General CBS

Chris Taylor

Unfortunatly the problem I have is specifically with these guys:

and so the only one of the above 8 that helps is actually werebear (if he does that is :p)
It'll be weird if I double up on sylvan advocate o_O

But like
Kalonian Tusker, nothing we like similar to that? All GG eh? dang
Well, I could try Rogue Elephant :p
Unfortunatly the problem I have is specifically with these guys:

and so the only one of the above 8 that helps is actually werebear (if he does that is :p)
It'll be weird if I double up on sylvan advocate o_O

But like
Kalonian Tusker, nothing we like similar to that? All GG eh? dang
Well, I could try Rogue Elephant :p
Please include R.E tonight, ty!

Strangleroot when it comes back is a 3/2 and much more playable than the tusker imo
2-2 (should've 3-1'd but misplayed heavily against Lucas g3)
Conspiracy 2 plus Eternal Masters should really make this a great summer for cubes! I'm actually pretty bearish on EM making Legacy more affordable, but I bet there will be quite a few fun but pricy reprints that are good for us!


Ecstatic Orb
is it weird that I'm super hyped about Conspiracy 2, and all of the little tidbits they're feeding us

View attachment 746
Is that the Ancient Fang? How did that end up back on Fiora? Regardless, stoked as well, because I have very fond memories of that draft format. Didn't draft it a ton, and all of it two-player, but had great fun every time! One of the more ridiculous things I can remember was someone at the talble revealing two Brago's Favor and a Double Stroke on Rousing of Souls on turn one, hitting for four tokens, and following that up with a Intangible Virtue o_O *Gulp*

Chris Taylor

Does someone have an article somewhere that shows how many cards you need in a cube to come close to the odds of opening
  • a specific common
  • a specific uncommon
  • Rare/Mythic

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I may or may not have done my math correctly, but assuming we're talking about a large retail set, ignoring foils, and opening a single pack, then using a hypergeometric calculator, the chances of opening any specific card of a given rarity:

Common (Assuming 101 commons / set, 10 commons / pack): 9.9%
Uncommon (Assuming 80 uncommons / set, 3 uncommons / pack): 3.8%
Rare (Assuming 53 rares / set, 7 rares / 8 packs): 1.7%
Mythic (Assuming 15 mythics / set, 1 mythic / 8 packs): 0.83%

In cube, if we go with a 360 card cube, then opening any single "pack" of 15 cards, the chances of seeing at least one copy of a specific card, given the number of copies of that card in your cube:

4 Copies: 16%
3 Copies: 12%
2 Copies: 8.2%
1 Copy: 4.2%

So somewhere between two and three copies approximates a common, and one copy approximates an uncommon. Everything in cube is way more common than a rare, though, unless you start increasing your cube size.