CML's Cube (405, polychromatic)


All those except Counterspell seem a little on the weak end, Evasive Action in particular is an abortion

Edit: I do like the exile clause though, like I'm sure Condescend is cooler than Syncopate but wonder if Dissolve is lamer than Dissipate

Chris Taylor

I like hinder. It's kinda like dissipate except also kinda tempo good sometimes.
Remand is cooler than memory lapse I guess?

the 3/4 fetish thing can sit if it wants to, am I wrong? :p

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I ran double Gargadon for a while in a cube extremely pushed towards sacrifice effects and was surprised by how little work he did.


Errrr ok I should explain because nobody here devotes their lives to the poor choices I make here. I'm going down to 1 Snapcaster and 2 Gravecrawlers and the Zeppelid is Kiora, Who Isn't Good.

I'm gonna throw in Vault of Whispers and Seat of the Synod for Tezz, the funsies land draft is pretty huge already though and I'm not sure how to pare it down. Maybe just throw out some of the fixing


I can't imagine cutting it. The thing is he's very bad on t1, so you have to play him at the right time -- which would involve drawing him at the right time maybe too much to fit into every Cube if I didn't love tutoring for stuff.