General CBS


Ecstatic Orb
At 2W it might have been broken in BFZ limited. I've been on the receiving end of that retreat, and it gets out of hand very quickly. You could easily create a board where you have like 5-6 bodies before going with an anthem to just destroy your opponent in combat. And if you ever have an Evolving Wilds? Oh god.

Yeah, in our fetch-heavy cubes this will probably often be a double anthem. It's probably too good at {2}{W}. But then again, not good enough at {3}{W}. So, who is going to run this as a custom with casting cost {1}{W}{W}?
I have it in my cube, it's cool whenever it's assembled; people just love any way they can generate extra value. I'm also at 420 though, so we don't have both within the draft pool every time. I imagine that it would get kinda annoying if I saw it every draft.
Didn't get to do much coverage-y stuff but we all had a pretty good time! Only really got in 3 rounds because of a late start but I think everyone was pretty tickled by the experience!

My pool was pretty zany, I was paired with friend of the show, Peter M and we immediately decided the black section was probably our deepest with all playables from the 3 slot and up but everything lower was pretty thin and despite being the deepest pool we were only talking about something like 9 cards. Realizing blue was very top heavy in its playable too we decided we would probably end up with two midgame decks but would need a lot of filler in our 2 section. Peter took green and it was looking great! I resisted the urge to play aggro and ended up with a pretty bear-heavy Jeskai control deck and peter ended up splashing red for a KKommand and Xenagos, Satyr Daddy.

My deck was waaaay worse than peters but probably easier to play because peter was managing monstrosity costs and sacrifice triggers and token generation all the time, while my deck was mostly bears, 1 for 1 spells and the occasional draw spell, sorta like tapout control with nothing to do with it's mana.

I'm pretty sure me and Peter both won 2 games but I drew my last round with Chris' charming wife Heather (playing what I felt was a superior UW control deck) while peter lost his round against, the man himself, Chris Taylor after I begged the control mirror off on him in our second round hoping his unlimited supply of 2for1s and planeswalkers would make for quicker games.
Me and Heather decided we were tied for first at 1/1 shook hands, tidied up and I finished my beer on the walk home.

All in all a fun evening with a full house of 8! It's not a bad idea to get rolling early and we did a rotisserie draft of the fixing with 100 card pools which may have added a little to our time overhead but was an interesting nuance. I was pretty confused during the deck building because I usually make my decisions for a sealed pool largely around availability of lands X availability of cards.
2-1'd (due to absurd mana issues, i straight crushed all my rematches) the modo pez cube again with mardu aggro. No real synergy, but Boros Charm, Blood Artist and Brimstone Volley were MVPs.

now i'm 7-2 in the cube for matches and 22-7 in games. peasant is fun!

4-man draft (with packs of 15 yeeeeesh) so it was really easy to see what was open, and the answer turned out to be 'damage'. Round one I curve my opponent into the dust. She's on, uh, UB tempo, or control, not sure which. She has a Shriekmaw, I have Lingering Souls and Grafted Wargear. I lose game two when I draw 13 of my 16 lands but kill her on turn 5 games one and three.

Round two is the cube owner on Jund. It's not very Jundy Jund and so I Jund him out handily in two games and am beat down in one (1 and 3, i lose 2 on a mull to 5 that never finds a second land).

Round three is a v. competent bant control list. I win g1, he wins g2, and I have to mull to 3 for the privilege of 'swamp, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, tapland, gg'
(we rematch and i kill him t4 and t6 and it's no contest when i have lands out)

Peasant cube is fun. I shouldn't be winning probably a third of my games but I think my curves are just giving me free time walks??? idk

I'm kind of bummed about the non-games, and particularly salty about mostly losing to variance (i had such a good games record!!), and I think I could've 3-0'd if I'd drafted tighter. Still v. fun though!
Mulligans are also fascinating, as are brainstorm/scry/kamigawa top decisions.

If you're serious about being willing to read anything, check this fantastic (but loooong) article on Brainstorm:

Also, here's a pretty good podcast episode about Divining Top, although it's Legacy-centric the Stus are some of the best mtg audio content guys and they really know their stuff.
for mulligan advice I can't recommend CML's Bowdlerized Hand Series article highly enough, even though there isn't actually any advice in it.
I just realized that Transform and Monstrous are the same thing.

Are they?
I see where you're coming from, thinking that monstrous is a one-time stat altering ability that sometimes has an effect, and that transform seem similar on some cards:

But, in general, Monstrous is an activated ability, and Transform is a triggered ability.

But there are some more interesting transform cards (mostly the werewolves) that transform back into their original form, allowing you to get different effects throughout the game.

Not to mention the transform mechanic on these guys is something completely unique:

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Really sweet cube match between our very own Lucas (he's Lucre on here) and Canadian pro Daniel Fournier:

Well okay, yes, Transform is a LOT better than monstrous, but Monstrous still feels like a budget, restricted, simplified version of Transform, not something different.

What's the scoop on "PucaTrade"? I got an Anafensza the Foremost and I'm hoping about converting it to a bunch of snazzy smaller cards that I've seen around the cubes on here.
Well okay, yes, Transform is a LOT better than monstrous, but Monstrous still feels like a budget, restricted, simplified version of Transform, not something different.

What's the scoop on "PucaTrade"? I got an Anafensza the Foremost and I'm hoping about converting it to a bunch of snazzy smaller cards that I've seen around the cubes on here.

pucatrade is sweet, most people will be selling off draft stuff hoping to turn it into Eternal playables, which means that if you wanna offload one or two Standard roleplayers for a buncha old draft commons it's more or less perfect. You want the PucaPower javascript extension if you're going to use it any more than sporadically. if you register via this link i get two bucks i think. Remember to mail your packages within 48 hours, and i guess prepare to have a lot more interactions with the post office
Cool. I'm afraid of getting sharked and/or failing to properly mail things but you can't learn unless you jump in I guess. Good to hear it's not a pyramid scam, it sounded a little bit like bit coin exchanges.
Your signature about MAGIC subgames, what if you revealed random cards from your deck and the CMC was equivalent to a die roll, so you steal the mechanics from a good or popular dice game to determine the winner.
Your signature about MAGIC subgames, what if you revealed random cards from your deck and the CMC was equivalent to a die roll, so you steal the mechanics from a good or popular dice game to determine the winner.
Yeah but then I'd never use my Scissors Lizard / Paper Tiger / Rock Lobster set


So, in the search for completely stupid combo decks, pauper yet again delivers:

Tired Out

creatures (15)
Benevolent Bodyguard
Delver of Secrets
Squadron Hawk
Tireless Tribe

Sorceries (7)
Deep Analysis
Gitaxian Probe

Instants (15)
Apostle's Blessing
Inside Out
Shadow Rift

Enchantments (4)
Journey to Nowhere

lands (19)
Evolving Wilds
Tranquil Cove

sideboard (15)
Circle of Protection: Red
Prismatic Strands
Rest for the Weary
Stormbound Geist


Yes, the plan is to buff a giant tireless tribe (using Squadron Hawk, because what else?), cast inside out on it, and than use shadow rift or apostle's blessing to force a kill.

Now, I just need to find a way to port this over to cube, but sadly I can't seem to find much support for the emergent "butts matter" theme :(