CML's Cube (405, polychromatic)


haha ok, so i wanted two signets that added up to everything but green, and boros / dimir seemed dumb and orzhov / izzet not great either. i then came up with this ex post facto rationale for UW / BR:

the jund midrange deck always sucks in my cube, and most of that is because it has awful mana and hates playing mana dorks with sweepers, but it wants a t3 Huntmaster as bad as standard jund and you can't run 4 farseek in your cube deck.

the rakdos identity in my cube is not particularly strong and i dunno which direction i wanna take it ("olivia" or "falkenrath aristocrat")


Fuse though. I wanna have both?

OK, so BR aggro has a ton going for it these days (best deck in ISD-RTR standard, quite good in AVR standard too, sometimes used in Modern as a burn shell or jund aggro shell splashing green for Goyf and Deathrite). But I've had much trouble translating this into Cube. Why?

-These decks always had awful mana in constructed, which bodes poorly for Cube (Jund midrange for example could greatly benefit from the Rakdos Signet) -- they also had a really high density of gold cards
-They ran off of a bunch of 4-ofs and had certain curve weaknesses (standard is at its largest right now, and Zombies still must resort to Blood Artist and Knight of Infamy as its 2's)
-The tribal component is tough to fit within the poison principle

I dunno, I think I'd rather just put in the best cards from either archetype without trying to push the theme one way or another. Aristocrat and Olivia themselves are pretty good either way. Spike Jester and Bit Blast on the other hand are 'pushing' it too hard in the Falken Punch / Olivia directions respectively. I guess I'm looking for more cards like Redcap, the grandaddy of all Nekrataals


So I fiddled with the list some more after noticing "everything costs 4" still especially in G/W. Updates include more 1's (perhaps too many based on my drafts / sealeds, which are addictive and not especially predictive cuz lol the goofgrabbing bots, utility land draft, 4 hawks etc.) and double KotR.

I'm concerned about shafting midrange and control.

What do yall think?

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
You slipped Jace, the Mind Sculptor back in! Sneaky. How's that been faring in your cube? Overpowered, or just right?

I'm toying with the idea of tossing him back in my own list. I feel that he's less oppressive than Elspeth around here, because the speed of the decks doesn't give people a lot of time to sit around and brainstorm continuously. Though, I'd need to relent and return Lightning Bolt, too, if I were to make that change.


Not back! -- never included in the first place -- but after one sesh I think but am not sure new additions Bskull and JTMS are fine, fun and power wise. Weird draft, though, we had 7 and most of the sweepers (along with new arrivals Thrun + Geist) were evidently in the 2/9 remaining packs.

Games were tough and decks were better than ever, check em out on the 3-0 page for a fun little puzzle. hint: Smash hit today:


I've had similar experiences with Elspeth in Cube, I'm pretty sure in environments like ours she's much more of a punch in the nuts than JTMS. Five starting toughness -- so beefy.

Return to Lightning Bolt, as a red card it can't possibly be overpowered. (The other day my merry FB thread of Cubing idiots was trying to figure out "the most expensive Red card in Magic" which is analogous to "Jewish sports stars" -- we talked about Thundermaw for awhile, which seemed ludicrous, then remembered that Imperial Recruiter existed, albeit with as short a run as Sandy Koufax)

I'm probably cutting the 2nd Snapcaster for something else, and Git Probe too, six cantrips is enough. I'll toss in a little black dude and a Predict or something.

I'm also getting rid of Utility Land duds Bojuka Bog and Ghitu Encampment for Mutavault and Teetering peaks.

edit: maybe move volrath's to the funsies utility draft too. maybe shelldock too, but shelldock is pushing it


OK, obligatory "i'm hung over and feel like doing nothing else" update:

Rapid Hybridization
Pyrostatic Pillar
Mutagenic Growth
Threads of Disloyalty
Misinformation (strong hilarity potential)

anyone tried these?:
Soul Warden
Thrull Parasite
Gut Shot
Noxious Revival

i'm kinda hating Spikeshot Elder these days, but i'm struggling to figure out what card with good VORP there is beyond a third copy of a red 1-drop (already doubled on Kird Ape, Cackler, Stromkirk, Guide)

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I've always liked Gut Shot, because in cube it seems like there a ton of utility creatures with a toughness of one running around, and flicking them off the battlefield while you're tapped out is a great feeling. I imagine it's even better nowadays with Young Pyro. But.. I'm the only one in my group who would go so far as to maindeck it.

Jesus, your cube has a lot of ones, even compared to a month ago. If Firefist Striker is a thing, could one of Frenzied Goblin / Intimidator Initiate work too? On a related note, does Reckless Waif pull its weight over there, with so much early game action going on?


Yeah, some of the decks don't reliably start on 1, so Waif is OK (in RTR standard we'd side in 4x against control but only on the play). Well, maybe on the draw too, because our boards were horribly constructed.

I could be convinced F Gob and Initiate are things.

1's are nice. Eric et al. -- any experience with the cards I'm tossing in?

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Only ones I've tried over here are Mutagenic Growth and Threads. The latter doesn't see much play, because stealing Goyfs isn't a big priority like it is in Constructed, and a lot of decks have zero good targets. Growth is a fine trick , but doesn't often make it into the top 23 spells.

I thought about Pongify at one point, then decided maybe Narcolepsy was just better, and the aura was indeed fine. But hey! Instant for Delver!


I was thinking its being a token makes it a nice target for Repeal or a Ratchet Bomb / EE token holocaust or something, though I dunno if I prefer Frog Lizard or Ape.

I've never tried Pyroclasm and am worried it would be too strong, though. How about Firestorm


OK, new idea with the cantrip theme since Tombstalker has been magnificent:


Also, since nobody wanted to try Stifle I unearthed this gem


Thought about completing the UUx counter cycle (incl. Absorb and Undermine) with Counterflux but it would just be bad so then what about


I just got back from a Standard tournament. I gotta say blue decks are extremely boring without cantrips, so now I want to add a couple more.


I was thinking just third Brainstorm, third Ponder but Thought Scour is pretty sweet. Probe, Portent too? Name your favorite cantrips here

What if in Cube you could do a Threshold thing, that mechanic is just so good and yet the cards could really use modernizing ...

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Twisted Image was some sweet tech back in the day.

Twisted Image my Precursor.
Your titan blocks my Inferno Titan. Pump, twisted image, now it's a 6/7.
Bye bye birdie.


boy was temporal mastery a stinker. funny that i cracked one and immediately sold it at 27.50, worked out for the card shop owners too since they could turn around for 35 ...

MisdirectionKnight of MeadowgrainYosei, the Morning StarShambling RemainsElspeth, Knight-ErrantRift BoltEternal DragonCorpse ConnoisseurCloistered YouthFire CovenantPorphyry NodesWing ShardsThunderous WrathStonecloakerTemporal MasteryTortured Existence


explan: stonecloaker is conditional and annoying to the point where it makes kor skyfisher look playable; mastery is horrible; tortured existence might deserve another turn; ditto nodes and covenant (though nobody ever picked them); wrath was awful, shards was awful, and cloistered youth in spite of being a 3/3 for 1W always killed me when i played ISD draft (where W was far and away the best color)

meanwhile misdirection is hilarious, dragon is a mediocre if fun and flexible finisher, elspeth is a whooping, and shambling remains is a decent 3-drop beater creature, where i've been desperate for that slot

what do yall think!

p.s. i know i have 406 cards because something is missing and something is extra and i'm too lazy to pull and categorize my paper cube right now, anyone else have this problem?


BIG THEROS UPDATE!!! (KIND OF) COLOR-BALANCED!!! Fun for the whole family!!! (OP edited too!!!)

New theros cards that've survived the first round of culling:

anger of the gods
ashen rider
ashiok, nightmare weaver
boon satyr
chained to the rocks
elspeth, sun's champion
firedrinker satyr
fleecemane lion
hero's downfall
polukranos, world eater
read the bones
soldier of the pantheon
spear of heliod
spellheart chimera
tormented hero
underworld cerberus
whip of erebos
xenagos, the reveler

cube was better than ever yesterday. i had never had the pleasure of a free wilt-leaf liege. i highly recommend it to everyone.