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Ecstatic Orb

This depends on what you measure. If you want to plot the turn in which they play their main win conditions, the ramp/control circle is going to overlap with midrange.
oh man infographics I should probably devote some attention to these things before i address them.

What does UG control look like guys? Flash creatures + counter spells + a splash colour?
Is generating insurmountable advantage on board with tokens / walkers etc controlling?
I mean, leme tell ya, its real hard to win when your opponent has got garruk 5 and tamiyo staring down at ya.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Does it want a control shell? B, you take 2, B, you take 2, B, you take 2.

This wasn't a serious suggestion though. BS thread for a reason.


Yeah, in general its a pretty slow and clunky spell, that requires a fair amount of setup to really work.

In a controlish build, the game should go long enough for you to draw into it, and than you can convert flashback spells to turn your own card advantage mechanisms into a win con. That obviously requires a heavy graveyard commitment to be viable though.
Stupid Living End, causing Fulminator Mage to be 13 tickets.

Uh, I that would be its slightly older, smarter brother Jund doing that. Fulminator Mage got really popular in Jund sideboards in the summer when Bloom and Tron were everywhere in Modern. It's since calmed down a little bit (the Amulet hype-train sorta crashed), but still sees some play. Also, Jund players discovered that:

is disgusting against decks trying to develop any sort of mana (Grixis, Tron, Amulet, UWr, RUG Twin, Abzan).
I thought this article was pretty interesting:

Makes me more interested to run Abzan Ascendancy

Frank Karsten did a similar article for Modern:

He's really good at highlighting niche situations that are pretty cool. Bouncing a mountain with Valakut triggers on the stack from Scapeshift is my favourite.
Retreat to Emeria
I purchased a copy of this card thinking it cost {2}{W}, and could be a suitable replacement for Glorious Anthem :(

That is how I read the card the first time I saw it too. And at 2W, it would have been sweet. But 4 mana? Landfall cards need to be cheaper than that unless you have a landfall trigger gimmick.

Speaking of which... it occurred to me for those running bounce lands... You can play a bounce land and just return it to your hand, meaning you can use it at the top of your curve to guarantee a land fall trigger each turn well past the point where you'd typically be out of land drops (assuming you are OK with not advancing your mana). That's sort of cool.