MTGO Legacy Cube updates ('holy shit, we did it!')
are up.
Summarized and quoted:
-Vedalken Shackles isn't fun, blue is too strong, so bye-bye Shackles. What an encouraging start to the article! This is great stuff for the MTGO cube to be doing.
devotion worked and people thought it was fun, so now the Cube's designer needs to fix
. She (it's Melissa DeTora, awesome) decided to do that by upping the density of mana elves and cutting a lot of colourless mana rocks. "In the end, almost all of the mana rocks got the axe."
-Dedicated Reanimator only really came together as UB. Last iteration's attempt to fix this by adding Lol Troll, Mongrel, etc, was "among the least successful and least desirable to draft in the entire cube". Accordingly,
Shallow Grave-style reanimator comes out and more Aristocrats tools come in.
good new cards come in, Akroma's Vengeance and Angelic Destiny leave
rip condescend and mana leak. I understand why they've gotta pull Dig from the Legacy Cube and the adds seem reasonable but I think those two losses will be felt.
Herald of Torment is I think a loose cut, <3 that guy, but the rest of this seems pretty good. The adds are a mix of current standard Aristocrats cards and OG innistrad Aristocrats ones like Blood Artist.
I think the thing that surprises me most here is that Goblin Bombardment wasn't already in the cube. Mogg Fanatic finally gets cut from the format that ostensibly reflects Legacy - good.
more elves and value pieces
some mana rocks go, and so does Aether Vial. A+ cuts. Eldrazi Monument and Newlamog are spicy and A+ includes.
gold: nothing interesting happens.