General CBS

I need some help deciding which of these (maybe 2/3) I should be running. I've had Faithless Looting in my cube since it's inception, but I've only seen it run like twice. I don't really have much reanimator shenanigans happening either. It's mostly been used as card filtering for non-blue control (like Mardu) or to burn through chaff in Mono-Red. Thoughts on these three?


Ecstatic Orb
If there are ways to abuse the graveyard in red or colors that often get paired with red Faithless Looting is your card. If not, then the other two options are much, much better, because Looting is actually card disadvantage! Look out for counterspells though, as the discard of both Voice and Insight is part of the cost. Not resolving one of them is like getting kicked in the nuts.

Chris Taylor

I will say, magmatic insight was in my draft last night, having just made the swap from faithless looting, but I was actually insta punished since I drafted both bloodghasts who were usually stranded in my hand since someone nabbed all my fixing :p

Honestly I do think magmatic insight is the better card, but even a 1 mana tormenting voice would be leagues below even serum visions. I'll probably shop up something custom and playable, but for the meantime I think Insight is the card to run unless you have some serious value to be gained off discarding 2 cards (And no, I've learned the hard way that flashing back firebolt doesn't cut it)

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Faithless Looting is really awkward in cube, because even for those of us who support graveyard strategies, they tend to be centred around black, blue, and green; red and white are usually on the outside, looking in. Unless you support some kind of red flashback archetype, or somehow stretch your reanimator theme into red, I'm not a fan of Faithless Looting in cube.

I need some help deciding which of these (maybe 2/3) I should be running. I've had Faithless Looting in my cube since it's inception, but I've only seen it run like twice. I don't really have much reanimator shenanigans happening either. It's mostly been used as card filtering for non-blue control (like Mardu) or to burn through chaff in Mono-Red. Thoughts on these three?
give people more reasons to run cards like looting or they never will.
Helm is fun, there's a real cost of saccing a creature to gain control of another creature that can be abused only if you have recurrable threats ala Gravecrawler and Bloodghast. It's more fair than shackles which is pretty much free to steal any creature in a blue deck. I don't currently have Helm in my cube, but I do use it a ton in my Tymaret EDH. It's a nice way to branch out certain themes, you could implement a steal-and-sac subtheme into your cube with Helm + a few other cards:

Extend it further with newer options in green!

Faithless Looting is really awkward in cube, because even for those of us who support graveyard strategies, they tend to be centred around black, blue, and green; red and white are usually on the outside, looking in. Unless you support some kind of red flashback archetype, or somehow stretch your reanimator theme into red, I'm not a fan of Faithless Looting in cube.
Booo! Faithless is great! And as others have noted I think red makes a good supplement for graveyard centered decks. Jund Gy Shenanigans is tons of fun!
How many sac outlets do you need in RGu before you can start running stuff like Act of Treason? How many steal effects before you can start running stuff like Fling?

This is what I'm running now (not counting colorless):

Of course Black adds like a zillion sac outlets as well, and Blue has clones and such too. Is RGx Stealies finally starting to be a mid/high-power-viable deck?

