CML's Cube (405, polychromatic)


not a blind eye sir but a jaundiced eye. but yeah, that's the main one i was implying

i strongly agree with higher power level positively correlated with better games, i am frightened that i will become everything that i hate but man. gold cards are sweet. this is making me wonder what would happen if i reduced their number, but then it's not like i'd have many more viable 1-drops, and as the first person to ever build a cube where you could draft Zoo, i'm not sure that fast games are incompatible with hella gold

edit: still though what would a treatment plan look like for "rev up CML's cube and make it less gold-digging"? i'm in the market for broad ideas like "go down to 360/405" or "make the gold sections a little smaller, re-up with 1's" but specific cuts / replacements would also be sweet

Jason Waddell

Staff member
and as the first person to ever build a cube where you could draft Zoo

That's a pretty bold claim that seems patently false. You could probably just cut cards from your cube and increase one-drop density without adding any.


yeah i just made it up because i'm being a blowhard, but it's only charming if you read my edit

that sentence is a doozy, the lack of viable one-drops is a major factor in dictating the size of the cube? (i know there are a shitload of really good reasons for having 360, but this seems to be the most insurmountable one in transitioning, slowly, to a slightly bigger cube as i have.) on the other hand, the opposite conclusion is more depressing. like what if i go further down this rabbit-hole of mine and find i have tunneled to the land of Modo garbage?!


OK! let's pick some. though the parable of two Figures (in eric's thread) makes me a little trepid. vs. current list how about

+2 gravecrawler (better aggro decks can race em)
+1 champ
+1 delver (maybe best without an explicit theme)
+1 rakdos cackler
+1 loam lion
+1 noble hierarch

maybe we need more, i dunno. the list is uninspiring

Chris Taylor

I support cackler #2 as well. Tattermunge maniac has been decent for me, but nothing over the moon. I've got a second Dryad Militant FWIW

Jesus what is your multicolor density? And yes, count shit like that loam lion.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I put Cackler #2 in some time ago, and then a funny thing happened - Rakdos aggro started winning an inordinate amount. Coincidence? Hard to say. But juuust to be safe, I went back down to one Cackler. That innocent little hybrid might've been a lot more dangerous than I thought.


Yeah . Love militant thanks i forgot

I hate tattermunge, more aggressively suicidal than princess di
Have you considered Standstill to help bolster your blue aggro?? I know the merfolk decks played it for awhile in legacy because you could just go 1 drop standstill and attack with your one drop and your lands. It also forces opponents to make very awkward decisions.


<--------- shit eating standstill grin

Uhmmmmmm I've thought about it a lot but standstill being healthy in legacy os based around a huge web of interactions like Mutavault or factory, wasteland, vial, daze, force, differing density of land, breaking eot to force discard, and so on, and this doesn't exist in my cube where it would more accurately read, ancestral recall if you're ahead. Again i could be wrong but! I've played with the card more than basically anyone in the last ten months and love the weird games and subgames it can make but i doubt itd be a rich blue card given cube constraints and my general lack of support for blue beats above and beyond ignoring the very specific kind of Deck that wants standstill
Well I really like Standstill because it can go in a wide variety of decks. Land style control deck,blue aggro, or even just play it as a follow up to a planeswalker on an empty board. I think it'll be pretty easy for whoever gets it to make it work/draft around it, especially if you do utility land draft, and I think that the decisions it makes people have to make turn it into a super interesting (and fun)card for cube. I'd say give it a shot and worse case scenario if it sucks yank it out.


just finished the massive update, records at and

-cut some cards people told me to take out
-lowered the curve to try and combat the "midrange warz" feel of the cube, make one-drop aggro more of a thing outside black, and give blue the tools to fight aggro decks while also not just durdling over the first couple of turns
-moved five fixing lands to the funsies land draft because too often the opportunity cost of playing the funsies lands was too high, i think i'm gonna try 45-card decks next time to combat this fail-to-find phenomenon since i don't want to cut down to 15 fetches
-added scrying sheets and mouth of ronom to the funsies draft so all basics are now snow, too bad they don't have "ring island in winter" available from ZEN (maybe an SCG holiday special?)
-weird adds: promise of bunrei (token theme), spreading seas and mana vortex (answers to lands), death's shadow (i want to see if this can be a thing with life payment, also planning on re-adding the varolz), haakon, stromgald scourge (cross-color aggro and graveyard theme), punishing fire (for lands, along with life from the loam and crucible of worlds), imperial recruiter #2 (everyone should try this card, it's extremely fun), experiment one #2 (my favorite aggro creature), omnath, locus of mana (also a lot of fun), memory jar (yolo)
-weird cuts: shriekmaw (less fun than shadowborn demon), mikaeus, the unhallowed (wasn't doing as much as i would have liked him to), primeval titan (i don't like this effect much in cube), upheaval (dumb), wildfire (trying ember swallower per the other thread's suggestion instead)

-try a 45-card draft and see how it goes, and if it goes badly, figure out a way for the funsies land draft to be less 'feel-bad'
-cut some of the gold sections
-cut some of the midrangier cards
-maybe try to slim it down to a 405

-adds (especially on-theme stuff)
-cuts (especially gold cards, 3-drops and 4-drops)

ahavah, CML


Wadds in particular I want to see what a 'smaller CML cube gold section' would look like, and how it would affect the rest of the Cube. I welcome any and all feedback but I crave the whip of Wadds

Jason Waddell

Staff member
At first I thought you were shy on red attacking one-drops, but I see you're running double Cackler, double Kird Ape.

Judge's Familiar still seems all kinds of awful, but maybe I'm missing something.

Lol at slotting Green Sun's Zenith into random spots on the curve.

No Wrath of God? I think one of your problems is that Control isn't that strong, allowing midrange to flourish. By the same time your Blue finishers still suck balls. No love for Sphinx's? Is anybody really playing Tidesprout? I am not going up to 8 for an effect like that.

One of the things that really holds back aggro are army in a can cards. They can fog for days. I'd cut Cloudgoat / Seige-Gang / Ophiomancer.

I don't think you're running enough burn. No Incinerate effect? No Brimstone Volley? No X-Spells? I'm not convinced that Wheel of Fortune really deserves a slot in cubes anymore. Is Hammer of Purphoros not terrible?

Your red 3-drops aren't terribly aggro friendly. Is there some way to make up for this?

There's really nothing making me want to play white aggro. I'm not sure why multi-Lynx never worked for you, but that was always a backbone over here. Your white low CMC section looks very generic, and there's a reason people always complain about white attacking decks sucking. In the absence of "lol win the game" Armageddon style effects, I think you need to push something. Not sure why you're not really running Double Strikers. Fencing Ace is good, as is Fabled Hero. Mirran Crusader if so inclined.

Gaea's Cradle can't go in the funsie land draft?

I still think your gold proportion is a little absurd. My generic recommendation would be 4 per section @ 450, not counting stuff like Cackler and Kitchen Finks, but counting hybrids that are at least 75% hybrid (Wilt-Leaf, Boros Reckoner). Maybe you could trim down to 5 per section? Some of them just feel really bloated.


ahhh excellent, just what i was looking for, extremely helpful. real quick, though:

-tidespout is a good reanimation target, i'm throwing in consecrated sphinx right away.
-with the hybrid / gold sections the red 3's are kinda aggro, but you're right it's a real problem slot, last year we resorted to running pyreheart wolf in standard along with hellhole flailer ffs. suggestions?
-wheel might just be terrible but plays frequently enough (well enough?) with gy themes i want to give it another couple weeks
-the white aggro decks are pretty good, the odd thing is i was deliberately trying to support "White Weenie" over "Zoo" a few months ago and now "Zoo" is just kinda bad. so to that end, some more lynxes.
-cradle could hit the funsies draft, i think, though it is an insane card it does often tap for 0.

everything else seems reasonable, these are the kinds of edits that for me require the clarity of distance. would you be willing to trim my gold sections for me? i have tried myself and failed many a time

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Okay, so, as a general rule I kind of hate having fatties in gold sections. Fatties are narrow enough due to their high CMC, before tacking on restrictive color requirements. I think you're better served using similarly powerful monocolor options.

Cut Drogskol Reaver

Cut Ashenmoor Liege

Cut half of Gruul.
You gotta choose whether you're there to support beats or Devotion (or whatever). 1x Kird Ape is fine.

Cut Loam Lion (replace w/ mono)

Cut Mortify, Obzedat, Ashen Rider

Cut Maelstrom Pulse

Cut Aurelia, Assemble the Legion


Revised section:

dryad militant
rakdos cackler
rakdos cackler
avacyn’s pilgrim
sygg, river cutthroat
deathrite shaman
deathrite shaman

azorius charm
geist of saint traft
venser, the sojourner
sphinx’s revelation

baleful strix
nightveil specter

fulminator mage
fire covenant
ashenmoor liege
falkenrath aristocrat
fire covenant

kird ape
burning-tree emissary
flinthoof boar
boggart ram-gang
domri rade
huntmaster of the fells

loam lion
qasali pridemage
voice of resurgence
kitchen finks
knight of the reliquary
knight of the reliquary
wilt-leaf liege

tidehollow sculler
lingering souls
sorin, lord of innistrad
unburial rites

abrupt decay
life // death
lotleth troll
pernicious deed

shardless agent
trygon predator

izzet charm
ral zarek

chained to the rocks
figure of destiny
lightning helix
boros reckoner
ajani vengeant
assemble the legion

wild nacatl
thornscape battlemage

cruel ultimatum


a more manageable 47 gold cards if we don't count the easier hybrids. everyone help me keep cutting i wanna give this overhaul a try


cruel is a 'meta call', it only works if you have a cube where you can cast it and people feel like forcing it to prove they have a big penis

you guys should really try ashenmoor liege

edit: murderous redcap = fire covenant