General CBS

Check out if you haven't already. Gives a card where all the information is blanked out and you have to figure out what card it is. I thought it was fun. Only 2 cards per day.
I feel like this is too solvable without any clues to be enjoyable. I took the hard puzzle, which also scrubs the card's color, and still managed to narrow it down to a creature that can tap for any color of mana and play cards from your graveyard with a finality counter (that also has another activated ability and was printed in 2023, most likely Ixalan), but I ultimately don't remember Intrepid Paleontologist existing. I think that for any card with a reasonably large text box I could get it in 0 hints, but sometimes I also just won't remember the card to begin with.
Could someone be interested in teaching me how to use Card Conjurer from the bottom (beginner’s level 1.01)

I could pay for it

I am thinking video calls
It seems like all the Card Conjurer tutorials I can find (on Youtube) is outdated and doesn't really teach what you need for the current program.

Am I wrong here?
Unfortunately there are not a lot of resources (that I know of) on how to use the tool. For specific questions your best bet is the "Make Play test Cards" discord.

I did consider your offer and I don't think it's too difficult to learn, but unfortunately I don't have much time at the moment (even to work on my own cube, let alone play it).

I'm always happy to answer questions though.
I can be flexible if you decide to change your mind. No pressure though <3
This is a workflow for old-border cards with Card Conjurer that I sent to a friend some time ago. Maybe it's a first step?

Example for Guide of Souls

1. First the frame and print margin:

FRAME - Main category: Old/Misc Sub category: Seventh Edition -> White Frame (double click)
MARGIN - Main 1/8th Inch Margin -> Pick first one (always try with a double click if not specified)

2. Art and Artist credit
ART -> Enter card name in search bar (Artist credit automatically)

3. Add Text
TEXT (manually) - Mana Cost -> letter "w"
- Title + Type + Power/Toughness -> manually

TEXT - Rules Text -> copy paste from Scryfall -> clean up: remove space between paragraphs. If 3x Energy symbols break textbox -> add line break ({lns}) before to move it to the next line.

That's it! (Optional: Set Symbol)

EDIT: I think it's easiest to just try to recreate some normal magic cards and then, once that works, try some more challenging designs like sagas, planes walkers, etc.