What do you do to play a game of Magic? Right, you tap and untap cards. This is some aspect I'd like to go deeper on as I think it's weak in constructed but sometimes powerful in limited, and riptidian cubes tend to be in the middle of both. I'll throw in some cards that peaked my interest and you people tell me something about them.
Lap over with Cycling:
Love Tethers and Faeries. Not sure about the other two.
Useful with bounce lands (in fact, Voyaging Satyr is my mana dork of choice
Seedborn Muse, Snap and Kiora might all be a bit strong? Like I said, Voyaging Satyr is my standard dork. Pore Over the Pages looks amazing as it's generally a good draw spell for Ux control, discards for Madness/Flashback/Reanimator and may generate mana with bouncelands.
Flyers that tap and therefore generate a tempo advantage. I like Niblis as it fits spells, Somnophore is interesting as it taps down
a lot if you're not able to handle it. The sphinx needs islands to be worth it so it looks somewhat meh to me, while the dragon's passive ability improves counterspells with taxes like
Miscalculation. The geists look boring to me.
the weaker etb creatures. not going to include any of them, personally.
Repeatedly tapping creatures for mana investment. Less exciting than the bigger blue creatures that need something done to reward you with tapping down enemy's creatures.
Those are the spells I am the least sure about. Hands of Binding is less exciting than Hidden Strings as untapping opens up cool interactions, but they might not be worth a card as you need to connect repeatedly with the encoded creatures?
Feeling of Dread and Ojutai's Breath are good for spells matter.dec, and I actually have a soft spot for Feeling of Dread as a cool multicolour flashback Innistrad card.
Oh, the two Cipher spells obv are good for Spells Matter.dec, too.
Send to Sleep/Chilling Grasp actually don't convince me. Repel and Grip have Cantrips attached to them and come at instant speed. Of those four I only really like Grip of the Roil.
Strong tapping spells. Time of Ice looks REALLY interesting and is a payoff for other tapping effects. Might actually be a bit too strong in producing non-games? Sleep is strong but boring. Being in blue might help, as you need to add a more creature heavy colour to benefit from it.