Community Project: 4-at-a-time Battlecruiser Cube


Staff member
So only 12 more cards to go. Which means three more submissions. I was checking out the colour distribution and when taking into account the multicoloured cards here were the colour counts:
  • Blue - 72
  • Green - 66
  • Red - 63
  • Black - 61
  • White - 58
So I am going to do my final submission and hopefully the next two people can add some spice and help pump up these counts.
The only thing I am going to say is please don't add any more blue cards, I think there is enough :p

A BW creature that works with lifegain and enchanments.
A removal spell that costs a lot but can hit anything.
A spirit that helps devotion, and lifegain?
Red spell, works with high CMC and Rosheen.
White Spirit that does some defensive work as well.


Staff member
I still think there should be more creatures. I don't want to eat up more posts though, so here's some suggestions

You do make a good point. I just changed the Utter End in my previous post to a creature to help out.
I think we should only be adding creatures from now on.
There are 152 creatures in the cube, so if we only add creatures now it will hit 160. Which should be a decent-ish number. My own cube has 166, The Penny Cube has 170, so 160 should be a sweet enough number to work.
My retro cube only has 140 creatures, so I don't think you need to hit 160.

How creature centric do you want the cube? That's really all you need to determine. Should it be possible for people to make decks with no creatures or just a couple creatures? So spell based win conditions as a thing?

Maybe you just let the creature count be whatever it ends up once you sort through all the cards you want in the list?

The Cornucopia is a Trinket Mage hit. If this environment wants something like Darksteel Ingot, this is the one it wants.
If we're all in on the all creatures plan, maybe we could try Thraben Gargoyle?
Or maybe we already have sufficient small artifact density and we could try out something completely different, like Teneb, the Harvester. Good battlecruiser, that one.

Cube currently contains zero phoenixes. There are also few small-mid sweepers in red, but we probably don't want to completely hate out the tokens deck, so here's one that takes some work to set off. It also 'trades' with X/6s in combat, which is nearly everything, so the body is a little better than it looks in a vacuum.

I do think Black needs a giant reanimator target, for Unburial Rites, Rescue from the Underworld, and friends. It seems like most of the time you'll be casting reanimate spells for value rather than as your plan A, so whatever giant monsters you're playing have to be probably-castable in your probably-Black deck. I don't think it will singlehandedly end too many games, but there aren't very many creatures that are 'a little bit worse than Griselbrand' so it could be rough to find a suitable replacement if it does turn out to be too good. My other suggestions for this slot are Scourge of Nel Toth and Demon of Death's Gate.

I like it when Green can remove creatures. If we'd rather Green just have another creature, I note that it could use a 6-drop, maybe Rampaging Baloths? Plays well before and after a Peregrination, synergizes with bouncelands, so on and so forth.

--maybe everything down here is too-early-to-have-this-discussion but whatever man, you don't control me--

Looking at the cube as a whole, I'd say Rakdos's Return, Assemble the Legion, and Archangel of Thune (especially with Spike Feeder but I like the Spike with Well of Lost Dreams) are all on the strong side. Maybe the angel's fine, I'm not sure - it just advances the game to its conclusion more quickly than any of the other monocolored 5-drops. But then, what are our battlecruisers supposed to be? How many does each color actually need at this kind of cube size? Would it be obvious in a draft that you're supposed to take the big stuff? I guess I'm saying I think these three slots should be big(ger) creatures in the same color combinations.

Firemind's Foresight and Mizzix's Mastery suffer from a low density of instants and sorceries, but maybe the latter is fine because it only needs one or two big spells to work properly. On the other hand, once you cross out the X spells, the spells that target other spells, the ones that already have recursion, and the ones that exile themselves, Red has 8 total targets, and that's counting Stone Idol Trap which is frankly embarrassing at sorcery speed. Blue also has 8, but at least you can hit Rise from the Tides, which does work as long as you didn't overload the Mastery. Yikes. Anyway, you're spending a card to flash back something like Barbed Lightning at a mana penalty most of the time. I want, like, Descent of the Dragons or something. Anyway.

Not sure where we should look for more White cards. I like Faith Unbroken as a more-vulnerable version of Journey to Nowhere, maybe it fits here somewhere.