Yeah, I don't really have any patience for grumpy old curmudgeons who argue that "Richard Garfield didn't intend for something something to be something something".
it's not that he didn't want it to be played however people end up choosing to.
i'm saying that when he went about designing the core rules and processes of the game he did so with only 1 on 1 in mind. it was a necessity to get it through development and into production.
you all seem to keep thinking i'm making some argument about the "spirit" of the rules/game w/e. im not. i'm saying that if you want to play a multiplayer game magic was not designed to handle it at it's core.
i'm really not sure why that's being repeatedly misinterpreted. it's a plain fact
He didn't intend for booster packs to be drafted, either, because drafting any of the very old sets is just an exercise in misery. It wasn't until the later stewards of the game figured out that the preexisting card rarity in packs could be used to enhance rather than hinder this burgeoning format that it started to take off.
right, but that change in design
A: was made MUCH earlier
B: was instituted in a through and comprehensive way
C: was a much easier 'problem' to solve
I don't see why fans of multiplayer Magic can't tweak the game in subtle ways for their own enjoyment, too, nor why anyone should begrudge them that right.
i never said anything like this.
people can do whatever they want, but just because people do something doesn't mean it makes sense (see: impending human extinction to climate crisis)
if anything i'm saying that if people want to play multiplayer formats they need to make
more changes to actually create a balanced game, which edh isn't even close to