General CBS

Actually... here you go! Maybe. I'm not sure I got everything.

The trick was to search for a string that matched as many burn spells as I could think of, and then remove every instance of "any target" from before Dominaria was printed. Cards reprinted after that change have the updated text.
Is there a way to search scryfall for cards printed with proper oracle text? Specifically interested in what burn spells are available with updated wording.
What you can't do (as far as I know, anyway), is search for card text as it was originally printed.
I did a bit of research, and it doesn't appear to be possible, even through the API.
I'm messing with MPCFill and it appears to update all cards to current errata.
Is there a way to search scryfall for cards printed with proper oracle text? Specifically interested in what burn spells are available with updated wording.
To find burn spells with "any target" instead of "target creature or player" you can search for cards printed at least as recently as 2018.
c:r o:"damage to any target" (t:instant or t:sorcery) year>=2018
Anyone here running hardcast 7+ mana creatures with success? Curious in seeing your list. Really missing slamming some bombs.
Anyone here running hardcast 7+ mana creatures with success? Curious in seeing your list. Really missing slamming some bombs.
Yes, but I cheat with my urza block cube. Those sets are in cube, contrary to constructed, quite slow due to having weak creatures.


Ecstatic Orb
Thanks, I didn't get the chance to watch any CubeCon footage yet, so I'm looking forward to these :)

Also, oh shit! I just discovered the bookmark funcitonality on this forum! :D

I would have thought I had more, but most of my top end sits at MV5 or has a cost-reducing ability. I guess I'm more restrained than I thought, lmao.

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Maybe this is the way to get some fatties, honestly. Adventure, Prototype, Cycling, Channel, Kicker (and variants thereof). What else? Obviously Waker is in a fairly unique spot, as well.
I think Cycling fatties opens up a lot of space, and makes Reanimator a pretty different need to dredge or loot or rummage means you could see a Reanimator combo deck running stuff like Eternal Dragon, Angel of the Ruins, or going to Red not for Faithless Looting, but for haste...
This is less than the list I have. I trimmed quite a few to save space. Looks like good potential to run plenty of high MV threats with low MV options.
EDIT: There's also a ton of nice {X} spells.
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Maybe this is the way to get some fatties, honestly. Adventure, Prototype, Cycling, Channel, Kicker (and variants thereof). What else? Obviously Waker is in a fairly unique spot, as well.
I think Cycling fatties opens up a lot of space, and makes Reanimator a pretty different need to dredge or loot or rummage means you could see a Reanimator combo deck running stuff like Eternal Dragon, Angel of the Ruins, or going to Red not for Faithless Looting, but for haste...

That's my thinking exactly. If it costs 6 or more, I want it to have some alternative use if you need to do something before T7, especially as I have no ramp in my environment. I also want my topend to work in as many decks as possible instead of running into the MTGO cube problem of having half a dozen chungi in each color such that only a couple of them see play. It also helps reanimation the way Saf mentioned, as now it can be a secondary plan as well as a primary plan, eliminating the swinginess of the Reanimates and Animate Deads that are needed for it to work as a primary archetype.
high cmc cards are fantastic with

I tried this when it was first printed, and I run a -lot- of high CMC stuff. I was hoping it'd be the second coming of Firestorm, but it just isn't.

Anyone here running hardcast 7+ mana creatures with success? Curious in seeing your list. Really missing slamming some bombs.

From personal experience, Metalwork Colossus and Ancient Stone Idol give you that feeling while also being very castable without devoting yourself to ramp.
Everyone kicks tribal around like it's a bag of stinky porridge but liiiiiike woofta woofta, this is a heckuva beating

might have to remove one from my cube for being too good

they're baneslayers but like, less than 4 cmc baneslayers can really run your dog around the house
yo @LadyMapi whatchoo think about an environment where everyone has phyrexian unlife emblems in play

I'm not sure that it'd be too interesting? If you don't change any other rules, it's effectively just +10 starting life for everyone. More importantly, though, the way that it achieves that limits how much the cardpool can interact with the changed rules — and, unfortunately, the obvious build-around combos happen to be "oops, I can't lose" stuff.

Honestly, when I think about a white enchantment that fiddles with your relationship with your life total that you could potentially build around, I think of

Then you at least get some quirkiness due to how lifegain is now effectively life loss. Ever want to use Skullcrack as a superfog?