CML's Cube (405, polychromatic)

Jason Waddell

Staff member
i threw it in out of intense boredom and because it'll be funny if someone breaks it

edit: to answer your question, because it wasn't! until a few days ago.

another edit: i hate putting the cube back together after a huge standard tournament

As the designer you should have some idea of how it can be broken, even just a best-case scenario. If you don't know what to do with it, your players probably won't either.


ehhhhhh JWadds. my design philosophy (beyond my hard-earned "heuristics" adumbrated in this thread and the rest of the forum) is that i kinda throw some shit against the wall and see how much of it will stick. i have a decent idea which of my ideas will work and which won't but i'm not so arrogant that i think i'll see that THE NERD CREW does. it's a major reason i keep 'em around, and not unrelated to my great love of my social group in this pretty good game.

i think the idea that R&D knows everything and the player base can only know a subset of that is something corroding the standards of modern limited design.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
ehhhhhh JWadds. my design philosophy (beyond my hard-earned "heuristics" adumbrated in this thread and the rest of the forum) is that i kinda throw some shit against the wall and see how much of it will stick. i have a decent idea which of my ideas will work and which won't but i'm not so arrogant that i think i'll see that THE NERD CREW does. it's a major reason i keep 'em around, and not unrelated to my great love of my social group in this pretty good game.

i think the idea that R&D knows everything and the player base can only know a subset of that is something corroding the standards of modern limited design.

I mean, there's certainly room for distinction here. One thing I've seen a lot of designers do is just jam in a card like Dream Halls without really having any idea of how it functions in relation to the rest of the environment. I'm not saying not to test new ideas, but at least personally I'm usually not surprised when I see a combination of cards or effects come together in one of my cubes. There's real intentionality there. Of course you need to test and try ideas, but there's a rather non-fine line between that and laziness in design.


No line! Just a spectrum. Hard distinctions are for the religious. But yeah I've probably wandered into the "lazy" end of the gradient.

My guess is that Staying Power won't work, as I took it out in a less powerful incarnation of the Cube, but, who knows. It's a unique effect and is therefore difficult to evaluate. I do like the slur against Dream Halls, though, and completely agree with cards like that listing violently towards the "bad design / impossible development" side of things.

Mainly I'm excited to play Purphoros, Nylea, and Deus of Calamity in the same deck
Have your cake and eat it too. Also I remember when that card came out. It was literally selling for around 20-25 dollars.


Big Gruul section! Already rich in 4cmc cards. I cut Rampager because I have the utmost contempt for Cubes heavy in 4-drops, which, afaik, is all of them outside this website. I think three (Wilt-Leaf, Ashenmoor, Creakwood) is enough.

The Eventide ones cost up to $14, which is, oddly, more than the best of the lot, mr. Legacy-playable Wilt-Leaf. PEOPLE ARE NOT RATIONAL ACTORS

obligatory joke about libertarians

cf murakami's "there is no why"


Hey, Wadds: we Cubed for the first time in 4 weeks (SCG hangover, halloween, etc.) and the Zombie theme brought great joy to everyone. I will say it was very gratifying getting machine-gunned by a gravecrawler, carrion feeder, and blood artist. if anything the power is too high. kind of hilarious that conventional cubes feature one-of carnophages, diregraf ghouls, sarcomancies, etc. and wonder why 'nobody is drafting black aggro'

really what i wanted to say is that we're all the best here and mtgs is full of idiots

i'm also digging the 450 cube size with extra fetches, though failing to find is a major headache here past a certain point. i'm gonna fiddle with things a bit like moving shelldock to the main draft.

(list, as always, is here:


so i hate narrow mono-color support of the cabal coffers variety but devotion has me interested in "stuff with lots of colored symbols" where colored = R, U, G. mainly i wanna support Thassa as R and G are both strong enough colors / have enough stupid color-intensive permanents to roll with their gods, and purphoros is pretty much perfect with the stupid token / sac theme.

given that U SHM/EVE color lords are out of the question as way too bad, (this is veering in the direction of a primer) help me winnow some cards like old man of the sea and not like frostburn weird. some ideas:

nightveil specter (already in)
sygg, river cutthroat (already in)
plumeveil (already in)
judge's familiar (already in)
godhead of awe (potentially absurd)
frostburn weird (probably not)
inkfathom witch (kinda awesome?)
tidebinder mage
coralhelm commander
voidmage prodigy (meh)
kami of the crescent moon (bleh)

also given that "delver" as an archetype has basically failed i wonder if it's best to cut a few cantrips, was thinking of going down to 2x ponder / preordain / brainstorm, add back in forbidden alchemy, throw in 4-5 blue devotion cards.

finally suture priest is wonderful

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Delver is something I really want to get working in my cube. To that aim I cut Delver yesterday. I want to work out what it needs and then add like three delvers. What do you think was wrong with it?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I still think Delver decks can work. I ran 2x Delver for a while. Mostly it's about having the framework to support creature-light aggressive decks. This generally comes in the form of an Izzet shell with lots of burn and fliers.