General CBS

Easy, you pick white!

It has aggro support, midrange support, control support, targeted removal, mass removal, life gain, counterspells, discard, direct damage, ramp. It does everything! ;)

It also happens to supports several archetypes very well; spells matter, artifacts matter, enchantments matter, go wide strategies, equipment matters, various tribes like Kithkin and Soldiers.

Aaaaaand I see I was sniped by @LadyMapi :p
You forgot comboish/reanimate;

How to make the sun work is a challenge. The test is workable with the enchantment tutors
"slowing the game down" is also a perfectly fine way for the Suns deck to dig for it.
True, I am all ears for a stacks deck but that does not fly with the mana cost of the sun. Control could work, but the drawing needed for control is lacking in white.
If you saw this front screen in Cube Talk..
Which thread would you go to first?


I clicked on Dominaria United Spoilers
If it's bolded with unread messages I'll usually go into a Spoilers thread for any discussion on new cards (excluding Unsets, I'm not a fan at all). Otherwise my go-tos are CBS or Single Card Spotlight as the tangents usually lead to good discussion.
i have done this. if you like having a clear best deck in format, this will be it if it’s supported
How did you support it? Because yeah, having any more than two of them in play starts getting n u t t y, but I was figuring I'd include maybe four of them, most likely three, and I go very light on ways to search for lands.
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How did you support it? Because yeah, having any more than two of them in play starts getting n u t t y, but I was figuring I'd include maybe four of them, most likely three, and I go very light on ways to search for lands.
i had 4x of each post in a 180ish cube. it was problematic in draft and gameplay, and yeah if someone got 75%+ of the posts it was just dumb
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The problem with the Tron lands and Cloudpost in draft is that they're literally just Wastes if you only have one copy.

As a result, you're only going to run Cloudpost in your deck if you happened to pick up 2+ copies, and the people who managed that are probably going to highly prioritize any sort of card selection they can get.

If you're going to bother with the Tron lands, you should probably go whole-hog and squadron the three of them together into a single pick. Or go for something like


Chris Taylor

The problem with the Tron lands and Cloudpost in draft is that they're literally just Wastes if you only have one copy.
This is fine, I'd wager. I ran 4x Growth-Chamber Guardian (#SquadronCrab) for a while. You can play a single copy of him, but nobody ever did.

I think just handing whoever picks the first cloudpost the whole set just makes it an extremely strong single pick.
Honestly, the only way I could see that not being GRBS is if you gave them exactly two Cloudposts. Anything less, and it's not worth running over a basic land (unless you desperately need a way to cast Warping Wail or whatever). Anything more, and you need to start severely limiting the amount of card selection in your cube.

Seriously, if you offered me a squadron pick of 4x Cloudpost, I'd immediately snap pick it unless it was, like, pack 3 and I was drafting an aggro deck.