General [Contest] 30+ Eggs in one Basket

Mathmateical headache for players, I'd think.
My favorite way to playtest a Cube on my own is just to draft it a bunch on CubeCobra. However, this has the problem of BOTS! CubeCobra does not love new cards, and their ELO is very low. This is even more pronounced on Mister Gutsy, my egg of choice for NO GUTSY NO GLORY. I put together a very rough 360 for two reasons: first, because I do plan on building it in paper later because theory-crafting this has been so much fun, and second, because it's much easier to iterate by cutting than by adding. But it's been hard because the bots never draft Gutsy.

Any suggestions? Can I manually change the ELO for my Cube? I feel like I'm getting bad signals. It has helped in terms of seeing where I have gaps and overlaps a ton already and I'm excited to make adjustments, but I feel like there's only so much it can do without it drafting appropriately for this particular context.
It's a beautiful day, folks! I've been having a total creative block when it comes to cubing for the last year or so, and this contest wasn't any different. With a mere week left and no cube to show for it, I was about to throw in the towel. But then I thought of a card:

Pictured: Inspiration!

And that, in conjunction with my old idea of building a "blueless" cube, sparked something in my head. And so, if I may, I would like to introduce you to...

I just burned all of my creative energies on putting together the first draft (which I pretty much did in one shot this afternoon) so there isn't a cube description, but the core idea was to build a four-color cube where the four colors are {G/W}, {G/U}, {B/G}, and {R/G}, and to go from there.

It's currently really rough, and I dunno if I'll have the wherewithal to polish it... but hey, I did a thing!
Deadline Specifics

With less than a week to go, I would like to specify the requirements for entries in this contest!
- Deadline is the 2nd of July, 16:00 UTC
- I need a link to the CubeCobra cubelist
- The last link sent will be your entry, unless stated otherwise

@LadyMapi and @MilesOfficial are currently the only contestants according to these rules ;)

Voting Process

I will write my own thoughts for each entry, and post those together with the poll on the 5th of July, 16:00 UTC. I'll leave voting open for a week. So on the 12th of July, 16:00 UTC, we'll have a democratically chose winner for the 30+ eggs in a basket contest!

(if you have any remaining questions, feel free to ask below)
Deadline Specifics

With less than a week to go, I would like to specify the requirements for entries in this contest!
- Deadline is the 2nd of July, 16:00 UTC
- I need a link to the CubeCobra cubelist
- The last link sent will be your entry, unless stated otherwise

@LadyMapi and @MilesOfficial are currently the only contestants according to these rules ;)

Voting Process

I will write my own thoughts for each entry, and post those together with the poll on the 5th of July, 16:00 UTC. I'll leave voting open for a week. So on the 12th of July, 16:00 UTC, we'll have a democratically chose winner for the 30+ eggs in a basket contest!

(if you have any remaining questions, feel free to ask below)
Here’s a question— can I put 60 eggs evenly split between two varieties into the same basket?
Can the Cube have 30 copies each of two different cards?


Staff member
Here’s a question— can I put 60 eggs evenly split between two varieties into the same basket?
My interpretation of the contest was that as long as you had 30+ copies of at least 1 card that is all that mattered. If you had 180x Siege Rhino that would count. 90x Siege Rhino + 90x Brushwagg would also be sufficient.
If people want to add other cards to 'increase variety' then that's on them.