unfortunately you can neither compare cmc to mana, nor include calculations in a comparison. (This is impossible even for attributes that can be compared, e.g. it's impossible to search for all cards that have a toughness exactly two higher than their power (at least as far as I'm aware), even though you can search for cards that have a toughness higher than their power.)
you can search by devotion, which broadens things a bit, but still sticks you into a certain slice of the pie:
devotion:{u/w}{u/w}{u/w} cmc:3
the above for example gives you a fairly broad selection of 3 pip cards in U and W, though mostly hybrid and monocolor. Doesn't do well with {R}{W}{W} etc., unless it's directly in that pair

In theory you can "or" ten sets of the above to get the entire color wheel? If scryfall allows you to use that many arguments.

EDIT: It times out when I try the whole block of devotion arguments lol. So maybe two searches with half the guilds each. My full block:
devotion:{w/b}{w/b}{w/b} cmc:3 or
devotion:{g/w}{g/w}{g/w} cmc:3 or
devotion:{u/w}{u/w}{u/w} cmc:3 or
devotion:{r/w}{r/w}{r/w} cmc:3 or
devotion:{u/g}{u/g}{u/g} cmc:3 or
devotion:{u/b}{u/b}{u/b} cmc:3 or
devotion:{u/r}{u/r}{u/r} cmc:3 or
devotion:{g/b}{g/b}{g/b} cmc:3 or
devotion:{r/g}{r/g}{r/g} cmc:3 or
devotion:{r/b}{r/b}{r/b} cmc:3


Ecstatic Orb
you can search by devotion, which broadens things a bit, but still sticks you into a certain slice of the pie:
devotion:{u/w}{u/w}{u/w} cmc:3
the above for example gives you a fairly broad selection of 3 pip cards in U and W, though mostly hybrid and monocolor. Doesn't do well with {R}{W}{W} etc., unless it's directly in that pair

I considered devotion before I gave my own answer, but the problem is it excludes instants and sorceries. So for example, "devotion:uuu" does find Cast Through Time, but it doesn't find Archmage's Charm. Another problem is that "devotion:uuu" also finds something like Dominus of Fealty, which isn't helpful when you're looking for cards that have exactly 3 blue pips, but that's easily fixed by using "devotion=uuu" instead if you are indeed looking for permanents only.
Behold, perfection!

m<WWWUUUBBBRRRGGG{W/U}{W/U}{W/U}{W/B}{W/B}{W/B}{U/B}{U/B}{U/B}{R/W}{R/W}{R/W}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G}{G/W}{G/W}{G/W}{R/G}{R/G}{R/G}{U/R}{U/R}{U/R}{B/R}{B/R}{B/R}{G/U}{G/U}{G/U} cmc=3 -is:split -is:mdfc

That should hit everything at cmc 3 with three pips, skipping over split cards and MDFC cards, since in both cases they count as "valid" hits if, say, one side meets the mana requirement and the other side matches the desired CMC.

Does it scale? Not in the slightest!
Anyone here run some sort of untappers deck?

Just a few examples. There seems to be a lot of untapping options, but I'm not sure if there's enough value to be worthy of retapping without going infinite off a Kiki or whatever. I don't particularly want to look through every {T}: card, so I thought I'd ask here.
I do have something like this in my secondary cube Ravnica's 9th District, but it is pretty low in power level as it only contains cards from the original ravnica block and a a bonus the core set of that time. It's mostly an Azorius thing but can bleed into other colors/guilds.

Actually, which colors do you desire?
Not sure. Just curious. UG definitely comes to mind as the "untap" colors.
I didn't consider this initially, but granting fake vigilance to a big dude isn't a bad plan B.

Maybe this has some legs as a ramp subtheme. Some normal rampy guys, handful of untappers that could function as ramp, a few strong tapping effects, handful of more traditional high CMC threats.
Tradewing Rider is maligned sometimes because it's repeateble bounce but I've found very skill-testing in practice. Just bouncing the same permanent over and over is rarely the best play, especially as your opponent adapts. It's a fairer Oppossition-like card. If you like what Oppossition brings to UG and UW but don't like one-sided Armaggedons, I think it's a good card to try.

Retraction Helix is more of a combo card, IMHO.
I didn't consider this initially, but granting fake vigilance to a big dude isn't a bad plan B.

Maybe this has some legs as a ramp subtheme. Some normal rampy guys, handful of untappers that could function as ramp, a few strong tapping effects, handful of more traditional high CMC threats.

Well, giving a fattie pseudo vigilance is good, but actually I added Siege Wurm as an example for convoke. Tapping your whole team to play a free Coclave Phalanx and then dropping Sky Hussar is a brutal play.

Not really easy to convert this into a higher power level, but I still wanted to mention it here.
I guess Dragon Bones are Acidic...
Anyone here run some sort of untappers deck?

Just a few examples. There seems to be a lot of untapping options, but I'm not sure if there's enough value to be worthy of retapping without going infinite off a Kiki or whatever. I don't particularly want to look through every {T}: card, so I thought I'd ask here.
I used to. The primary focus was on untapping enchanted lands as a means to generate huge amounts of mana. The deck worked relatively well and my ramp section still contains lots of cards from when I supported this archetype.
The {B/G} and {B/R} marsh/mires make sense to me, at least a little bit. Not sure about {U/B}. The dragons in Bloodstained probably decomposed anaerobically, which creates very acidic conditions. Smoldering and Cinder marshes probably have sulfur in the water (sulfuric acid formation), and blooming marsh is probably peat-y (more anaerobic decomposition).