CML's Cube (405, polychromatic)

Chris Taylor

Hey CML, with all this hybrid stuff going around, would it be worth it to double up on the filters? I don't know how much problem you have trying to cast boros reckoner in a green/red deck, but if there's any land that makes me believe that's possible they're them


filters are super-awk in multiples, they're actually getting played now though because of hybrid which warms the cockles. the 5 EVE ones + Graven Cairns in funsies draft


I did a big update, the main change of which was (conceptually) cutting a bunch of 1's nobody wanted for fatties and answers that everybody does want. The curve has shifted dramatically upward:

1 -- 87 to 81
2 -- 94 to 92
3 -- 89 to 88
4 -- 59 to 56
5+ -- 51 to 62

-White gets Hallowed Burial to answer Gravecrawlers and Leonin Relic-Warder and Detention Sphere to eat gods and/or tokens (Big Elspeth + Purphoros, it was decided, needed a couple more ways to be broken up), and loses a bunch of anthems nobody liked and Armageddon that only I liked
-Blue gets counters and finishers (Dissipate, Dissolve, AEtherling, Deadeye Navigator, Prime Speaker Zegana, etc.) and loses the whole Cloudfin and Delver thing
-Black gets a couple more reanimation spells (Life // Death for the token theme, Makeshift Mannequin) and loses a couple bad cards
-Red gets Wildfire, among other things, and loses unplayables like Goblin Bushwhacker
-Green gets Wolfir Silverheart and Primeval Titan because I like them and loses some cards I didn't like as much

Bummer the whole blue-gro thing didn't work out, but maybe giving Blue the tools to interact with creatures instead of making it play 'away games' in dude mirrors will bring everyone greater joy. Really is too bad it couldn't find its way into the whole aggro circle-jerk that is my Cube, though ...

Next update:
-Probably adding Fellwar Stone, 3cmc Ajani
-White: looking for playable anthem effects (a little better than Soltari Champion, maybe, while less narrow than Honor of the Pure and a different CMC / no triple-white unlike Angel of Jubilation)
-Blue: looking for playable cheap counterspells at cmc2 and cmc1 (Familiar's Ruse? Deprive? 1x Rune Snag? Muddle the Mixture? Negate? Remove Soul? Psychic Barrier? etc. -- or suggestions on a double-up; is Evasive Action real?)
-Black: fine
-Red: fine (wish there were more playable 1-drops, though -- in my Cube Spikeshot Elder doesn't count, nor does Reckless Waif)
-Green: fine


Chris Taylor

-White gets Hallowed Burial to answer Gravecrawlers and Leonin Relic-Warder and Detention Sphere to eat gods and/or tokens (Big Elspeth + Purphoros, it was decided, needed a couple more ways to be broken up), and loses a bunch of anthems nobody liked and Armageddon that only I liked
-Blue gets counters and finishers (Dissipate, Dissolve, AEtherling, Deadeye Navigator, Prime Speaker Zegana, etc.) and loses the whole Cloudfin and Delver thing
-Black gets a couple more reanimation spells (Life // Death for the token theme, Makeshift Mannequin) and loses a couple bad cards
-Red gets Wildfire, among other things, and loses unplayables like Goblin Bushwhacker
-Green gets Wolfir Silverheart and Primeval Titan because I like them and loses some cards I didn't like as much

Bummer the whole blue-gro thing didn't work out, but maybe giving Blue the tools to interact with creatures instead of making it play 'away games' in dude mirrors will bring everyone greater joy. Really is too bad it couldn't find its way into the whole aggro circle-jerk that is my Cube, though ...

I actually like hallowed burial as a straight wrath, since it's nice that it stops the odd indestructible or persist dude.
I'm still wondering what to do with anthems. I'm not sure there ARE good ones out there, since they're either white only (and usually tokens is a 2 color deck) or too expensive/restrictive (Spear of Heliod or Glorious Anthem)
I'm gonna keep trying blue aggro. People have to want to draft it, and I'm definitely one of those people, so it might last longer in here.
I'll warn ya: For wildfire to work, you'll need quite a bit of signet esque cards. Contrary to random rampant growths, they really do help this deck specifically. Maybe a few 3 cost ones due to the slightly raised curve.
Did you add in more than one, by the way? Nobody's building that deck with one fuckin copy in 450 cards.

Next update:
-Probably adding Fellwar Stone, 3cmc Ajani
-White: looking for playable anthem effects (a little better than Soltari Champion, maybe, while less narrow than Honor of the Pure and a different CMC / no triple-white unlike Angel of Jubilation)
-Blue: looking for playable cheap counterspells at cmc2 and cmc1 (Familiar's Ruse? Deprive? 1x Rune Snag? Muddle the Mixture? Negate? Remove Soul? Psychic Barrier? etc. -- or suggestions on a double-up; is Evasive Action real?)
-Black: fine
-Red: fine (wish there were more playable 1-drops, though -- in my Cube Spikeshot Elder doesn't count, nor does Reckless Waif)
-Green: fine

Like felwar stone, Ajani seems sweet.
Please tell me of these hypothetical "good anthems". I eagerly away the find.
RE Blue counterspells: I've randomly added 2 more mana leaks. I'd probably add more miscalculations, but they're harder to find. The exact difference between mana leak, evasive action, rune snag and miscalculation barely matters. Though miscalc does garner the sweet rub in cast: "Check your math".
Ruse, Deprive, Muddle and all the type specific ones (remove soul or negate) are all really mediocre. Add another more universal counter IMO. Double up on what's fun.
I've got 2 Cacklers in right now, and I'm still tolerating Tattermunge Maniac, though I acknolwedge that he's pretty bad. More Stromkirk Nobles? I like that guy, he seems alright.
Man it is hard to find red 1 drops worth doubling up on. I'm loathe to run multiple goblin guides since that seems a bit excessive.


deathbringer is the one i'd put in next, actually (regretting trading my copy a little). i guess i just added the three most powerful ones, minus boartusk because there are a million RG 4cmc cards. UW UB RU UG RW are all fairly terrible, though i wish i could add as many Eventide cards as possible
how often does the GW's madness effect come up in your cube?
yeah, i guess BW one is stronger than I thought on a second reread, my first reaction was "how many orzhov cards are you really going to be casting?" but that was the wrong question, the right question was "how many spells are you really going to be casting?"
so boartusk could have a place in a world without bloodbraids or huntmasters?

i guess the problem with the others just 2 power or no evasion or costing 5 and having a shit ability?


wilt-leaf madness -- only once, though it was a plan i was particularly proud to bring to fruition as i played one of my many many lands and triumphantly geddoned while behind on board t4, then passed back with only the WLL in hand and ran away with the game. the utility of the madness text is inversely proportionate to the sweetness of making it matter, however, the card is just good -- dog even has his own acronym

ashenmoor liege is in a good spot for my cube's themes, creakwood liege too. the blue ones suffer from having not enough dudes to pump (and in the case of thistledown liege being inexplicably terrible), RG suffers from high competition, RW i think they made deliberately un-pushed because of the power of those colors in standard at the time, and WB is "meh"

out this time -- i'm also cutting two of the gravecrawlers, they're a little much, the theme will live on without them, and it's easier than buffing the rest of the cube or some kind of artificial solution involving GY hate beyond what i already have. though there was no one-drop zoo deck this time around, there were some aggro decks and they should not have lost so easily while control couldn't turn the corner fast enough. in their place black will get some fun stuff, in the meantime i am typing up a 3-0 list with a few gravecrawlers


Overrun's purpose is to end the game and to that end so the trample is very relevant. It's the green deck's (much less impressive) Armageddon in that you cast it once you are ahead and then you win the game.

I've had success with the card, but it is one of the green cards I first look at each time I'm making adjustments. If I ran manfixing and every awesome GW 2 drop like CML does, I would definitely swap it in for Wilt-Leaf Liege, its just aggressive as all fuck.

Collective Blessing will certainly win some games that cards that fall into the same category (Overrun, Primeval Bounty, Mirari's Wake, Armada Wurm, etc) won't, but I think those games are pretty narrow exceptions.

CML: How's Mayor of Avabruck been for you? I've been interested in the card, but have no manned up and just ran it out there. I'm playing around with Champion of the Parish and the Necromancer dude so he is of interest to me.


yeah lucre damaged goods are low-hanging fruit. (some joke about alopecia / lucille bluth / cancer goes here)

Alf, i think the midrange decks might be too strong right now and i want to promote more 'straight aggro' and 'straight control' decks, as i leaf through this thread i realize i've made many design choices that benefit midrange-style decks. one consequence of this is the inability of straight control to beat the gravecrawlers, and the rarity of other aggro decks that, as in the last standard format, could race them. ergo more diversity. to explicitly answer your second question, yep, it's not for nothing that legacy is the best format and starts on turn 1. (insert my rant about how aggro only wins in the modo cube because though its curve is awful the control decks have even more awful curves)

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I think your midrange stuff is way overrepresented because you turn a blind eye towards the absurd density of gold cards in your cube. Also telling from the cast that all your favorite cards are three and four drops.

Long article in the works on the advantage of faster cubes and their inherent slant towards a greater decision density. The quality of Magic as a game is definitely not power level agnostic.